Own Goals can be Painful

Own Goals can be Painful

We have all done it at some point in our lives, we have  scored an own goal.

Quite often at a time when we are wanting to be at our best,  be it in our fitness and health ,doing the garden or in our exercise regime ,  even in our business working environment, we were trying our best then an injury occurs,

We hear these statements, from our patients quite frequently .

This it was not meant to happen, it was not in the plan, certainly don’t want it, can’t afford this to happen, I should never have  risked it .

We know  it’s always inconvenient,  often painful even if it is not a broken bone,  we know it will cause us a problem.

The Questions we get asked are.

How bad is it ?

Will I be off work ?

How long will it take to recover ?

Will there be long term damage ?

Can you sort it out?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our answer is, “We will do our best to help you get back to being the best you can as soon as you can”

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk it is all about “The Goals” we want you to score the right goals and to get them in the Back of the net

Our Goal is to to deliver

This is for all our patients,  we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our  patients in their time ,

Getting  to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free  movement, to restore  the bodies  natural fluidity and balance , this can only  come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Shoulder Trauma in Norwich
You have had an injury, be it shoulder , back , hip ,or knee, it is your injury.Back Pain In Human Body You did not want it,no one wants’ it to happen, you did not expect it, so the question is. What are you going to do now ?
For those injured  muscles to be functional and well orchestrated again, by the nerves that are just sending, out of tune  pain messages, to calm them down and allow the body to be  working in harmony again, To reduce the need for painkilling medication and for the brain, to work at a better level again and not be fogged by the medication used to mask the pain.

How do we achieve this ?

With the use of  Neuro muscular injury techniques and manipulation, getting to the root of the problem , using the Bioneuro and its ability of  identifying the nerves that are not firing, therefore not getting the messages through to the muscle groups, that facilitate movement, we are then in a position to restore the damage area and get people back on track to healing.
This is for all our patients, we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our patients in their time , Getting to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free movement, to restore the bodies natural fluidity and balance , this can only come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Our aim to activate those nerves , invigorate the muscles, to improve healing , a combination of treatment  designed to delver a good result, so that our patients , can go on to deliver the goals they want to achieve.

Adrian had also suffered a major trauma, in which he had been being kicked in the hip by a race horse

Adrian had also suffered a major trauma

Being kicked by a horse is like being hit by a ton weight moving at about 20 miles an hour

Here at our Neuromuscular and Skeletal  Injury Clinic we treat patients  with both chronic and acute injuries, caused by either  sudden mild muscular trauma, repetitive muscular injury or in quite a few cases a long term muscular injury due to a very traumatic related incident.

I have always believed that when you treat a patient you are treating the whole  of the patient, to do that you have to ask questions and listen to the answers give them time to think about and discuss with you how they are feeling, what had happened, how they are adapting what has being going on since the incident.

You need all the information and it is amazing how much people do not tell you at first, but as time passes more is revealed to help you put things into perspective.

This is what has been happening with one of our Long term patients .

Adrian presented at our clinic in the summer of 2019.

Blinded with fear of the future due to the view and consensus, it was possible, that he was suffering from  Cerebellar ataxia (Cerebellar ataxia can occur as a result of many diseases and may present with symptoms of an inability to coordinate balance, gait, extremity and eye movement). This man used to swim for his county ,be very fit and had quality of life .

Knowing  that specialised treatment with  ( Transcranial direct current stimulation TDCS) was being trialled I felt strongly we could help with Bioneuro Sigma Q treatment .

Further investigations found Adrian had also suffered a major trauma, in which he had been being kicked in the hip by a race horse, being kicked by a horse is like being hit by a ton weight moving at about 20 miles an hour, this in anyone’s book is major impact injury, then stamping on his foot,  let’s not kid ourselves here, we are not just talking shattered bones, but nerve and muscle damage all of a serious degree in truth it could kill you.

For Adrian  it had caused dramatic physical deterioration, The impact for him  being kicked by the race horse had caused Femoral Acetabular Impingement  (FAI ).

Then to add to that, he then had to have  abdominal prostate surgical intervention, this also caused numerous issues, his core stability was by no means in anyway in a good condition, leaving him  with, very poor  coordinated motions of his hip ,lower spinal column and femur  life for this man was not great.

Bioneuro sigma Q intervention has aided the return of good Pelvifemoral rhythmic motion to aid this physical abilities in every fashion.

So what clinical outcomes have we seen with Bioneuro, Sigma Q  .

Here are a few ,

Walking ability/posture,  Has improved greatly now 95 % unaided .

Hip and knee function that had degenerated greatly, Muscle tone improved  and natural proprioception ,all three types  (  perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body)  dramatically improved .

All Physiological natural everyday bodily functions are working well with ,Medication no longer required to aid in these functions.

Adrian’s Neurologist had seen him when we first commenced  treatment, seeing him since treatment started, he  is deeply impressed , due to the fact that the physical degeneration had ceased and he was now seeing  marked improvement

We are  pleased that on each appointment, Adrian has shown a positive response and that at his next appointment,  he will be showing much further improvement and he is moving forward.

