Our Clients are very important to us, seeing them recovering from injury, watching them improve with Rehabilitation Massage, Neuromuscular Techniques and improving in a shorter period of time with the use of The Bioneuro, reducing the need for pharmacological input, in other words seeing them Get Better.
Its great to achieve this and it is our goal with all our clients, I know it does not work out for a few people, but not many and I know we do have some great results, so when we received this email from Christine, a lovely lady and pleased to be have as one of our clients, she was not in a great way when she first came to us, we asked her if we could share the email.

Because this is what we are all about to try to do the best we can for our clients so they can be the best they can, her words say it all
Dear Steve
Just to let you know how everyone is amazed at the difference in me since I began my treatment with you about six weeks ago.
I have suffered with chronic pain for 39 years following a hysterectomy, and having opiates of varying kinds for all this time with injections into the spine and nerves being burnt out, all under the Pain Clinic.
Five years ago after having lots of treatment by a Rheumatologist for treatments in my shoulders, hands etc, he finally sent me to a spinal surgeon for the continuing chronic pain in my back and legs and a Trendelburg gait which made we walk like an old woman. An MRI shew severe spinal stenosis and an operation was performed to remove excess bone down my spine.
This made no difference so a lumbar decompression with instrumentation was performed to stabilise my spine. unfortunately this was unsuccessful in alleviating my pain and life just continued to deteriorate with myself being unable to walk any distance and feeling life was virtually finished for me – I was desperate, at times wishing I did not have to wake up.
A friend told me about you and I was reluctant to consider seeing you as I had seen physios, chiropractors and acupuncturists and masseurs , all to no avail.
Well, I am this week walking my dog, going to the city and feeling so much better. I am now on half dose of my Tramadol, decreasing to 25.% next week. I cannot wait to see the difference with more treatments. I am so thankful to God for using you to help me start living again.
I know that I cannot be cured and will always have an element of pain, but to know that I can begin now to see some light at the end of the long dark tunnel I have been in, fills me with hope for the future. It is indeed wonderful not to be in excruciating pain and muscle spasms.
Once again Steve, a big thank you for the wonderful care you have shown to me.
God Bless