Pelvic pain (SPD) Symphysis pubis dysfunction or (DSP) Diastasis Symphysis Pubis it hurts and it has a lasting effect if not treated.
Ladies you seem to want to know more about this condition. These seem to be the questions and we know a lot of you seem to feel that you don’t get the answers, we hope this will go some way to help.
Pelvic pain can be divided into nineteen different pathological types . Patients often described Pelvic Pain as a nasty, vile pain that can halt quality of life on a mentally and physically scale.
This is very true to life description .
Dealing ,with the fascial /tissue and neurological is only part of the answer to gain a positive clinical outcome. Here at Get Fit Stay Fit Norfolk can help you with the, physical side of recovery.
Cutting edge equipment, Neuromuscular Injury Therapy Techniques will help you recover .
What is Symphysis pubis dysfunction? How is SPD diagnosed?
SPD is caused when the gap in the pubic joint widens too far. The average gap between the bones in a non-pregnant woman is between 4mm and 5mm. During pregnancy it’s normal for this gap to widen by 2mm or 3mm. If the gap is 10mm or more, SPD is diagnosed. It’s rare, and can only be identified by scan or x ray.
What causes SPD?
The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the Symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments.
During pregnancy your body changes and you produce a combination of certain hormones, to help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, one such hormone is Relaxin this is the hormone that softens your ligaments. This then allows, your pelvic joints to move more during and just after pregnancy, but if the joint has become too wide, or for one side to move more than the other it creates the condition known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) it will cause inflammation and the pubis to become tender, in some cases more severe pain.
Is the size of the gap the problem?
In truth no, the gap in your joint doesn’t bear any relation to the amount of pain you may feel. Many women with a normal-sized gap feel a lot of pain. It comes down to a lot of different things it seems one school of thought is that you may be more likely to develop SPD if you started your periods before you were 11, or if you are overweight .
Though we have treated a client who was far from overweight, and had not started her periods early, “So please don’t, beat yourself up or blame yourself for the condition there can be many reasons.”
When does SPD happen?
Unfortunately SPD can occur at any time during your pregnancy, or in some cases after giving birth. You may not have it on your first pregnancy you may notice it around the middle of your pregnancy. One thing is for sure that once you have had SPD in one pregnancy, it is more likely that you’ll have it next time you get pregnant Also the symptoms may also come on earlier and progress faster
What are the symptoms of SPD?
Pain will most likely be in the pubic area and groin, but you may also have the following signs, you may feel a grinding or clicking, sensation in your pubic area.
Pain can be down the inside of your thighs or between your legs. It can be made worse by parting your legs, walking, going up or down stairs or moving around in bed.
Back pain, pelvic girdle pain, this can be worse pain at night. As SPD can stop you sleeping well and getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night can be especially painful.
So it is important to seek help promptly. If possible and most Doctors would agree with this before, trying to get pregnant again. It is better for you, if you allow the symptoms from the previous pregnancy to settle.
How is SPD treated?
SPD thankfully is becoming more widely understood by Doctors, and Midwives. It is one of those things that for some reason was not talked about and should be, from when young girls are taking sex lessons in school, to when a women is preparing to have a baby,
A woman needs to be prepared, and ladies I can’t emphasise enough the need for Pelvic Floor Exercise, you should be doing this from when you start puberty get those muscles strengthened, they do a lot of work and it can save you problems during pregnancy, also after even into the menopause .
I know a lot of you say I can’t do them or you don’t think they are that important, but they are.
To do pelvic floor and tummy exercises. Get down onto your hands and knees and level your back so that it is roughly flat. Breathe in and then as you breathe out, squeeze in your pelvic floor muscles and pull your belly button in and up. Hold this contraction for between five and 10 seconds, breathing through it. Relax your muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.
Your doctor or Midwife can refer you to a specialist women’s health Physiotherapist who should have experience in treating SPD also these days some Sports Injury Therapist that have dealt with a lot of back, hip injuries can be of a great assistance.
They will test the stability, movement and pain in your pelvic joints and muscles, they also want to hear you describe your symptoms.
Exercises especially focused on your tummy and pelvic floor muscles will improve the stability of your pelvis and back.
You may need gentle, hands-on treatment of your hip, back or pelvis to correct stiffness or imbalance. This is where a Sports Injury Therapist can be of more help to you.
Exercise in water can sometimes help, but not any strong swimming, or standard water aerobic lessons. Avoid swimming breaststroke for any length of time it’s all about gentle movements, take care with other strokes. butterfly may not be advisable
You may feel swimming is helping your pain while you are in the water, but it could make you feel worse when you get out. , talk to an instructor’ they do have special classes for pregnant ladies and knowledge of this condition is important, so be sure that they know about it.
Your midwife will also be able to give advice on how to make daily activities less painful, also on how to make the birth of your baby easier. Your midwife should help you to write a birth plan which takes into account your SPD symptoms.
Make sure any therapist is trained and experienced in working with pregnant women you may need to go the route of. Osteopathy and Chiropractic treatment, but again, see a registered practitioner who is experienced in treating pregnant women
A pelvic support belt will give quick relief, but be sure it is the right fitting for you and you are comfortable while wearing it.
You’re very likely to recover after your baby is born
Though carry on with seeing your therapist after the birth. It will help during the early weeks. You may also find you get twinges every month just before your period is due. This is caused by hormones which have a similar effect to the pregnancy hormone Relaxin.
Don’t forget this is still your body though it may seem alien to you and all the things that come with pregnancy that make you feel rotten you can be too much sometimes, but you must make time for you and it will feel better and ladies here in Norwich at Getfitstayfit Norfolk we are here for you during with gentle hands on massage therapy.
After the pregnancy.
We have the Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (∑Q®) to aid and relive the pain and discomfort of SPD, help strengthen the muscles and unlike as many of you ladies know the vaginal probe, that can be painful and has the burning feeling and it is uncomfortable.
The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (∑Q®) is external and non intrusive, so you will not have the same issues as with the vaginal probe.
Here are some Self-help tips you can follow and you can do yourself to ease your pain:
Do the pelvic floor and tummy exercises
Try not to move your legs apart when your back is slumped while you are lying down.
Take care when getting in and out of the car, bed or bath.
If you are lying down, try pulling your knees up as far as you can as it stops your pelvis from moving and makes it easier to part your legs.
When you are sitting, try arching your back, breathing in sticking your chest out, clenching the glutes, before parting or moving your legs.
When getting dressed it is better if you sit down to pull on your knickers or trousers.
Do Not Push Through Any Pain. If something hurts,, don’t do it. If the pain is allowed to flare up, it can take a long time to settle down again. So stop, relaxes and take your time.
Move little and often. You may not feel the effects of what you are doing until later in the day or after you have gone to bed.
You must rest regularly by sitting on a birth ball or by getting down on your hands and knees. This will take the weight of your baby off your pelvis and holds it in a stable position
Do not do heavy lifting, this also means if you have a little one already you are not picking them up and putting them on your hip. In fact mums this is not a good thing to do for any one as it will put your body out of synchronisation.
No pushing. supermarket trolleys this can often make your pain worse, so shop online or ask someone to shop for you.
This is a great time to train the husband , and get him to come with you, he may even enjoy it, also a lot of supermarkets have the disabled scooters , don’t be afraid to ask to use them, also the assistant will help you.
When climbing stairs, take one step at a time, step up onto one step with your best leg and then bring your other leg to meet it repeat with each step.
You will get there, you have done an amazing thing you will have carried a child for 9 months your body has gone through a lot of changes, it will never be the same, so learn to love you and remember all in good time.