Accidents and Trauma Happen !!!

Accidents and Trauma Happen

Accidents and trauma happen, but with a deep  soft tissue injury,  it can take in some cases, as long as a broken bone to heal.

When a client comes to our clinic, getting into the deep tissue to help with restoration and recovery is the most important thing, to help reduce the healing time and need for medication, so they can get back to their lives.

Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job.

Steve had already been treating her brother for a back injury, he advised her to come to see Steve  in the hope that Steve could help.

He did and while having treatment with Steve Jess reduced the need for pain medication and she is off the crutches, 3 weeks into the treatment sessions and Jess was looking to start back at work.

We use the Bioneuro along with Neuromuscular Techniques to achieve a good clinical outcome.

When a client comes to our clinic, getting into the deep tissue to help with restoration and recovery is the most important thing, to help reduce the healing time and need for medication, so they can get back to their lives. Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job.

Jess sent us some before and  after photos after her last treatment, along with this message

“Steve is incredible, I fell over a few weeks ago causing trauma to my foot and ankle and I was left on crutches, after a couple sessions Steve got the swelling down and more movement in my toes, where I could weight bare and only use one crutch. A couple more sessions and I just know I’ll finally be able to go back to work as a nursing assistant. Not only does he help people get better, he’s just a really lovely and friendly guy which makes the experience all that much better and relaxing.

I would recommend Steve to anyone!!!”

Jess sent us some before and after photos after her last treatment, along with this message “Steve is incredible, I fell over a few weeks ago causing trauma to my foot and ankle and I was left on crutches, after a couple sessions Steve got the swelling down and more movement in my toes, where I could weight bare and only use one crutch. A couple more sessions and I just know I’ll finally be able to go back to work as a nursing assistant. Not only does he help people get better, he’s just a really lovely and friendly guy which makes the experience all that much better and relaxing. I would recommend Steve to anyone!!!”
Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job. Steve had already been treating her brother for a back injury, he advised her to come to see Steve in the hope that Steve could help. He did and while having treatment with Steve Jess reduced the need for pain medication and she is off the crutches, 3 weeks into the treatment sessions and Jess was looking to start back at work.

Low Back Pain and what it means to you

Chronic pain in my back

A series of papers, due to a long term trial and study have been published in the Lancet.

They make interesting and worrying reading, asking the worldwide medical profession to stop offering ineffective and potentially harmful treatments and NICE is agreeing with them

Such as Strong drugs, injections and surgery they are generally overkill, they say, with limited evidence that they help.

People may have seen the article on the BBC  “Many back pain patients are ‘getting wrong care”  if you want to have a look

The truth of the matter is, in a lot of cases they are getting the wrong care.

What we need to look at is.

Most back pain is best managed by keeping active Remember that good exercise and activity, choose the right sort of activity for you and build on it, this can reduce and prevent back pain. In most cases people have strained muscles in the back, that in itself is painful, the lower back muscles, consisting of your Extensor, Flexor and your Oblique muscles , Low back pain can feel very debilitating, when you feel in pain, you do not want to keep active and do exercise, but you need to Avoid bed rest and get moving but keep it gentle, at the same time please avoid aggravating activities, no digging the garden you need to use the principles of kinetic movement when bending or lifting, in a way that is comfortable for you, using the hips and knees. People talk about “Slipped Discs” this terminology is BAD, your discs Do not slip, they can however Herniate and there is treatment that can help with that. The thoracic spine is the longest region of the spine, it is also the most comple

“Painkillers mask pain they do not heal the damaged area, also Painkillers WILL NOT speed up your recovery

In most cases they don’t help as we think they should, but because the Doctors give them to you and the advertisers say they do,  then we believe that it is the right thing to do, when your in pain with your back you may not want to hear that, Your back is stronger than you may imagine , your spine is very strong and it is not easily damaged.

Most back pain is best managed by keeping active 

Remember that good exercise and activity, choose the right sort of activity for you and build on it, this can reduce and prevent back pain.

In most cases people have strained muscles in the back, that in itself is painful, the lower back muscles, consisting of your Extensor, Flexor and your Oblique muscles ,

Low back pain can feel very debilitating, when you feel in pain, you do not want to keep active and do exercise, but you need to Avoid bed rest and get moving but keep it gentle, at the same time please avoid aggravating activities, no digging the garden  you need to use the principles of  kinetic movement when bending or lifting,  in a way that is comfortable for you, using the hips and knees.

