Some of you may know that I have recently had to have major surgery, a bit of a traumatic time, in both mine and Jacqui’s life , we are grateful to all our family and friends, that have been with us through all this and for the Doctors and Nurses that were there for me .
Being the patient rather than the therapist, helping others recover has been odd, as any of my therapist fiends will tell you we are not the best of patients ourselves, I would like to share some of my journey with you in the hope that it can be of help to others.
I have been using the Sigma Q technology in my practice for over thirteen years, from early day to where it is today.
During all this time I have witnessed excellent clinical outcomes, patients lifted out of chronic pain from long term trauma related injuries,
Their depression lifted and fresh hope for quality of life that had eluded them for long periods of time , the joy of seeing them being able to cut down and eventually stop their need for pain killing pharmacological intervention.
For them to enjoy pain free movement, seeing them return to their employment or sport and add value to society, For me it sometimes feels like it is beyond any words in the whole vocabulary.
Being a Neuromuscular Injury Therapist for 30 years, I have always had the strong desire to study, to achieve greater knowledge of anatomy, physiology and neurology.
I have always felt the need to further my skills, so I may enhance good clinical interventions and outcomes for my patients.
Using techniques in massage, Neuromuscular manipulation, along with the combination of Bioneuro sigma Q technology intervention, aids motor neuron ,Neuropeptide and Neuroendocrine stimulation.
I aspire daily to work for all my patients to gain good clinical outcomes and restoration from the pathologies they present to me with.
Looking at my patient bank that has mounted over the years, evidence is what you can see and what you know to be true , people want quality of life , Bioneuro Sigma Q technology is vital in my book for society in general, training, learning is continuous and it drives me to achieve .

Some months ago I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on my right kidney, at this stage I would like to thank once again the surgeons, nurses and staff at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, first for finding it and acting on it so quickly and the care I was given while being treated there, I underwent excessively invasive surgery and had 20% of my right kidney removed.
Following surgery I was given morphine for pain relief as it seemed at the time that it was intense and horrific. I had Robotic surgery, although it is more precise, the bruising was considerable, when I was able to start my slow and steady rehabilitation program, I started to get back to enjoying the benefits of The Bioneuro.

To aid with forming of the deep scar tissue that affects the Fascia, although the outer scars are still very evident , the inner scar tissue is pliable, healing has had it’s own related issues and the journey has had its ups and downs, trigger points have been an evident problem to deal with.
As the muscles have been recovering the multifidus, psoas and minimal gluteal muscles have been the to say the least uncooperative in their functional ability at times , thankfully I have been in the position, with the help form Jacqui and using the Bioneuro Sigma Q to deal with them effectively.
The positive news is, I am cancer free they managed to remove all the tumor as it was what they called Encapsulated so it had not had any chance to spread.
I am not on painkillers, I have improved pain free movement, able to work and look after my patients, I am a an Injury Therapist, it is my passion and I love my work, the human bodies ability to heal itself with the right sort of help has been more of an eye opener for me alter becoming the patient myself needing the aid of the Bioneuro Sigma Q , in combination with manipulation and massage.

I now more than ever understand, why it has become an integral part of what I do, Yes the Morphine and painkilling relief had it’s place at the beginning of my journey and was right for that time , but to be on that sort of medication for long period surely can not be right, the body needs to heal and it needs help to do this, for me Bioneuro Sigma Q and Neuromuscular manipulation helped to move my body further along in that journey and physical recovery, without the need to have constant medication, being able to get out and enjoy time with friends and family without being in pain, My prayer is the best is yet to come .