There is much more to write as we take this journey with Adrian , this is such a good news story of a life being restored and a person having quality of life in every sense again.

The bigger and more powerful overriding goal for Adrian and his partner Haley, is a (WWW. one), no not the World Wide Web .

This is closer to home for them both, a home they are  wanting to build together starting with.

A Walk (Totally unaided  down an Aisle)  , Adrian said to me when we first met this was one of his main hopes he wanted walk his future wife Haley, down the aisle at their Wedding, to a future together building their lives again, then back to  Work ,to return to his job, this can now be looked at and seriously considered.

All Physiological natural everyday bodily functions are working well with ,Medication no longer required to aid in these functions. Adrian’s Neurologist had seen him when we first commenced treatment, seeing him since treatment started, he is deeply impressed , due to the fact that the physical degeneration had ceased and he was now seeing marked improvement We are pleased that on each appointment, Adrian has shown a positive response and that at his next appointment, he will be showing much further improvement .

That’s the future clinical outcome that  I want to work towards for him, with the aid of Bioneuro Sigma Q, the same as I want for all my patients ,so they can have quality of life to the full.

Accidents and Trauma Happen !!!

Accidents and Trauma Happen

Accidents and trauma happen, but with a deep  soft tissue injury,  it can take in some cases, as long as a broken bone to heal.

When a client comes to our clinic, getting into the deep tissue to help with restoration and recovery is the most important thing, to help reduce the healing time and need for medication, so they can get back to their lives.

Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job.

Steve had already been treating her brother for a back injury, he advised her to come to see Steve  in the hope that Steve could help.

He did and while having treatment with Steve Jess reduced the need for pain medication and she is off the crutches, 3 weeks into the treatment sessions and Jess was looking to start back at work.

We use the Bioneuro along with Neuromuscular Techniques to achieve a good clinical outcome.

When a client comes to our clinic, getting into the deep tissue to help with restoration and recovery is the most important thing, to help reduce the healing time and need for medication, so they can get back to their lives. Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job.

Jess sent us some before and  after photos after her last treatment, along with this message

“Steve is incredible, I fell over a few weeks ago causing trauma to my foot and ankle and I was left on crutches, after a couple sessions Steve got the swelling down and more movement in my toes, where I could weight bare and only use one crutch. A couple more sessions and I just know I’ll finally be able to go back to work as a nursing assistant. Not only does he help people get better, he’s just a really lovely and friendly guy which makes the experience all that much better and relaxing.

I would recommend Steve to anyone!!!”

Jess sent us some before and after photos after her last treatment, along with this message “Steve is incredible, I fell over a few weeks ago causing trauma to my foot and ankle and I was left on crutches, after a couple sessions Steve got the swelling down and more movement in my toes, where I could weight bare and only use one crutch. A couple more sessions and I just know I’ll finally be able to go back to work as a nursing assistant. Not only does he help people get better, he’s just a really lovely and friendly guy which makes the experience all that much better and relaxing. I would recommend Steve to anyone!!!”
Jess had taken a rather bad fall down a flight of steps, thankfully nothing was broken, but the soft tissue damage was so great both A&E and her own GP said she would be looking at a good 3 months before getting back to normal. as a nursing assistant Jess was so upset because of the impact this would have on her job. Steve had already been treating her brother for a back injury, he advised her to come to see Steve in the hope that Steve could help. He did and while having treatment with Steve Jess reduced the need for pain medication and she is off the crutches, 3 weeks into the treatment sessions and Jess was looking to start back at work.

Norwich Rugby Football Club

Norwich Rugby Football Club

Such a great Sunday morning and enjoyed meeting some great young  folk from Norwich Rugby Football Club

Such a great Sunday morning and enjoyed meeting some great young folk from Norwich Rugby Football Club. Some fantastic guys and girls, looked after by a great coaching team, with a lot of involvement from parents a brilliant family atmosphere. The launch of the new kit and we are proud to be one of their sponsors and looking forward to being involved with them more in the future.

Some fantastic guys and girls, looked after by a great  coaching team, with a lot of involvement from parents a brilliant family  atmosphere.

The launch of the new kit and we are proud to be one of their sponsors and looking forward to being involved with them more in the future

Barney also had a great time and was thoroughly spoiled by the young ladies of the Women’s Rugby team.

Barney also had a great time and was thoroughly spoiled by the young ladies of the Women’s Rugby team.

When Steve came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk , He was not in the best of form and wanted to do the” 100km Race to The Stones”

100km Race

Sometimes  you get a client that you just know you were meant to help , they have a goal they have to achieve and you need to help them achieve it.

Steve is one such client , we always do our very best for our clients it is our aim to help all our clients be the best they can be.

When someone comes to you with the sort of goal Steve wants to achieve then you know you have to take out all the stops .

When Steve came to me , he was not in the best of form we talked and he told me what he wanted to do,  his answer  stopped me in my tracks it was ” Simple I have  decided to run 100km non stop! A Race to the stones

Here is some of Steve’s story . It is long , but it deserves to be read it will I hope touch your heart as it did mine  

So how to do this? “Simple – decide to run 100km non stop”

Did you know 17 babies are stillborn everyday in the UK.