People talk about “Slipped Discs” this terminology is BAD, your discs Do not slip, they can however Herniate and there is treatment that can help with that.

The thoracic spine is the longest region of the spine, it is also the most complex.

It connects your cervical spine above to the lumbar spine below, the thoracic spine runs from the base of your neck down to your abdomen and It is the only spinal region that is attached to your rib cage. The type of pain in this region, is upper back pain, it is most commonly caused by muscle irritation or tension, a lot of you may have heard the term myofascial pain, in most cases this is caused mainly by poor posture, often bad workplace seating affecting , forward head posture, or any type of irritation of the large back and shoulder muscles, again muscle strain or spasms are an issue.

It connects your cervical spine above to the lumbar spine below, the thoracic spine runs from the base of your neck down to your abdomen and It is the only spinal region that is attached to your  rib cage.  The type of pain in this region,  is upper back pain, it is most commonly caused by muscle irritation or tension, a lot of you may have heard the term myofascial pain, in most cases this is  caused mainly by poor posture, often bad workplace seating affecting , forward head posture, or any type of irritation of the large back and shoulder muscles, again muscle strain or spasms are an issue.

Then we have to consider Joint dysfunction. In the  Thoracic spinal joints, this can become very painful in various ways, from cartilage tears and disc degeneration , developing in the facet joints where adjacent thoracic vertebrae articulate with each other.

It is also possible for a rib to become misaligned or displaced from the vertebrae, this is a case of a tissues muscular injury becoming a structural injury, or even  facet joint degeneration (osteoarthritis) and degenerative disc disease can happen at the same time, for these sorts of issues you would need to talk to your Doctor who would more than likely need further confirmation with a scan.

It is that step between being in pain and feeling terrible, to feeling that you can cope, then going on to feeling better.

This is the area that we here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk aim to address , getting from that point of being in so much pain, that you do not want to do anything and feeling that you need to take pain killers, only to find either none or minimal sort term relief,  so you take more pain killers and do less.


The cycle starts and that is the cycle we need to break or even prevent. You need to be able to get good quality sleep, if you can, because it will help you feel better overall one of the main things most of our patient’s tell us is that they have not been able to sleep, one thing they also tell us after treatment is that they have slept, this means a lot as it is the first stage of recovery.

We know that Massage  can help with low back pain, along with spinal manipulation , here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk we also use the Bioneuro, unlike a  Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Simulation (TENS) that is digital. the Bioneuro is Analogue and  works with the bodies natural ability to heal.  it is none invasive, but can get into those muscles quicker and deeper to aid in recovery .

You also need to look at the root cause of the injury.


Accidents, Injury and Physical Trauma how Getfitstayfit Norfolk can help with recovery in Norwich

Any of these things can be the cause , there are also other factors that we can look at, like a herniated disc or in some cases disc degeneration, we can work with your Doctor on a plan to help with these issues.

 What ever the reason, getting you to pain free movement, is the first step and in some cases it is all about baby steps, we work with you at your pace.

To Get You To Be The Best You Can Be.  

Don’t wait, as a Soft Tissue Injury can be as debilitating as a broken bone.

A soft tissue injury can be as debilitating as a broken bone

We have all done it,  twisted funny and hurt our back or shoulder or even the  neck.  I have heard so many times people say,

” I thought if I just took some pain killers and rested it would go away I have been too busy to deal with it “ or “I didn’t want to make a fuss, you just get on with it after all, the worst  I have done is pulled a muscle, but it is just getting worse.

I have also heard the statement  ” I have done exercises, but they make it worse”.   The Fact Is Yes you CAN make it worse, if you have trigger points through tension on an injury point, exercise will aggravate  it Trigger Points need to be dealt with. So you can exercise productively

A Soft Tissue Injury can be as debilitating as a broken bone, So Please Do Not Underestimate The Damage that you may have done.

“As a Taxi Driver My Back was totally immobile, Steve has made such a difference , but don’t wait till your in agony “

Then  after a week  or so, it is not getting better and more things hurt,  you can’t lift something without it hurting, it is affecting your sleep and if it’s you shoulder or neck you are staring getting headaches.



I am a great believer in helping my clients to get back to fitness ASAP , having a good clinical outcome for them , not having them in pain and it dragging on and on.

