Here is what The Best of Norwich had to say in their blog about Steve and Getfitstayfit Norfolk
We have been writing about getting your body ready for Spring.
When we have all been use to Winter for so long.
Our muscles are Tight and Contracted, no one wants constricted muscles.
We know it is not good for you, its like being in a Straight Jacket, struggling to get out.
We need to get moving we need to prepare for the year ahead.
We want our muscles to be Supple, Flexible, Pliable, We have to wake them up again and start to think about Spring and Beyond
One of the best ways to get yourself Motivated and Prepared is with Exercise, but remember to warm up your muscles stretch and flex before doing any major exercise.
To sort out the aches and pains a session with Steve having Neuromuscular therapy can aid you to stay on top form for the year ahead.