Any Muscular injury can be debilitating, but Frozen Shoulder or Rotator Cuff Injury,can last a long time and make life very difficult.
The human shoulder is made up of three bones the Clavicle,Scapular and the Humerus as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons which are all vital for its function.
Major Muscles in this area are the Rotator Cuff Group, The Deltoids. Other associated muscles are the Trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi.
The vital point also to remember with any shoulder injury is that nerve damage always needs consideration and assessment. Neck injuries can often be the source of shoulder pathologies as well .

So why do major problems occur.
People lack coordination, in the joints of the shoulder, neck and upper back region as a result of poor posture and repetitive motions.
The enhancement of the nerve supply to the area though aids good function of the shoulder for pain free movement.
The fascia in the region is often shortened when there is a injury ,This results in a continual friction and abrasion to the Rotator Cuff muscles and Tendons.
Previous shoulder issues treated only with rest and medication will not properly rehabilitate and are prone to re-injury until properly conditioned by corrective exercise, therapy treatment.
Sports Injury Therapy Massage and Neuromuscular Techniques and manipulation is necessary.
Exercises alone will not gain full pain free restoration and quality of life.

Symptoms of Shoulder problems including Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsulitis ) may present themselves in various ways
If you are suffering from any of the following
A dull throbbing ache, in the joint. This can be brought on by very strenuous or even light exertion in the workplace or the home.
Difficulty in sleeping This is due to the shoulder pain, especially when sleeping on the injured shoulder
You may feel a loss of strength When playing Sport, Especially Tennis, Squash and other throwing and racket sports.
You feel catching sensations when moving the shoulder. Any overhead action putting pressure on the shoulder cause pain a
An aching pain. That you, often have a hard time, describing or pointing to exactly where the pain is.
The blood supply to the Rotator Cuff starts to decrease from the age of 40yrs old research has shown . Lack of adequate blood supply are often a serious factor to injuries occurring.
Should your answer be yes to any of the above you could be easily be suffering from Rotator Cuff problems, SLAP Tears and or recovering from a dislocated Shoulder or Surgery.
Recovery from Shoulder dislocation s, can take roughly eight to twelve weeks depending. The Bioneuro System Sigma Q(∑Q®) can be used about 10 days after surgery and will help greatly to reduce pain and aid a quicker return to mobility and quality of life.
The reason
The Bioneuro System Sigma Q(∑Q®) it works deeply into the Central Nervous System and Brachial Plexus nerves and combined with expert and experienced Neuromuscular Techniques we will enhance recovery. Here at Get Fit Stay Fit Norfolk, Neuromuscular and Sports Injury Rehabilitation Therapy Clinic we have,
The Bioneuro System Sigma Q(∑Q®) for the use of our clients here in Norwich and throughout Norfolk.