Their beautiful little lives are ended before they have even begun.

17 families devastated every day

Before I go further just let that really sink in for a second…..

My name is Steve and back in 2009 my wife and I became one of those statistics.

What I am going to do is a personal milestone, to acknowledge that although I will never forget my first boy I feel I have come through the other side.

Today I have 3 beautiful healthy kids and an absolute inspiration of a wife and The time is right to “pay it back” to one of the supporting charities that helped my wife through her most darkest hours – SANDS 

I want to rewind back to 2009. It is very easy to do because even 6 years on the sequence of events and emotions are burnt on my mind.

I remember waking up in the morning and I could see on my wife’s face that something wasn’t right. She looked at me with a knowing look. She said she hadn’t felt the baby move for sometime. My first reaction was “don’t worry its probably asleep”.

“It” because we didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl

So we contacted the maternity ward and they said to come straight in. That 30 minute drive felt like 3 hours. Eventually we reached the maternity ward and I will always remember the room we went into it was Bay B. Ironic I thought.

The midwife hooked us up to the machine that checks for the baby sounds. My feelings were, just wait for it, and the heartbeat will be there any second like some train or horse. However the midwife was rooting around over and over and over again.

She then said I’m just going to call the doctor ! I can not describe the wave of panic that comes over you at that point and my wife looked at me for comfort.

My heart was coming out of my chest I had no words or comfort. I just held her hand and started to pray for a good outcome. I’m not religious but it’s funny how you look for higher assistance when you are subjected to such desperate situations.

Just then a very smartly dressed consultant came in wearing a dickie bow of all things. It’s funny the things you remember that aren’t important to the situation.

He then took hold of the machine and moved the pads around. This was for at least a minute and then all of a sudden like the cold light of day calmly said to us I am very sorry but there is no pulse

BANG !! – There it was Probably the single most worst thing you will ever hear in your life.

Your child, the one your beautiful wife has carried, suffered for and loved for 9 months was dead. My wife was in her 39th week!

I can not describe what that change of emotion from one day elation to the next of devastation does to you.

Your body goes into self protection mode. You go numb, you feel your not in your own body, you are in denial but yet when you tell family and friends you become surprisingly calm as their emotions start to outpour.

the next day or so is a blur of bad news rippling across your family and friends and receiving massage after message of sympathy which at the time you just fob off.

And the real kicker, we are put into a room next to the delivery suite where you guessed it, we are hearing healthy babies born. Of course we don’t begrudge these people but you do ask the question why us ?

You can’t mull over it, you won’t be getting an answer on that !

So the next huge challenge if we hadn’t already had enough. My wife has to deliver our stillbirth son. Now I have always had respect for my wife, but I cannot describe how this increased in that delivery room that day.

I have no words for what emotions she must have felt along with the pains of labor. Only she knows.

What I do know is that day cemented my love and respect for her. After a good few hours my wife finally gave birth to our son. The emotion – elation !!

How can this be you could ask? Again I have no answer. He looked perfect only the mere fact he wasn’t Alive. That is very hard to take when you physically have him in your arms.

We were very grateful for the short time we had before we had to hand him over to the hospital for funeral arrangements.

That’s right funeral arrangements for your newly born child. Doesn’t compute does it !

However I have never taken a step back to appreciate where I really am in this recovery 2016 is a year of reflection and positive action On New Year’s Eve I made a promise myself to start such action. The first port of call was to raise money for the charity that supported my wife through her darkest hours. This charity is SANDS (Stillbirth & Neo natal Death)

The midwives were absolutely brilliant and they took hand prints and footprints. I thought it was a little strange but I am thankful for that as today we have these safely stored away in his memory box. We also took countless photos as well.

When we arrived home we were greeted with all the little clothes we had brought in preparation and of course the empty nursery.

My wife could give a better account of how empty we felt. For me it was a day for the wife 9 months of anticipation.

Over the coming days we sat down and organised the funeral. The hospital were great in arranging the funeral which was held on site and I managed to summon up enough strength to say a few words. I needed to do that.

We chose a few songs that we thought appropriate and to this day if I hear them on the radio I have to turn it off. It takes me right back to the little coffin sat in front of us.

At this point I would like to recognize and thank various people. Our families, Our friends.The consultant.The mid wives,The vicar,The crematorium

Our boy was scattered on a beautiful garden area specific to children. With a wooden and brass star surrounded by flowers and heather. It’s such a peaceful place and we visit on regular occasions to swap over toys.

This put a line under the first chapter but the following months became a challenge.  As we started to grieve In isolation my wife craved support and I craved a bloody great hole which I could hide in.

I felt bad that I couldn’t support my wife In the manner she desired so much but this led her to a new network of support and although I don’t know these people personally they played the biggest part in this recovery. This was simply a group of extraordinary women that had been through the same thing and had set up a social network support group.

My wife spent countless hours speaking to them and this certainly helped where she was at, along with the counselling and the support of count the kicks & SANDS, I could see my wife turning a small corner.

I chucked myself into work and sport.

For a period of time I could sense the only option was to go our own way and separate as we were kind of dragging each other down and slowing the recovery.