Diary of a Golfer

A message from Dawn

“As a Taxi Driver My Back was totally immobile, Steve has made such a difference , but don’t wait till your in agony “

And From Jerry

Myself and my family are indebted to Steve, I have to work long hours for my business and this wouldn’t be possible without Steve’s treatments help and support ,  also love my Golf, when I do get some spare time I love to play, back issues were making this so difficult, I could not get a good swing, so not a good round of Golf it was  frustrating , being pain free was so important to my work, home and relaxation, I can now enjoy the game again and get on with my work also enjoy time with the family .

Thank you Steve


I can now cough and sneeze without having to hold my side because of the pain, I can laugh and it doesn’t hurt.

I can laugh and it doesn’t hurt

“Sara came to us, initially as a mum with her son , having seen how we helped him, she asked if we could help her , the answer was “we will do our best”. And we did the results were great  as Sara explains below .”

Having had Steve work on my son Will’s knee after a rugby injury and fixing it so well that he did not need surgery,

I asked Steve if he could sort out my problems that I had suffered for over 14 years!

Having had Steve work on my son Will’s knee after a rugby injury and fixing it so well that he did not need surgery, I asked Steve if he could sort out my problems that I had suffered for over 14 years!

The main problem for Sara was deep rooted problems with her  Fascia, This is The band of connective tissue primarily made up of collagen that is  beneath the skin that attaches, stabilises, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs , but after injury it will tighten in Sara’s case causing constant pain in upper and lower back ,” when this is happens the fascia needs to be stretched it needs to be pliable again exercise will not achieve this, massage helps , but we have found that massage along with the Bioneuro has been of great beneficial help in a shorter length of time.

Sara aged 46 years, Problem with right lung after having Pneumonia and Pleural empyemaalso problem with lower back after problems in child birth.

The main problem for Sara was deep rooted problems with her “Fascia, This is The band of connective tissue primarily made up of collagen that is beneath the skin that attaches, stabilises, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs , but after injury it will tighten ,” when this is happens the fascia needs to be stretched it needs to be pliable again exercise will not achieve this, massage helps , but we have found that massage along with the Bioneuro has been of great beneficial help in a shorter length of time.


My first problem was with my lung, which gave me constant pain when I sneezed, coughed and even laughed! It had been left damaged from having pneumonia and Pleural empyema, I had had an operation that had left some nerve damage to my right arm, which meant lack of strength and pain and s I said my lung was damaged, the best description was it would feel like sandpaper rubbing against the skin. I presumed that nothing could be done for both these issues. Steve had other ideas.

Using the Bionuero Therapy System, Steve said that he would try to get things working again and he wasn’t wrongAfter just one session my pain had gone! I can now cough and sneeze without having to hold my side because of the pain, I can laugh and it doesn’t hurt.

To say I can now breathe may sound strange but for so long I had not been able to completely fill my lungs, I didn’t know what normal was;

I DO NOW. !!!! 4 weeks on and it is still the same, to think all I had to do was lay down get hooked up to the machine and have an hour or so of treatment. It wasn’t painful either, strange feelings of pressure on your body, or little kicks of electric shocks but never painful.

The following few sessions were a little bit more taxing. I had had lower back pain since I bore my first son which left me with damaged nerves and ligaments and a misaligned pelvis. Although this had gotten better after my second pregnancy I was left with a dull ache in my lower back and often tightness in my legs along with the annoying shooting pain in my left buttock and leg which would leave me unable to walk properly. Anyone who suffers this will know what I mean.

Just 4 sessions of the Bionuero system and I could not believe the results.

I could not do a simple leg raise without painan hour of this treatment and I could raise it with ease and with no pain.

I even loved the treatment, which I have to say I miss. 3 other sessions and all sorted.

It took a week I would say for it all to settle, I would still wake some mornings thinking uh oh pain is back but this slowly dissipated and for the past month I have had no pain at all. I have been able to have a whole day gardening and not feel stiff at all, even the next day. I can lift and carry things again without the pain. I can even sit or stand for long periods without feeling discomfort. No waking up in the morning and struggling to get out of bed!

I truly believe in this system, it is so simple yet so effective.

If you want to know what normal is, I highly recommend having this treatment, it is worth every penny.

Sara J

Why Are Our Young Football Players Still Taking So Many Painkilling Drugs ???

Own Goals can be Painful

While watching Last  Sunday’s Morning News, yet again the subject of

Footballers and the  increase taking of powerful painkilling medication was being discussed

We all know that for any team it is all about the results on the field that is important, but is it really at the cost of the long term health of your main assets, Your Team’s Players.

