Ok folk’s Carpal tunnel, Cubital tunnel or Guyon’s tunnel syndrome
Most people have heard of Carpal tunnel syndrome, not many know of Cubital Tunnel and how many of you know about Guyon’s tunnel syndrome. Cubital tunnel and Guyon’s tunnel syndrome are other names for Ulnar nerve entrapment, but in different parts of the arm.

Guyon’s Tunnel Syndrome.
Is a common nerve compression affecting the Ulnar nerve as it passes through a tunnel in the wrist called Guyon’s canal It is a similar problem to Carpal tunnel syndrome, but involves a completely different nerve. With Guyon’s tunnel syndrome you will get a feeling of pins and needles in the ring and little fingers, this may also progress to a burning sensation or pain in the wrist and hand it may then be followed by decreased sensation in the ring and little fingers. I reckon a few avid cyclists are going to recognize this symptom as one common cause of this syndrome is from pressure of bicycle handlebars. Or it can be also be caused by hard, repetitive compression against a desk surface while using a computer mouse. I would not be surprised if most of you have said I have suffered from that, some of you may do still. If not treated the problem will worsen and the result can lead to “ The claw hand or Guyon canal stenosis”, or even nerve compression at the wrist. This is an example of the Ulnar Paradox. Also, if the nerve is compressed at the wrist, the back of the hand will have normal sensation.
So folks don’t leave it,

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
This occurs when the Ulnar nerve is obstructed during its path along, the “you guessed it folks the Cubital tunnel”, this is at the outer edge of the elbow. “A bit like the Norwich train into London on a bad morning” When compression of the nerve happens it often leads to a tingling or ‘pins and needles’ sensation in the little and ring fingers a lot of you may wake up some mornings with this feeling and folks this is the main reason why, though in most cases it is minor and will tend to come and go over time. Because folks it is possibly due to your sleeping habits as the common causes is sleeping with the arms folded up, so the hands are, at or under your neck and the elbow is sharply bent. This is when people frequently wake up with tingling in the fingers, because the nerve has been pinched or squeezed while you’re asleep, it is easy to remedy by simply altering you’re sleeping position to avoid aggravating the elbow area. In more extreme cases however where tingling is persistent, Damage to or deformity of the elbow joint then increases the risk of Cubital tunnel syndrome.Also if you have other nerve entrapments elsewhere in the arm and shoulder can lead to a higher risk for Ulnar nerve entrapment.
There are good reasons to get this treated and not just leave it thinking it will go away by itself because it won’t, some people who suffer from diabetes mellitus are in the higher risk category for any kind of peripheral neuropathy, including ulnar nerve entrapments along with people who use vibrating tools at work, or other causes of repetitive activities increase the risk.
You may have a cortisone injection for temporary relief, you may then go on to need surgery as an option to move the nerve away from the area, but with.
The Bioneuro System Sigma Q(∑Q®) and Neuromuscular Injury Release Techniques we can help you without the invasive surgery or injection and it works
I will point out that although the, Ulnar nerve can be entrapped in several places near the elbow; the Cubital tunnel is the most common.

Carpal tunnel Syndrome
Most people have heard of Carpal tunnel syndrome “ It use to be a typist syndrome”, though these day with more and more of us using the keyboard at our computers quite a few more people have been diagnosed with it , but do you know what it is and why and how it can be helped , it is in fact entrapment of the median nerve that causes carpal tunnel syndrome, recognized by numbness in the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger. It is very rare to have compression of the radial nerve that would cause the numbness feeling to be at the back of the hand and thumb,
The difference between the Ulnar nerve condition and a Median nerve condition is that with the Median nerve the index and middle finger cannot be flexed when the patient is told to make a fist. However, in the Ulnar nerve the little finger and ring finger cannot be un-flexed if the patient is told to extend fingers. That is just one test and the most obvious. Some people are affected by multiple nerve compressions, this can then complicate diagnosis.
The main symptom of CTS is intermittent numbness of the thumb, index, long and radial half of the ring finger the numbness often occurs at night, the hypothesis being that the wrists are held flexed during sleep. Although recent literature suggests that sleep positioning, such as sleeping on one’s side, might be an associated factor. The pain and the numbness can be so intense that it can wake you up from your sleep that can lead to the person being depressed
The Doctor will consider this as Palliative treatments for CTS this includes the use of night splints and corticosteroid injections till they have to perform surgery. There are a lot more factors to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and we could write pages on it but information is out there, but if you need help with it we can help with
The Bioneuro System Sigma Q(∑Q®) and Neuromuscular Injury Release Techniques can help you without the invasive surgery or injection and it works.