However I had a moment of genius and my wife reluctantly agreed – we got a dog. It was a border collie pup and my God did we bite of more than we could chew. He was a terror, but at the same time he was brilliant – he certainly took our mind’s of day to day mundane emotions.

Guess what a few months later my wife was pregnant – this was 2011 by now.

The dog got shipped to the folks who still have him today and he’s a little more calmer than when we had him.

The next 9 months were a paranoid one as you can imagine, however, thankfully under some great consultant led care my wife gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy.

As the months went by and we got acclimatised to being parents, I couldn’t help but think about what if our stillborn boy and our new son were together, but this wouldn’t be the case as we wouldn’t have had them together like that and you think that your new son wouldn’t then be here.

It’s a weird thought process but I can imagine parents that have had rainbow babies would understand.

A rainbow baby is one that is born after a stillbirth if you were wondering.

So fast forward to 2016. Add two further beautiful children, add two parents that have learnt a lot of empathy towards parent hood, add two very loving and respecting parents and you have the foundation of a happy future.

Of course you will have ups and downs but having gone through what is the worst scenario a parent could we are well prepared to hit any challenge head on as a family unit.My Beautiful, Strong & Living Wife – Lucy,My First Boy who I will never forget – Roan, My Kids, my legacy  – Evan, Noah & Maggie,

7 years on from losing our son there has been a number of life events that have, shall we say taken priority of the rawness of loss.

Our beautiful kids, work, personal activities etc….

However I have never taken a step back to appreciate where I really am in this recovery 2016 is a year of reflection and positive action

On New Year’s Eve I made a promise myself to start such action.

The first port of call was to raise money for the charity that supported my wife through her darkest hours.

This charity is SANDS (Stillbirth & Neo natal Death)

So how to do this?  “Simple – decide to run 100km non stop”

Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains.

We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks.

We know this is a typical  Football Player Injury along with Groin Strain and Hamstring.

Calf Strain can quite often after a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , this then can add on further injury time if it is not managed well keeping players from playing for a number of weeks 

Not everyone has that luxury, of down time to get better after such an injury, if they are playing socially for fitness and fun with friends.

They need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form.

So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains. We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks, now we know a certain Liverpool Football Player has now got a Calf Strain having only just got over a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , he it seems will be unable to play for another few weeks. Not everyone has that luxury, they need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form. So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed. First of all what is the problem . A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg. There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

First of all what is the problem ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.

There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint  this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably  had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

What causes it ?

During contraction (Pulling of the muscle ) of the calf, tension is placed through the calf muscle. When this tension is excessive due to too much repetition or high force, the calf muscle can be torn.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem some

of these factors can be.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem someof these factors can be. Not warming up the muscles sufficiently Inappropriate/incorrect training Poor flexibility in the calf Bio-mechanics may be out of line causing poor foot posture Ankle joint stiffness Calf weakness Inadequate rehabilitation following a previous calf strain Decreased fitness level Fatigue due to excessive training Neural tightness (Calf muscle tightness is defined by any activity or situation in which those muscles stay contracted beyond or independent of physical exertion).

What is the outcome of a tear? 

This may be from a small partial tear, whereby there is minimal pain and minimal loss of function, to a complete rupture which may require surgical reconstruction.

Why are Strains and tears are graded  from level 1 to level 3 ?

  • Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed.
  • Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level)
  • Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from this.



Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed. Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level) Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from th

So what can be done, to help people who may have done this sort of damage ?

If it is a Grade 3 tear then surgery is the only real answer, but help with pre opp is of real benefit and will aid towards post opp rehabilitation.

Keeping the rest of the muscles supple makes the surgery easier, less chance  of Muscle imbalances, will keep your

Bio-mechanics in line, aiding with flexibility.

Grade 2 tear, this is all about promoting healing and the sooner it can be dealt with the better early intervention, rest and elevation as much as possible, initially ICE is your friend.

This is where we can help greatly with the cutting edge equipment The  Bioneuro Sigma Q, we can help with the promotion of healing long before, other manual methods of intervention, therefore cutting down healing time and the  need for Pharmaceutical  intervention,  this also applies to a Grade 1 tear. Have a look at Johns testimony to see how we helped him after his Strain.

 Getting people back to fitness is what we do,

Sprained,Painful Swollen Ankle, John Came To Getfitstayfit Norfolk For Help

Swollen Ankle

Most of us at some time have twisted, or Sprained our Ankle in our lives.

Then ended up with our leg raised, ice around the ankle , then hobbling around for a couple of weeks, It is not pleasant, when it first happens it is that sick feeling and the worry that it may be broken, the pain can be that intense, then the relief when, A&E say.


“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

John did this very thing to his ankle and he did not do anything by half.

Twisting his ankle when he missed his footing down a rabbit hole, was not the ending he had expected after a morning of flying his kite, he ended up in A&E to be told that 4 weeks off work or more was likely to be the consequence of his accident, time that John could ill afford, he then decided to come and see Steve Kirby  here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk for help to get back to recovery a lot sooner.  Have a look at his testimonial.