This is worrying, these days when we know the long term damage of Painkilling medication, yet we have some brilliant Neuromuscular therapist, Bodywork Therapist and  Non invasive and non chemical  treatments out there, why are they still using painkilling medication as a Stop Gap, injuries need to be treated,

Recovery & Rehabilitation or Over Medication

Muscles when they are Hypertonic , are more prone to injury these guys need their muscles to be more supple ,  they need treatment not masking  tape practice. Players need to be looked after , then teams will get the best out of them and less injuries.

Hearing what  Professor Dvorak said about , half of players competing at the past three World Cups routinely took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and  that it  had become a cultural issue, part of the game.

This is what Professor Dvorak had to say  

“This is Elite footballers’ “abuse” of legal painkillers risks their health and could “potentially” have life-threatening implications ” He says some clubs prioritise success over player welfare, leading to players feeling “pressured” into taking medication to overcome minor injuries and play in important games.

While according to Former England defender Danny Mills ,”Painkillers in football have always been widespread – “and always will be, I’ve been in many dressing rooms where I’ve seen other players pressured into playing with painkillers,”

When you hear that this is what is happening to young players  that have just started their career, it is even more of a concern, children want to grow up and become Footballers, that is great news,” but do we want our children to grow up to be put in the situation that we are seeing young players going through now .”

Footballers have only a short career as it is they should not be spending it in pain that is masked with the use of painkillers, then end up with surgery as most do in later life.

Let’s treat the players as we should and keep them in top form, they need to have good treatment

I am not talking about wrapping them up in cotton wool. I mean good regular therapy . They need to be on the pitch playing not on the bench in pain.

Footballers have only a short career as it is they should not be spending it in pain that is masked with the use of painkillers, then end up with surgery as most do in later life

Early intervention is essential for Trauma related injury, Reduction in the need for Pain killing Drugs they only Mask Pain they do not heal 

The Bioneuro Sigma Q System works with the patients own body to help the healing process begin a lot faster , our bodies natural instinct after injury is to heal, The Bioneuro system can help deliver its effective energy direct to the injured area increasing nerve and blood supply , waking up moribund nerves regenerating nerve pathways there by accelerating recovery. 

We know Massage releases the “feel good factor” and there is a reason for that it is not all about just relaxing, massage helps release Endorphins and Dopamine, it is the physical input that the therapist applies to the patient and how it is applied that makes the difference.

When Steve came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk , He was not in the best of form and wanted to do the” 100km Race to The Stones”

100km Race

Sometimes  you get a client that you just know you were meant to help , they have a goal they have to achieve and you need to help them achieve it.

Steve is one such client , we always do our very best for our clients it is our aim to help all our clients be the best they can be.

When someone comes to you with the sort of goal Steve wants to achieve then you know you have to take out all the stops .

When Steve came to me , he was not in the best of form we talked and he told me what he wanted to do,  his answer  stopped me in my tracks it was ” Simple I have  decided to run 100km non stop! A Race to the stones

Here is some of Steve’s story . It is long , but it deserves to be read it will I hope touch your heart as it did mine  

So how to do this? “Simple – decide to run 100km non stop”

Did you know 17 babies are stillborn everyday in the UK.

Their beautiful little lives are ended before they have even begun.

17 families devastated every day

Before I go further just let that really sink in for a second…..

My name is Steve and back in 2009 my wife and I became one of those statistics.

What I am going to do is a personal milestone, to acknowledge that although I will never forget my first boy I feel I have come through the other side.

Today I have 3 beautiful healthy kids and an absolute inspiration of a wife and The time is right to “pay it back” to one of the supporting charities that helped my wife through her most darkest hours – SANDS 

I want to rewind back to 2009. It is very easy to do because even 6 years on the sequence of events and emotions are burnt on my mind.

I remember waking up in the morning and I could see on my wife’s face that something wasn’t right. She looked at me with a knowing look. She said she hadn’t felt the baby move for sometime. My first reaction was “don’t worry its probably asleep”.

“It” because we didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl

So we contacted the maternity ward and they said to come straight in. That 30 minute drive felt like 3 hours. Eventually we reached the maternity ward and I will always remember the room we went into it was Bay B. Ironic I thought.

The midwife hooked us up to the machine that checks for the baby sounds. My feelings were, just wait for it, and the heartbeat will be there any second like some train or horse. However the midwife was rooting around over and over and over again.

