Own Goals can be Painful

Own Goals can be Painful

We have all done it at some point in our lives, we have  scored an own goal.

Quite often at a time when we are wanting to be at our best,  be it in our fitness and health ,doing the garden or in our exercise regime ,  even in our business working environment, we were trying our best then an injury occurs,

We hear these statements, from our patients quite frequently .

This it was not meant to happen, it was not in the plan, certainly don’t want it, can’t afford this to happen, I should never have  risked it .

We know  it’s always inconvenient,  often painful even if it is not a broken bone,  we know it will cause us a problem.

The Questions we get asked are.

How bad is it ?

Will I be off work ?

How long will it take to recover ?

Will there be long term damage ?

Can you sort it out?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our answer is, “We will do our best to help you get back to being the best you can as soon as you can”

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk it is all about “The Goals” we want you to score the right goals and to get them in the Back of the net

Our Goal is to to deliver

This is for all our patients,  we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our  patients in their time ,

Getting  to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free  movement, to restore  the bodies  natural fluidity and balance , this can only  come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Shoulder Trauma in Norwich
You have had an injury, be it shoulder , back , hip ,or knee, it is your injury.Back Pain In Human Body You did not want it,no one wants’ it to happen, you did not expect it, so the question is. What are you going to do now ?
For those injured  muscles to be functional and well orchestrated again, by the nerves that are just sending, out of tune  pain messages, to calm them down and allow the body to be  working in harmony again, To reduce the need for painkilling medication and for the brain, to work at a better level again and not be fogged by the medication used to mask the pain.

How do we achieve this ?

With the use of  Neuro muscular injury techniques and manipulation, getting to the root of the problem , using the Bioneuro and its ability of  identifying the nerves that are not firing, therefore not getting the messages through to the muscle groups, that facilitate movement, we are then in a position to restore the damage area and get people back on track to healing.
This is for all our patients, we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our patients in their time , Getting to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free movement, to restore the bodies natural fluidity and balance , this can only come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Our aim to activate those nerves , invigorate the muscles, to improve healing , a combination of treatment  designed to delver a good result, so that our patients , can go on to deliver the goals they want to achieve.

Knee and Hips we all have them, but the unfortunate thing is we use them and abuse them.

Steve and Jacqui Kirby

Knee and Hips we all have them, but the unfortunate thing is we use them and abuse them , we take them for granted, we work them, sometimes when we should be resting them .

Our joints work hard for us and when they fail us we need to deal with reasons for this, sometimes our joints have got to the point that we need surgery in the form of a Hip or knee replacement, the waiting times for such surgery is long and it is getting longer.

During that waiting time the injury can get worse the pain can escalate the painkilling medication is no longer

effective , while waiting for surgery you still need to stay active , but mobility becomes excessively difficult, you may end up or stronger medication that comes with it’s own side effects .

When we are less mobile and in pain it affects our well being overall, our mental health, we can get depressed, one of the main things is the lack of muscle use, when we are less mobile and use our muscles less they tighten or shorten we feel stiff this makes us fell less like moving , but we need to keep those muscles active, we need the blood and oxygen to  move through our muscles, all in all we make it more difficult for ourselves if we don’t.

Supple Muscles make life a whole lot better, while you are Pre-Op, during Surgery and Post Op.

Before I met my wife Jacqui, she had been involved in a very bad car crash, one of her injuries resulted in her needing a Hip replacement, on her Right hand side, one of the other injuries on her Left hand side was her Patella, it was dislocated and had to be put back into position she also had  shoulder,wrist and foot injuries.

I treated Jacqui after her Hip surgery getting her back walking again, but a couple of years later her knee, that had never been fully right after her accident, started to give her real problems, we found out she had a Patella Fracture  she needed a knee replacement, when you have a knee replacement it is never the same, your knee does a lot of work and a replacement knee can not move in the same natural flexible way a your own knee can, so it was a daunting and worrying time for Jacqui.

For me it was time to find out more and more, what would be the best treatment for her to aid with recovery, I hit the books big time talked to a knee surgeon,  I was determined to make sure she had a great recovery , during that time I found out so much more about knee injury,  I was determined to  use it to my advantage , I have since put all that information and learning into the treatment of my clients, to specialise in Hip and Knee Pre-op and Post-op recovery and rehabilitation, for them to have as quicker recovery with the need for less medication and while they are waiting for surgery to help make their time more bearable keeping them flexible and more prepared for surgery.

We used the Bioneuro along with massage and Neuro manipulation techniques to keep Jacqui’s muscles supple during that time she did not need painkilling medication, and she was mobile, when it got closer to the surgery unfortunately there had been a delay of 2 months for  surgery, things did get a little more difficult with mobility so we did use the Bioneuro a little more , it did the job even the surgeon was pleased at how good a condition her muscles were in as it made his job easier and the recovery time would be less.