Ski Injury Recovery And Rehabilitation In Norwich

Ski Injury Recovery And Rehabilitation In Norwich

 I  was reminded by one of my clients that it was, Skiing time.

With all the rain we have had and the mildness of the weather it had not occurred to me,

but now with  I feel it is time to talk to folks about Skiing Injuries

like any other sporting injury they can vary, but lets face it  broken arms legs  seem to be the usual suspects, as for your muscle’s, strains and sprains are very prominent , lets not forget you are in cold conditions, so if muscles don’t have time to warm up they will pull and more than likely  to tear.

Although sometimes disasters happen like  the incident that has affected   Michael Schumacher,  these are rare these days and we are thankful he is in a stable condition, also  the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has injured her pelvis on a cross-country skiing trip during her Christmas vacation although she is still working, but  is now having to cancel some of her engagements.


Although sometimes disasters happen like the incident that has affected Michael Schumacher, these are rare these days and we are thankful he is in a stable condition, also the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has injured her pelvis on a cross-country skiing trip during her Christmas vacation although she is still working, but is now having to cancel some of her engagements.

I deal with recovery and rehabilitation of injuries, Sprains, Strains and recovery after all broken bones are  a regular occurrence and in all my years in business, I have had to deal with quite a few, dealing with them using Neuromuscular Injury Techniques, massage on the and with The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (ΣQ®) 

We all know that prevention is  better that cure and preparation is always better, unless you are to prepared to fail.

It is the same with suppleness and conditioning , if you have regular massage, you muscles are more supple and flexible therefore they will allow you to become more flexible, less prone to injury, no matter what sport or exercise you do.

Ice, snow are unstable surfaces, so it is more important that you counteract that with stability in your body.

Here are some of the Common injuries, and how it may be possible to  avoid them.

 Skier’s thumb. ( A nice name for also known as Gamekeepers Thumb)

This is a  upper extremity injury, affecting  the stabilizing ligaments on the sides of the thumb joints – usually the inside or ulnar collateral ligament (UCL).

How does it happen

It often occurs when a skier falls and they do not release the ski pole, causing over-bending and stressing of the thumb. The first thing is the pain, you will feel it, do not ignore this it is a  signal to see a Doctor or therapist , It could be a  partial tear of the ligament, possibly treated with a splint; a Therapist would be able to advise you because if it is a complete tear it will need surgery, you will need to see a therapist for rehabilitation work after surgery to get you back on track.

Tips on prevention of this injury

Your reaction is to hold on to the Ski pole, Don’t you have to let go of your ski poles the moment you fall. There are certain poles because of the type of handles,  as a beginner you should avoid talk to the Ski shop advisers for information on this to help decrease risk

Knee injuries

As I said the main problem,  40% of all skiing injuries, are  either ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) or MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) sprains or tears of these ligament and muscle groups,  being the most common.

How does it happen

Knee injuries  usually occur  as the result of the something Skiers call the  Snow Plough Position, ( Imagine you are doing a squat with your knees to far forward, past your toes, your body is not stable and the most extreme point is your knees), so when a skier is falling  in this position  they will hit the knee joint with excessive force. Another injury  caused to the knees, can be because of  Skis crossing or stance widening too far . Again, we may be looking at splinting   as it may resolve the injury, but again there is a possibility of more ruptures occurring,  you may  require surgery. Therapy will defiantly be needed after this and the sooner the better, early intervention, will defiantly speed up recovery.

Tip on prevention of this injury

The best prevention  here is pre-conditioning of your quads, Massage and the correct sort of workout building steadily, should help considerably.  Proper maintenances is so important. Avoid an overly-wide stance, and if you do start to fall, don’t resist, go with it. ( one other tip is why not go to a Jujitsu class and ask for a few lessons  in learning how to fall you will be in a safe environment with guys who specialise in that sort of teaching )

Head injury

As with any head injury it is a must that you get it checked out Straight away DO NOT leave it under any circumstances.

Tip on prevention of this injury

I will pull no punches here. These  can be fatal when skiing at high speeds. So it is important that helmets are worn  they are vital protection, you may find your self in a situation  of travelling down the slope 2-3 times faster than the recommended range, for even the best helmet protection, so if your new to the sport please stay in  the designated areas advised and listen to your instructors.

There is no if’s or maybes about this one, You should always wear a helmet,  you should also monitor your speed to stay within a safe zones. Also, be aware of others around you and your surroundings, use your common sense to avoid collisions, remember you are on a slope of a mountain,  there will be people above you so  look uphill as well as down, and give way when you need to as they may not be able too , Always  follow directions on the signs it could well save your life.

Neck and Shoulder Injury

These can occur from a sudden fall, damage may be to the Clavicle or Scapular  also injury to the Humerus because of impact due to the fall, these injuries seem to be more prevalent with Snowboarders, than Skiers.  In this case it may be a hospital trip to put things back in order, you may also have damage to muscle groups from the Trapezius, Rotator Cuff muscles, to Rhomboids if these muscles are tight, this can be the case especially if you are in a sedentary  working environment  and not use to a rigorous activity, then these muscles are suddenly having to do a lot of stretching  and work.