She then said I’m just going to call the doctor ! I can not describe the wave of panic that comes over you at that point and my wife looked at me for comfort.

My heart was coming out of my chest I had no words or comfort. I just held her hand and started to pray for a good outcome. I’m not religious but it’s funny how you look for higher assistance when you are subjected to such desperate situations.

Just then a very smartly dressed consultant came in wearing a dickie bow of all things. It’s funny the things you remember that aren’t important to the situation.

He then took hold of the machine and moved the pads around. This was for at least a minute and then all of a sudden like the cold light of day calmly said to us I am very sorry but there is no pulse

BANG !! – There it was Probably the single most worst thing you will ever hear in your life.

Your child, the one your beautiful wife has carried, suffered for and loved for 9 months was dead. My wife was in her 39th week!

I can not describe what that change of emotion from one day elation to the next of devastation does to you.

Your body goes into self protection mode. You go numb, you feel your not in your own body, you are in denial but yet when you tell family and friends you become surprisingly calm as their emotions start to outpour.

the next day or so is a blur of bad news rippling across your family and friends and receiving massage after message of sympathy which at the time you just fob off.

And the real kicker, we are put into a room next to the delivery suite where you guessed it, we are hearing healthy babies born. Of course we don’t begrudge these people but you do ask the question why us ?

You can’t mull over it, you won’t be getting an answer on that !

So the next huge challenge if we hadn’t already had enough. My wife has to deliver our stillbirth son. Now I have always had respect for my wife, but I cannot describe how this increased in that delivery room that day.

I have no words for what emotions she must have felt along with the pains of labor. Only she knows.

What I do know is that day cemented my love and respect for her. After a good few hours my wife finally gave birth to our son. The emotion – elation !!

How can this be you could ask? Again I have no answer. He looked perfect only the mere fact he wasn’t Alive. That is very hard to take when you physically have him in your arms.

We were very grateful for the short time we had before we had to hand him over to the hospital for funeral arrangements.

That’s right funeral arrangements for your newly born child. Doesn’t compute does it !

However I have never taken a step back to appreciate where I really am in this recovery 2016 is a year of reflection and positive action On New Year’s Eve I made a promise myself to start such action. The first port of call was to raise money for the charity that supported my wife through her darkest hours. This charity is SANDS (Stillbirth & Neo natal Death)

The midwives were absolutely brilliant and they took hand prints and footprints. I thought it was a little strange but I am thankful for that as today we have these safely stored away in his memory box. We also took countless photos as well.

When we arrived home we were greeted with all the little clothes we had brought in preparation and of course the empty nursery.

My wife could give a better account of how empty we felt. For me it was a day for the wife 9 months of anticipation.

Over the coming days we sat down and organised the funeral. The hospital were great in arranging the funeral which was held on site and I managed to summon up enough strength to say a few words. I needed to do that.

We chose a few songs that we thought appropriate and to this day if I hear them on the radio I have to turn it off. It takes me right back to the little coffin sat in front of us.

At this point I would like to recognize and thank various people. Our families, Our friends.The consultant.The mid wives,The vicar,The crematorium

Our boy was scattered on a beautiful garden area specific to children. With a wooden and brass star surrounded by flowers and heather. It’s such a peaceful place and we visit on regular occasions to swap over toys.

This put a line under the first chapter but the following months became a challenge.  As we started to grieve In isolation my wife craved support and I craved a bloody great hole which I could hide in.

I felt bad that I couldn’t support my wife In the manner she desired so much but this led her to a new network of support and although I don’t know these people personally they played the biggest part in this recovery. This was simply a group of extraordinary women that had been through the same thing and had set up a social network support group.

My wife spent countless hours speaking to them and this certainly helped where she was at, along with the counselling and the support of count the kicks & SANDS, I could see my wife turning a small corner.

I chucked myself into work and sport.

For a period of time I could sense the only option was to go our own way and separate as we were kind of dragging each other down and slowing the recovery.

However I had a moment of genius and my wife reluctantly agreed – we got a dog. It was a border collie pup and my God did we bite of more than we could chew. He was a terror, but at the same time he was brilliant – he certainly took our mind’s of day to day mundane emotions.

Guess what a few months later my wife was pregnant – this was 2011 by now.

The dog got shipped to the folks who still have him today and he’s a little more calmer than when we had him.

The next 9 months were a paranoid one as you can imagine, however, thankfully under some great consultant led care my wife gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy.

