Folks I have read a lot of comments in reference to Sports Massage Therapist, or Soft Tissue Therapist not being able to open just yet .
In all my 30 years of being a therapist I have never known so many of my colleague’s to be so despondent and under valued and it saddens me, because I know how much work they do.
As the re-opening is starting after Covid 19 ,a Soft Tissue Therapist said “If we are waiting for them to say the words Sports Massage or Soft Tissue Therapist can re-open , then forget it they won’t “ .
The reason being they NEVER said that Sports Massage or Soft Tissue Therapist should close, please bear with me on this , as I would like you to think back to 2012 and the Olympic Games in London, when a considerable number of Massage Therapist and such were helping out by looking after the athletes, at the end they were thanked for their work.
in fact I do think it was, Boris that thanked them, but what did he call them ? “It was Physio’s” he like most event organisers and a lot of athletes, just think of all therapist, that are looking after them as Physio’s.
They do not concern themselves with all the different organisations that are involved, they just want someone to do the job, to help fix them when they are injured.
After all the term Physiotherapist according to the Oxford dictionary is “A person qualified to treat disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise, be it after a hip replacement or injury”, there is no definition for either a Soft Tissue Therapist or Sports Massage Therapist in the dictionary, so no wonder they get confused as to what we do .
It is our own bureaucracy that has created the divisions and the discrimination, we have one word that causes us problems and that word is, MASSAGE it is not considered by some insurance companies as a treatment, even if you are dealing with rehabilitation massage after injury, they consider massage as a preventative just for relaxing, they do not consider the beneficial out comes for a client .
The word holds so many connotations, “a massage” is considered a source of pleasure, ” A relaxing massage” we have all heard the term, we also know that when you add the word PARLOUR, then bells ring in any professional therapist head.
As it has very seedy connotations and a word we need to stop using to define our business’s, as the definition in Collins Dictionary states “A Massage Parlour is a place where people go and pay for a massage, some places that are called Massage Parlours, are in fact places where people pay to have sex.”
As Boris is the type of person that would and does very often refer to the Dictionary Meaning, is it possible that therapist are asking the wrong question ? First should we ask “What sort of establishment is Boris referring to when he states Massage Parlours, are to remain closed, does he know the difference between Physiotherapists and Soft Tissue Therapist.?
We may find that neither he, or his other party ministers understand the difference, and that we have been categorising ourselves unnecessarily, because of a word.
Please do not misunderstand me, I have agreed and adhered to the rules, but I do feel that this is now a matter of confusion, because of how we define our businesses.
I am not a Massage Therapist, I use massage as part of the treatment process for my patients, I am a Neuromuscular Injury Therapist and I have worked hard to achieve this.
I work with and Consultants, GPs Neurologist, Orthopaedic Consultants, I have had the privilege of being trained by an incredible Anatomist , I am able to discuss and receive advice in what I am achieving for my patients, with some very well respected consultants , I deal with injuries and long term rehabilitation, I have worked with people across the social spectrum from elite athletes to elderly folk, that have had hip or knee surgery and find they struggled with the exercises given to them by the physiotherapist and they need a more hands on approach and support, People Do Not come to me, for a Relaxing Massage or a Happy Ending, I do not run that kind of establishment, I treat patients that need my help with trauma related pathologies and injury prevention.