Tip on prevention of this injury

Try to stay flexible with shoulder and neck muscles, lots of exercises you can do keep supple, massage can be essential for these muscles, as we do seem to not use them as much as we should. When you feel tired, relax these muscles and a hot soak in the bath or a session in a steam room can always be good for them.

If you are New to skiing some quick tips to help:

1. Don’t overdo it, trying to impress your friends, we all need to start out somewhere and if you want to continue with the sport do it sensibly . Start out on easier terrain,  improve your skills gradually take your time enjoy it, you are not in a race you are on a steep learning curve . Before you even start on the real thing , get in shape prepare those muscles, have  proper training, try a dry slope.

2. There is a  skier’s “code of conduct” – these are common-sense rules, you will see them posted on the slopes, don’t ignore them, They are for your benefit, your  protection, and for  the safety and of others, don’t become and injury statistic.

3. We have not mentioned the Ski lifts .You must  Pay attention to them and others when getting on and off the lift, this can be a prime time for injury, and you don’t want that, on your first time out.

4.You have to take breaks. I know in the  excitement you will want spend your Ski time challenging yourself . Injury rates do increase with fatigue, when you are tired you are not focused, pace your self , rest when you feel you need to take it sensibly and steady  , as with any  exercise you will need to stay hydrated so you still need to drink plenty of water.

5. Learn to take the fall; Don’t fight it , as I have already stated  fighting it is how ligaments get torn and damaged. Your bottom can is your best friend  If you can, sit down to break the momentum Also this will naturally bring you down into a foetal shape. Tucking every thing in. Less area to damage.

6.  Take lesson from a professional, that is what they are there for, to improve your technique you skill and to help you avoid any bad habits , don’t take short-cuts , they will not do you any favours .

If you do sustain an injury

You should see the doctor, don’t be a hero, whenever you sustain any type of injury. Skiing injuries  should always be evaluated to avoid the possibility of long term damage, most can usually be treated without operative intervention and can be stabilized  and treated  by a therapist  with excellent results.

Before you venture out on the slopes, get in shape!

Skiing  will put heavy demand on some major muscle groups, so lets get them prepared. I will say this again regular massage is a preventative  measurement as well as a recovery and rehabilitation measure.

Quadriceps are the main muscle group used for skiing; they maintain your stance and protect your  knees. You need to get them in shape, try squats and remember  your knees should not go over your toes.

Glutes & Hamstrings: These allow you to  flex, forward into the leaning position needed for  downhill skiing, it  requires great strength and a lot of work  from your hamstrings and glutes.

Thighs: Your  inner thighs keep the skis together, while outer thighs are the main  provider of stability and steering.

Calf muscles the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.  keep you upright over your bent knees. These are your power house you need to strengthen them.

Abs and Back:  When Skiing you need to be in the proper flexed, bent position but this will put stress on your back. You need to  strengthen your core stability to prevent spinal injury.

Arms: You need to be able to  push-off with power and stability, so work on the  shoulder joints,  biceps and triceps need to be  part of your  preparation routine.

Look at the whole package and work it out with your trainer, don’t miss out the massage it is a must to keep all those muscles in top working order. 



Deborah takes her Running Seriously, when she was in Pain she came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk for Help

Running Seriously

This is her Testimony, she had been suffering for a year before she came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk. We always say early intervention is the best way to aid recovery, the longer it is delayed the longer it takes to recover, we try to improve recovery rate and get people back to fitness as soon as possible.

“I came to Steve after recommendations from members of my running club.

I’d recently been suffering with knee pain but also low back pain upon waking in the morning for over a year.

I’d seen a chiropractor, a physio, an osteopath and even had an MRI scan all to no avail. In the end my doctor just said it’s muscular and prescribed me Amitriptyline!

Steve was great. He identified my IT band and TFL muscle were tight and used the Bioneuro System Sigma  Q(ΣQ® to free them off. It was a strangely pleasant sensation and the muscles felt a lot looser after. Alas, my symptoms didn’t go away, but Steve was determined to solve my problems. He’s like a dog with a bone!

He was regularly in touch to see how things were going and he researched my symptoms to try and find the answer. Eventually he suggested using the Bioneuro System Sigma  Q(ΣQ® on my Psoas muscle.

Running and sitting at a desk all day had made this short and tight and can be responsible for low back pain. I am delighted to say I can now sleep free from pain, without the need for pillows under my legs and without the Amitriptyline! As for the knee pain, it’s getting better with postural and running form correction’

I’d recommend to anyone suffering with muscular issues to seek out Steve. He really can help, he doesn’t give up on you even when you feel you want to give up he made such a difference

Plantar Fasciitis , Plantar Fasciosis.or Capsulitis.Getfitstayfit Norfolk Asks Which Is It ?

Plantar Fasciitis , Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis

You may have heard of Plantar Fasciitis,  it is Painful, but you may not have realised that there is also Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis they are all different,

The main differences being  that with Plantar Fasciitis there is inflammatory swelling in the area  around  the connective tissue or ligament on the sole (bottom surface) of the foot.

This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate.  The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.