As the months went by and we got acclimatised to being parents, I couldn’t help but think about what if our stillborn boy and our new son were together, but this wouldn’t be the case as we wouldn’t have had them together like that and you think that your new son wouldn’t then be here.

It’s a weird thought process but I can imagine parents that have had rainbow babies would understand.

A rainbow baby is one that is born after a stillbirth if you were wondering.

So fast forward to 2016. Add two further beautiful children, add two parents that have learnt a lot of empathy towards parent hood, add two very loving and respecting parents and you have the foundation of a happy future.

Of course you will have ups and downs but having gone through what is the worst scenario a parent could we are well prepared to hit any challenge head on as a family unit.My Beautiful, Strong & Living Wife – Lucy,My First Boy who I will never forget – Roan, My Kids, my legacy  – Evan, Noah & Maggie,

7 years on from losing our son there has been a number of life events that have, shall we say taken priority of the rawness of loss.

Our beautiful kids, work, personal activities etc….

However I have never taken a step back to appreciate where I really am in this recovery 2016 is a year of reflection and positive action

On New Year’s Eve I made a promise myself to start such action.

The first port of call was to raise money for the charity that supported my wife through her darkest hours.

This charity is SANDS (Stillbirth & Neo natal Death)

So how to do this?  “Simple – decide to run 100km non stop”

A Mum Say’s Thanks to Getfitstayfit Norfolk, After Our Helping her Daughter To Be Free From Pain

A Mum Say’s Thanks to Getfitstayfit

Claire came to us after a phone call from her very concerned mother, asking Steve if he could help her daughter. Claire in the past had suffered from SPD after child birth with reoccurring problems while having her 2nd child, The problem for Claire was these symptoms had not been fully relived, leaving her with further issues.

Have a look at what her mother had to say after Claire had  2 treatments with Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Dear Steve,

I felt I must just write to you to express my heartfelt thanks for the care and Bioneuro Therapy System treatments that you have given Claire these past 2 weeks.


I have had to watch my beautiful daughter undergo the trauma of surgery just 6 weeks after giving birth to her little daughter Bessie 3 years ago, followed by many, many unsuccessful treatments, to say nothing of taking an endless variety of prescription pills all with their own distressing side effects, and on top of all of this, being whisked off in an ambulance to A&E in the middle of the night on least 12 several occasions.


Leaving her distraught husband and little one’s behind. {It was always me, her Mum who went to the hospital with her every time}. During all of this she has endured acute back and leg pain which has only added to the misery of her not being able to function as a fit and active wife and mum.

I’m telling you Steve this has been a truly awful time for all of us.

Claire finally reached her lowest point with the back / leg pain and was at ‘rock bottom’ when she made that cry for help, asking me to arrange to bring her to see you.

When we arrived at the door of your lovely wooden treatment cabin I think we were all praying for a little miracle. And yesterday Steve I saw before my very eyes that miracle, but it was not just a little miracle but a VERY BIG ONE !!

Claire was walking & moving more upright and freely than I have seen in a very, very long time…..  and PAIN FREE and all of this after only 2 Bioneuro Therapy System Treatments what an incredible result !! 


We all know that Claire still that last little bit of the mountain to climb but with just maybe 1 or 2 more Bioneuro Therapy treatments, together with your care and support Steve there is absolutely no doubt she will make it to the top !

The smile on her face as she stood up after her treatment yesterday said it all.

Thank you Steve from the bottom of my heart,



Sporting Injuries, Do not let them ruin your life.

Sporting Injuries

Ben came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk with 2 Chronic Sporting injuries, that were causing problems for him, possibly even to the point, that he would not have been able to continue, on the career  path he had set himself on and worked very hard to achieve.

This is his Testimonial

I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment.

I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult.

A couple of  months ago I had my first treatment with the Bioneuro Sigma-Q & Hydrotherm Massage system with Steve Kirby. I was going for treatment to my groin and also my shoulders.

The last couple of years I had suffered from multiple dislocations to one shoulders and muscle ruptures in the other shoulder. This meant that I would rest until I thought the injuries had recovered and as soon as I started weight training the injury would re-occur, often worse than before.

The scar tissue and damage to the muscles were so bad it would prevent me from even lifting my arm due to the pain.

The session with my shoulders lasted 1 hour where the  Bioneuro Therapy   worked extremely deep into the muscle. At the end of the session Steve performed hands on massage with me laying on the Hydrotherm massage bed (boy was it warm and so relaxing)  he then advised me of  my training plan for the next week.

