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Talking with Steve I was soon convinced to make the journey. Southampton to Norwich is a long way, but it has been worth every single mile. Having had about half a dozen sessions, I am a bit of an old Croc ,freedom of movement is returning also standing straighter , and even doing the dreaded shoelaces up has become easier.Thanks Steve
Claire was walking & moving more upright and freely than I have seen in a very, very long time…..  and PAIN FREE and all of this after only 2 Bioneuro Therapy System Treatments what an incredible result !! Wendy, Claire's mum.
Wendy, Clair's Mum
To go from severe pain to completely pain free training in just one session pushes the boundaries of what I thought possible, especially considering the severity of my injuries. Thanks to Steve Kirby and the Bioneuro Sigma-Q & Hydrotherm Massage system, I can stay fit for life.
Jane Bill
After so many years living with the pain and discomfort I am finally reaching a point where I can get a good nights sleep and the improvement in my back movement has been excellent. I can thoroughly recommend Steve as I am delighted with the results I have had.
David Anderson
I must admit I was a bit nervous putting my feet into a bucket of  water with electrodes in, but again you made me feel at ease, it was a strange sensation as the current worked its way and magic up from my toes. No pain, but could really feel it pushing my heels up, working the damaged muscles.
Susan O’Neill
When my knee started giving me a considerable amount of pain I when to my GP and was told a knee replacement was necessary, as an active person I knew I had to keep on top of this as I try to avoid pain killers as much as possible.
Ryan King
Old injuries can catch you out

Old injuries can catch you out

  Ivan’s Ankle Folks , Muscle memory is very real . A man that suffered chronic injury which was life changing and with a combination of trauma ,here is Ivan’s account
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The tale of a retired rugby player

The tale of a retired rugby player

I was recommended to Steve Kirby by my daughter (Get fit stay fit Norfolk) after 10 years of serious discomfort, Steve is a very nice guy and very well qualified
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knee replacement surgery pain relief

Knee replacement surgery pain relief

I recently underwent knee replacement surgery and at around four weeks post-operation, I experienced constant, debilitating pain in my hamstring extending up to my buttocks. Seeking a solution, I visited Steve, a professional who
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Steve with John Sharkey

A Two Way Gift

I have spoken in the past and more so just recently, in regard  to one of my patients Ivan his injury , how he has been improving and the work
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Adrian had also suffered a major trauma

Adrian had also suffered a major trauma, in which he had been being kicked in the hip by a race horse

Being kicked by a horse is like being hit by a ton weight moving at about 20 miles an hour Here at our Neuromuscular and Skeletal  Injury Clinic we treat
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Ivan Chronic injuries can still be helped just may take a little longer

Ivan, Chronic injuries can still be helped just may take a little longer

Over the past few months the vital need to show good clinical outcomes has become more important than ever to lift people up . “We first met Ivan at the
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