Bioneuro Sigma Steve Kirby in Use

Using the Bioneuro after surgery and again gentle massage helped with a speedy recovery , she did well getting a good bend on her knee and walking up and down stairs, one of the best things was that during that recovery time Jacqui did not need lots of medication she had good blood flow and good muscle movement, healing was far quicker and she got back to doing what she loved doing taking our dog for a walk and she still does.




We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path.

We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path. 

Why Are Our Young Football Players Still Taking So Many Painkilling Drugs ???

Own Goals can be Painful

While watching Last  Sunday’s Morning News, yet again the subject of

Footballers and the  increase taking of powerful painkilling medication was being discussed

We all know that for any team it is all about the results on the field that is important, but is it really at the cost of the long term health of your main assets, Your Team’s Players.

This is worrying, these days when we know the long term damage of Painkilling medication, yet we have some brilliant Neuromuscular therapist, Bodywork Therapist and  Non invasive and non chemical  treatments out there, why are they still using painkilling medication as a Stop Gap, injuries need to be treated,

Recovery & Rehabilitation or Over Medication

Muscles when they are Hypertonic , are more prone to injury these guys need their muscles to be more supple ,  they need treatment not masking  tape practice. Players need to be looked after , then teams will get the best out of them and less injuries.

Hearing what  Professor Dvorak said about , half of players competing at the past three World Cups routinely took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and  that it  had become a cultural issue, part of the game.

This is what Professor Dvorak had to say  

“This is Elite footballers’ “abuse” of legal painkillers risks their health and could “potentially” have life-threatening implications ” He says some clubs prioritise success over player welfare, leading to players feeling “pressured” into taking medication to overcome minor injuries and play in important games.

While according to Former England defender Danny Mills ,”Painkillers in football have always been widespread – “and always will be, I’ve been in many dressing rooms where I’ve seen other players pressured into playing with painkillers,”

When you hear that this is what is happening to young players  that have just started their career, it is even more of a concern, children want to grow up and become Footballers, that is great news,” but do we want our children to grow up to be put in the situation that we are seeing young players going through now .”

Footballers have only a short career as it is they should not be spending it in pain that is masked with the use of painkillers, then end up with surgery as most do in later life.

Let’s treat the players as we should and keep them in top form, they need to have good treatment

I am not talking about wrapping them up in cotton wool. I mean good regular therapy . They need to be on the pitch playing not on the bench in pain.

Footballers have only a short career as it is they should not be spending it in pain that is masked with the use of painkillers, then end up with surgery as most do in later life

Early intervention is essential for Trauma related injury, Reduction in the need for Pain killing Drugs they only Mask Pain they do not heal 

The Bioneuro Sigma Q System works with the patients own body to help the healing process begin a lot faster , our bodies natural instinct after injury is to heal, The Bioneuro system can help deliver its effective energy direct to the injured area increasing nerve and blood supply , waking up moribund nerves regenerating nerve pathways there by accelerating recovery. 

We know Massage releases the “feel good factor” and there is a reason for that it is not all about just relaxing, massage helps release Endorphins and Dopamine, it is the physical input that the therapist applies to the patient and how it is applied that makes the difference.

Return To The Green And Bowls, Earlier Than Anticipated, for Michael Thanks to Getfitstayfit Norfolk


Hobbies that involve exercise and socialising are enormously beneficial to both our physical and mental well being.

So when Michael developed a frozen shoulder his time away from his Outdoor and Indoor Bowls was not only painful but frustrating for him.

Previous shoulder issues treated only with rest and medication will not properly rehabilitate and are prone to re-injury until properly conditioned by corrective exercise, therapy treatment, Sports Massage and Neuromuscular Therapy and manipulation . Exercises alone will not gain full pain free restoration and quality of life.

” I had been to my doctor and was told that I had tendinitis and needed an injection in the shoulder, but there was possibly a 24 week wait, the pain was growing worse and life was getting more difficult and my chances of playing in competitions were proving difficult , I  knew I had to do something about it.”

Michael then came to see Steve Kirby at Getfitstayfit Norfolk.

Michael responded to treatment very well right from the start using the Bioneuro and Neuromuscular Techniques with Sports Massage, Steve was able to help Michael gain Pain Free Movement without the need for the Steroid injection.

In a very Short Time Michael was back on the green enjoying his game and his Social life.

“After my very first session with Steve my shoulder felt so much Better with the majority of my movement restored;” enthused Michael “After two more sessions with Steve my shoulder felt completely better.”

It is now three months since Michael’s treatment he has had a great season of Competition  Outdoor Bowls  with out so much as a twinge.