During the following week I was able to weight train, pain free for the first time in 2 years.

I then had treatment the Bioneuro System treatment on my groin. I was concerned at what effect this would have as Steve had assessed the injury and identified that the there was major tension to the muscle surrounding the groin.

After 2 session of the  Bioneuro & Hydrotherm Massage system the flexibility in my groin is the best it’s been in 8 years

and I now have pain free mobility which I never thought I would regain.

The benefits of the Bioneuro  & Hydrotherm are better than anything I have experienced in injury clinics before, and believe me I’ve had my fair of treatment.

I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment.I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment. I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult. I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult.

To go from severe pain to completely pain free training in just one session pushes the boundaries of what I thought possible, especially considering the severity of my injuries. Thanks to Steve Kirby and the Bioneuro Sigma-Q & Hydrotherm Massage system, I can stay fit for life.

We are pleased to say that Ben is now working with a Top Rugby Club and pushing forward with his career.”

Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains.

We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks.

We know this is a typical  Football Player Injury along with Groin Strain and Hamstring.

Calf Strain can quite often after a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , this then can add on further injury time if it is not managed well keeping players from playing for a number of weeks 

Not everyone has that luxury, of down time to get better after such an injury, if they are playing socially for fitness and fun with friends.

They need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form.

So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains. We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks, now we know a certain Liverpool Football Player has now got a Calf Strain having only just got over a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , he it seems will be unable to play for another few weeks. Not everyone has that luxury, they need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form. So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed. First of all what is the problem . A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg. There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

First of all what is the problem ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.

There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint  this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably  had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

What causes it ?

During contraction (Pulling of the muscle ) of the calf, tension is placed through the calf muscle. When this tension is excessive due to too much repetition or high force, the calf muscle can be torn.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem some

of these factors can be.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem someof these factors can be. Not warming up the muscles sufficiently Inappropriate/incorrect training Poor flexibility in the calf Bio-mechanics may be out of line causing poor foot posture Ankle joint stiffness Calf weakness Inadequate rehabilitation following a previous calf strain Decreased fitness level Fatigue due to excessive training Neural tightness (Calf muscle tightness is defined by any activity or situation in which those muscles stay contracted beyond or independent of physical exertion).

What is the outcome of a tear? 

This may be from a small partial tear, whereby there is minimal pain and minimal loss of function, to a complete rupture which may require surgical reconstruction.

Why are Strains and tears are graded  from level 1 to level 3 ?

  • Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed.
  • Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level)
  • Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from this.



Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed. Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level) Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from th

So what can be done, to help people who may have done this sort of damage ?

If it is a Grade 3 tear then surgery is the only real answer, but help with pre opp is of real benefit and will aid towards post opp rehabilitation.

Keeping the rest of the muscles supple makes the surgery easier, less chance  of Muscle imbalances, will keep your

Bio-mechanics in line, aiding with flexibility.

Grade 2 tear, this is all about promoting healing and the sooner it can be dealt with the better early intervention, rest and elevation as much as possible, initially ICE is your friend.

This is where we can help greatly with the cutting edge equipment The  Bioneuro Sigma Q, we can help with the promotion of healing long before, other manual methods of intervention, therefore cutting down healing time and the  need for Pharmaceutical  intervention,  this also applies to a Grade 1 tear. Have a look at Johns testimony to see how we helped him after his Strain.

 Getting people back to fitness is what we do,

Upper, Lower Back & Shoulder Pain,Till He Came To Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Back & Shoulder Pain

Guy is a Skilled hard working Plasterer by trade, he has built up his Local business, Hammond and Fox Plastering to a high standard and is very particular about his work and knows how important it is to get a smooth finish.

As you may know good plasterers are hard to come by, but for a long time Guy has been suffering, after 9 years of pain seeing various practitioners, getting no better, he was getting fed up with how the pain in his Neck, Upper, Lower Back and Shoulders, was affecting his sleep and smooth mobility. He came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk after a very difficult time needing help.

After his treatment this is what he had to say.

This is an Email of how he feels now, and how he feels about Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Hi Steve, 

Please find below my thoughts on my treatment received from you these past wks.

I sustained a back injury way back in late 2005 and in the past 9 years I have had treatment from an Osteopath, regular monthly Chiropractic treatment And 3 different NHS Physiotherapists, all giving me a different  diagnosis. The back pain was still there leaving me with a reduced sleep  of 6 hrs per night before the intense pain would wake me up.