The best treatment is R.I.C.E. As the swelling goes down , then and only then can you start on stretching the area again some of the exercise’s  include a Tennis or golf ball and rolling it under the foot from the toes to the heel, massage of the area is very useful, but remember with out treatment and care it will degenerate, to become a long term injury. So take care rest when it is needed, keep on top of it, or it will beat you. What causes it, now here is the problem if you are a runner, or dancer the bad news is, it is often caused by overuse of the plantar fascia, increases in activities, weight or age.

This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.You may have heard of Plantar Fasciitis, it is Painful, but you may not have realised that there is also Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis they are all different, The main differences being that with Plantar Fascitis there is inflammatory swelling in the area around the connective tissue or ligament on the sole (bottom surface) of the foot. This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes. The best treatment is R.I.C.E. As the swelling goes down , then and only then can you start on stretching the area again some of the exercise’s include a Tennis or golf ball and rolling it under the foot from the toes to the heel, massage of the area is very useful, but remember with out treatment and care it will degenerate, to become a long term injury. So take care rest when it is needed, keep on top of it, or it will beat you. What causes it, now here is the problem if you are a runner, or dancer the bad news is, it is often caused by overuse of the plantar fascia, increases in activities, weight or age.

The long term condition Plantar Fasciosis . The suffix “osis” implies a pathology of chronic degeneration this is  without inflammation. Since tendons and ligaments  do not contain blood vessels they do not actually become inflamed. Instead, injury to the tendon is usually the result of an accumulation over time of microscopic tears at the cellular level. Well folk this is still not looking good if you are a runner or dancer as these microscopic tears  need time to heal, we all know how dedicated runners are to there sport, but if not treated and time taken to rest , then running may no longer be an option. Better to rest when you need should, than to have to give up all together.

We don’t want this to happen, Prevention is the best way to go with this problem, first your feet are your best friends you need them never mind Stand by me this is a case of Stand on them and you need to be able to with out pain.

How do we know we have it

First of all there is , the pain, usually felt on the underside of the heel and is often most intense with the first steps of the day not a  great way to start the morning . Another symptom is that the sufferer has difficulty bending the foot so that the toes are brought toward putting on shoes the shin (decreased dorsiflextionof the ankle ). Also a symptom commonly recognized among sufferers of plantar fasciitis is an increased probability of knee pain, this is very presented among  runners



This is pain that is  Sometimes felt in the  ball-of-foot it is  mistakenly assumed to be derived from plantar fasciitis, But this is a dull pain or numbness in the metatarsal region of the foot  and unlikely to be the plantar fascia inflamed and  more likely to be the  metatarsalgia, also called Capsulitis.  This is an inflamed flexor digitorum brevis muscle

Some of the Problems/ Injuries that occur Insertion Tendonitis This is an inflammation at the point where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone. When you have this problem you will have tenderness directly over the insertion of the Achilles tendon, which is commonly associated with calcium formation, or a bone spur forming just above the insertion point. You may also suffer a Retrocalcaneal bursitis; this is caused by movement-related irritation of the Retrocalcaneal bursa, the fluid-filled cushioning sac between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon. The bursa can become inflamed or thickened and stick to the tendon, because of overuse or repetitive loading. You will feel pain when squeezing the tendon itself or the space just in front of the tendon.

Looking after your feet. It is Essential.

If your a runner at some point your will get the urge to try for one of the Big Ones you will want the medal , so preparation is of the utmost importance. Having looked after a quite a number of runners at events including the London Marathon, I have seen some injuries cause by the wrong shoes from  gait to knee injuries, lower back problems and  messed up feet, a lot of these injuries could have been prevented by the right footwear, we recommend and advise our clients  to go to a good Sports shop, that know what they are talking about . The reasons why you need a certain shoe, from the shape to  the type of material  structure of the shoe. As Sports Injury  Therapist I don’t sell shoes, but I do have a very good relationship with  some Sports shops so I asked for advice  on your behalf from a very reputable company this is what Neil of Sportlink Running-Fitness Specialists  had to say.

” My main warning would be to just be very careful who you buy from online i.e. always buy from a running specialist!!

I have been in this trade for 25 years and have seen so many changes during that time. I know the industry inside out having also worked with a number of manufactures as well.

There are lots of processes that shoes have to go through during the manufacturing of a quality shoe i.e. moulding, temperatures, time, etc, etc and this is just for the midsole. However and as with all industries some times there are one or two problems whereby product is not finished correctly and end up being sold via the grey market to wholesalers in bulk i.e. grade two and even grade three product.

Looking after your feet. It is Essential. If your a runner at some point your will get the urge to try for one of the Big Ones you will want the medal , so preparation is of the utmost importance. Having looked after a quite a number of runners at events including the London Marathon, I have seen some injuries cause by the wrong shoes from gait to knee injuries, lower back problems and messed up feet, a lot of these injuries could have been prevented by the right footwear, we recommend and advise our clients to go to a good Sports shop, that know what they are talking about . The reasons why you need a certain shoe, from the shape to the type of material structure of the shoe. As Sports Injury Therapist I don’t sell shoes, but I do have a very good relationship with some Sports shops so I asked for advice on your behalf from a very reputable company this is what Neil of Sportlink Running-Fitness Specialists had to say .

