Accidents and trauma happen, but with a deep soft tissue injury, it can take in some cases, as long as a broken bone to heal.
When a client comes to our clinic, getting into the deep tissue to help with restoration and recovery is the most important thing, to help reduce the healing time and need for medication, so they can get back to their lives.
Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job.
Steve had already been treating her brother for a back injury, he advised her to come to see Steve in the hope that Steve could help.
He did and while having treatment with Steve Jess reduced the need for pain medication and she is off the crutches, 3 weeks into the treatment sessions and Jess was looking to start back at work.
We use the Bioneuro along with Neuromuscular Techniques to achieve a good clinical outcome.

Jess sent us some before and after photos after her last treatment, along with this message
“Steve is incredible, I fell over a few weeks ago causing trauma to my foot and ankle and I was left on crutches, after a couple sessions Steve got the swelling down and more movement in my toes, where I could weight bare and only use one crutch. A couple more sessions and I just know I’ll finally be able to go back to work as a nursing assistant. Not only does he help people get better, he’s just a really lovely and friendly guy which makes the experience all that much better and relaxing.
I would recommend Steve to anyone!!!”