I had seen Steve Kirby’s advert in a local magazine and decided to give him a try, he quickly set to work with the Bioneuro therapy system   Sigma Q, on my Upper & Lower back while treating me with Neuromuscular Injury Release  Techniques.

He  told me he was amazed at how long I had been in pain for, he would expect to see improvements in my condition almost straight away, due to the way his Bioneuro therapy machine works.

I sustained a back injury way back in late 2005 and in the past 9 years I have had treatment from an Osteopath, regular monthly Chiropractic treatment And 3 different NHS Physiotherapists, all giving me a different diagnosis. The back pain was still there leaving me with a reduced sleep of 6 hrs per night before the intense pain would wake me up. I had seen Steve Kirby’s advert in a local magazine and decided to give him a try, he quickly set to work with the Bioneuro therapy system Sigma Q, on my Upper & Lower back then afterwards, gave me a massage whilst laying on the Hydrotherm massage bed. He told me he was amazed at how long I had been in pain for, he would expect to see improvements in my condition almost straight away, due to the way his Bioneuro therapy machine works.

After the second session I had 3 days of NO PAIN , at all during the night for the first time in 9 long years, including better mobility in my back and shoulders.

With all the previous treatments I have received from different practitioners, NOT ONE of them has worked in being able, to reduce the pain at all, and improve my mobility so much.

I am looking forward to a pain free Christmas after 9 years of back pain and reduced nightly sleep. I have seen many so called experts about my back including chiropractors and NHS physiotherapists with none being able to offer effective treatment. Steve treated me with the Bioneuro therapy and Neuromuscular Techniques he uses ,I am now enjoying fabulous results .

After so many years living with the pain and discomfort I am finally reaching a point where I can get a good nights sleep and the improvement in my back movement has been excellent.

I can thoroughly recommend Steve as I am delighted with the results I have had.

If someone reads this review in a similar situation to me, then I can highly recommend Steve and his machine to you .

Kind regards,


We are pleased to say Guy did have a pain free Christmas and is having quite a few nights good sleep.

Sprained,Painful Swollen Ankle, John Came To Getfitstayfit Norfolk For Help

Swollen Ankle

Most of us at some time have twisted, or Sprained our Ankle in our lives.

Then ended up with our leg raised, ice around the ankle , then hobbling around for a couple of weeks, It is not pleasant, when it first happens it is that sick feeling and the worry that it may be broken, the pain can be that intense, then the relief when, A&E say.


“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

John did this very thing to his ankle and he did not do anything by half.

Twisting his ankle when he missed his footing down a rabbit hole, was not the ending he had expected after a morning of flying his kite, he ended up in A&E to be told that 4 weeks off work or more was likely to be the consequence of his accident, time that John could ill afford, he then decided to come and see Steve Kirby  here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk for help to get back to recovery a lot sooner.  Have a look at his testimonial.

Hamstring Injury Treatment In Norwich, When You Need Help Fast.

Hamstring Injury Treatment

Jonathan came to us with very tight Hamstrings, as someone who plays a lot of Rugby, he needed this to be dealt with quickly, leaving it and waiting for it to recover on its own was not an option.

Hamstring Injury can cause further Muscular Issues in the Body.

Jonathan’s Testimonial

Thank you for the treatment I received last week on my hamstrings. Since starting back, pre season rugby training my hamstrings have really suffered. So I thought it best to get some help, I have had treatment from Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk for other injuries I have suffered, but decided I needed to be on top off this from the beginning.

Jonathan came to us with very tight Hamstrings, as someone who plays a lot of Rugby, he needed this to be dealt with quickly, leaving it and waiting for it to recover on its own was not an option. Hamstring Injury can cause further Muscular Issues in the Body. Jonathan’s Testimonial Thank you for the treatment I received last week on my hamstrings. Since starting back, pre season rugby training my hamstrings have really suffered. So I thought it best to get some help, I have had treatment from Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk for other injuries I have suffered, but decided I needed to be on top off this from the beginning.

Steve used  Bioneuro therapy system Sigma Q(ΣQ)® which  really got deep into the affected area marking a huge and lasting difference.

Then using Sports and Neuromuscular Injury Techniques  treatment on the Hydrotherm Massage bed, was a great way to finish the treatment. The warm bed is fantastic, making me feel very relaxed and comfortable.

All together the whole treatment was great.

Many thanks

and I look forward to future treatments that I may need