Any good running specialist would not touch this product with a barge pole!!

We certainly will not, but do see it several times when customers come back to us with a pair of supposed top quality shoes that have broken down very quickly due to soft midsoles or the customer is injured due to the midsoles being too hard.

We can tell straight away just by feel and sometimes from the codes inside the tongue. Anything more than 25% off trade is basically old stock which has to be cleared, but after a maximum of two years oxidation of the EVA foam is likely to have taken place or as already stated the product could be faulty. At Sportlink as I am sure at The Runners Centre and Pilch as well, you can be sure that you will always be sold product of the highest quality. Running shoes are the most important piece of kit you will buy, so always be 100% sure before buying

Suffering With Chronic Back Pain Till Treated By Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Suffering With Chronic Back Pain

Sat on the floor unable to get up because of the intense pain , wondering if this was how her life was going to be.

Sara a keen Harpist  came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk, after her husband had come home to find her, Sat on the floor in the kitchen unable to get up and in intense pain, she had been through so much and was and her wits end. He told me, Sara had had a couple of rather bad accidents, causing trauma related injuries and nothing was working to get this, use to be very active lady back to how she was.

For him seeing his wife in constant pain and unable to help her himself, his question to me was “Do you think you can help”.

Well that was back in April so it has been a while, a lot of work and determination from both Sara and myself, but folks we have got there this week, we have finished treatment, I will see Sara for the occasional maintenance massage, but this lady has now got her life back and I am so proud, her spirits are soaring and soon so will the Kite.

For him seeing his wife in constant pain and unable to help her himself, his question to me was “Do you think you can help”. Well that was back in April so it has been a while, a lot of work and determination from both Sara and myself, but folks we have got there this week, we have finished treatment, I will see Sara for the occasional maintenance massage, but this lady has now got her life back and I am so proud, her spirits are soaring and soon so will the Kite.

Here is her testimonial.


Steve, I hardly know how to thank you for literally giving me back my life.

I am 74yrs old (young now!) and for the last fifteen years or so have suffered from increasing pain, stiffness and weakness in my hips, knees, legs and feet.  MRI and X-rays showed nothing other than  some ‘age-related degeneration’!   Appointments with the Rheumatologist (3) and Neurologist resulted in drugs and painkillers.  Diagnosis…possibly fibromyalgia (fibrositis) and when the inflammation got worse, polymyalgia, for which I had 18 months of steroids.  Over the years I have had three episodes of plantar fasciitis and several Achilles tendon flare-ups.  Each time the problems were treated with cortisone injections….very painful, with relief… until the next time!

Over the years I have tried variously, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Bowen Therapy, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy  (at least three different sessions of 6 treatments), therapeutic and sports massage, orthotic shoe inserts herbal treatment, vitamins, more exercise/less exercise, antidepressants, prayer and healing.

With the pain and stiffness, I was becoming increasingly ‘disabled’, unable to walk far, get up after sitting, or in the morning, without my crutches.  Car journeys, even short ones, were a nightmare (I’ve stood by the car, shaking because of the pain)  Literally , with so much weakness and burning pain in my legs and feet, I was unable to get up off the floor unaided, as my arms were becoming more painful and weaker.

Exercise and hobbies, mine are flying dual string Peter Powell kites and Playing the Harp)both became impossible.  I felt very low.

Then I met you, Steve.   Immediately, you understood how much tension and inflammation there was in my muscles. Your considerable skill and insight, coupled with the use of The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q(ΣQ®) and massage on the Hydrotherm Massage system, we began slowly to produce results.  My mood lifted and I began really to believe that I would get better.  Your ability to think laterally, meant that we had got to ‘Plan C’ when the breakthrough occurred. Powerful ultrasound via the Bioneuro helped to loosen up the muscle tissues and  my system to restore circulation and blocked neural pathways.  Muscles began to ‘fire’ again.

I tell all my friends and they can see the difference, so you should be inundated with requests for help! 

Now that I have been signed off and passed as fully fit, may I tell you what an enormous debt of gratitude I owe you?  I can now look forward to my remaining years with joy and enthusiasm.

Bless you


Getfitstayfit Norfolk & The Runners at The Braydeston 5K Fun Run 2013

Getfitstayfit Norfolk & The Runners at The Braydeston 5K Fun Run 2013

The morning of the 8th September 2013 was a beautiful morning, we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk had been looking forward to the day.

It was the day of  The Braydeston 5K Fun Run , this is an even organised by Kirk Wilson in aid of Cancer Research, we are happy to be one of the sponsors , working at the run with Pre & Post Massage, we had quite a few people take up the offer of both.

Some great people, also good meeting up with members of The Norwich Road Runners folks if you are looking for a running club to join have a word with these guys you won’t go far wrong. The whole thing was  well organised and a pleasure to be part of and yes a great cause, but still fun.

Some great people, also good meeting up with members of The Norwich Road Runners folks if you are looking for a running club to join have a word with these guys you won’t go far wrong. The whole thing was well organised and a pleasure to be part of and yes a great cause, but still fun.