I don’t think I will ever regret what I do for a living, I love my job seeing people, Getting Back to Fitness And Being The Best They Can
Then you see some people that are just incredible, their determination, drive and need to Get Back to how they were is overpowering.
Charlie is one such person he came to me Mid March after receiving a phone call from his brother, explaining the situation.
Charlie had a very bad accident the previous December, seeing the X-rays of his injury I thought how much work his surgeon, had done to get this far And the effort,. Charlie had put in to even be able to stand let alone shuffle.

His first words to me were” Can we do this I work off shore and want to get back”
I went on to treat Charlie with the Bioneuro and massage, getting him prepared for his back to work interview with his employers, whom did not expect him back possibly till December 2019, only then the possibility of light duties certainty not back to off shore work .
Well just recently Charlie had an interview with his employers, we still have some work to do but the progress has been amazing and with no need for painkilling medication.

Charlie sent me an email, with outcome.
Hi Steve
While working on a ship early December 2017 in the North Sea in extremely rough weather, I was thrown across the deck.
I had to be taken into hospital with a bad back injury, turns out I had crushed vertebrae, I had to have spinal compression surgery (my nerves were trapped between the discs ) I was told there was every possibility, I may not walk again.
After the surgery I had very limited movement in my Legs, feet and toes, I was put onto a course of physiotherapy, it was working, but very slowly but it got me up onto a frame walking, but it was hard and really slow, in January I was still in a wheel chair.
February came and I had progressed to a walking frame by mid March I had advanced to two sticks, but with the shuffle and hard to put one foot in front of the other and still wobbly.
While talking to my brother he told me about, him having treatment with Getfitstayfit Norfolk and a thing called Bioneuro therapy, which I had never heard of.
I spoke to my physiotherapist and she had not heard of it, I then spoke to my consultant, at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital and he had not heard about it either.
My brother convinced me to make an appointment to meet Steve and have a consultation with him, to see if this Bioneuro therapy would work.
I first arrived on the 21st March still on two sticks, by mid April I was on one stick
Here we are two months down the road I am not using the sticks, I am going back to work on light duties towards Mid June .
Then hopefully within a short period I will be back to work full time and back off shore, this treatment has really made a difference, the possibilities for anyone who’s had spinal compression surgery or suffered with similar problem as myself.
I can’t thank Steve and his Bioneuro and massage treatment, enough for what he’s done for me.
Many Thanks