Steve and I went to see Michael at a match and get some photos, also to thank him for the referrals he had sent our way.

It was great to see how well he was doing, although we had made Michael very happy and his game is now back on top form, one of his competitors may not have been to happy , he came to us and asked.

“Why have you fixed him we were doing so well while he was injured”.


“Well you can’t please everyone, but we are so glad we were able to please Michael.” 

In a very Short Time Michael was back on the green enjoying his game and his Social life. “After my very first session with Steve my shoulder felt so much Better with the majority of my movement restored;” enthused Michael “After two more sessions with Steve my shoulder felt completely better.” It is now three months since Michael’s treatment he has had a great season of Competition Outdoor Bowls with out so much as a twinge. Steve and I went to see Michael at a match and get some photos, also to thank him for the referrals he had sent our way. It was great to see how well he was doing, although we had made Michael very happy and his game is now back on top form, one of his competitors may not have been to happy , he came to us and asked. “Why have you fixed him we were doing so well while he was injured”.

Dog Groomer Salutes Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Shoulder injury

Caroline has her own business as a Dog Groomer, a very active and Physical demanding business , “ We all know how hard it can be to get our dogs to have a bath “. You can imagine how she was felling when she started having trouble with her shoulder and not getting any relief.

She  became Depressed ,fed up and needing help, her  GP  had attempted numerous Steroid Injections, Physiotherapy then when she was not getting any better he  suggested  she may need a Shoulder Replacement !.

Looking at her business Tochcinders, she was worried that she would have to give up the work, that she dearly loved.

She then found out about Getfitstayfit Norfolk , she decided to give it a try as a last resort in the hope that we could help .

Caroline, came to Get Fit Stay Fit Norfolk with a serious Shoulder injury, Steve ,assessed Caroline’s Shoulder and back and found that the nerves that operated her “Rotator Cuff” Shoulder muscles were not functioning at all well .

Working with the Bioneuro system and the combination of Neuromuscular Techniques, restoration is starting to take place . 

Caroline said . “ I was sceptical but the proof of the pudding is in the eating and I’m getting better , I am able to get back to  work grooming dogs in my saloon and look at the future plans , I knew it was never going to be a quick fix as there was so much damage, but now I am nearly back to full fitness and ability and certainly NO need for a Shoulder Replacement !.

“So now folks if you need a Dog Groomer I can help give me a call or have a look on my website www.toshcindersdoggrooming.co.uk

Shoulder Injury Norwich, Getfitstayfit Norfolk Helped Restore Back to Fitness

Shoulder Trauma in Norwich

A Shoulder Injury Prevented Jill, from doing a lot of the things she loved.

Jill is a fantastic lady with a very busy life, apart from her Business Wings for Love , of which her heart is firmly planted, she does a great job, as she is a very caring lady, being there for people in both their happiest days and the saddest giving hopes for the future and kind words to help in the grieving moments.

She also is a very devoted Grandmother and a keen Ceroc Dancer, so when an injury to her shoulder, while she was on holiday made all things difficult , she asked Steve to see if he could help and though we could say how well she is doing we think she shows it better than words.

We are so Pleased we could help Jill and get her back to Fitness again.

The Inspirational Sports Personality Award At Broadlands Council Sports people of the year

The Inspirational Sports Personality Award At Broadlands Council Sports people of the year

Getfitstayfit Norfolk had the privilege of being asked to Sponsor an award for Broadlands Council Sports people of the year 2014. Our chosen category to sponsor The Inspirational Sports Personality Award.

On Friday 24th October we met up at Thorpe Lodge,  welcomed by Maria from Broadlands Council who did a fantastic job of putting the event together , then welcomed by Councillor Adams who opened the event .

We presented the Award to a fantastic young man Jonathan Drane the evening was excellent we had a chance to meet up with another inspiringly young man, Paralympics Athlete Danny Nobbs and to hear his story as you can imagine we were blown away, by his determination, all the work he has put in and how he views life, then getting to meet Jonathan was just amazing, a little about Jonathan and why Broadlands considered him a worthy winner, after meeting him we also understood why and hope to be working with him in the future.

Jonathan has also started working towards a degree in psychology at The Open University. Studying for any degree is always challenging. Jonathan was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 15, and so was often excluded from lessons, and wracked with feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. Prior to this he had not received any additional help at school. He has now been made patron of the ADHD foundation.

In his first ever Visually Impaired, VI, competition, Norwich lad Jonathan Drane clinched an epic victory, seizing gold after winning every fight by putting on an excellent display of fighting at the VI US Open in Colorado. Drane was a plumber with his own business before his eyesight deteriorated due to Corneal dystrophy diagnosed as part of a routine eye check in 2011. He fought on the GB senior squad but now he is aiming for success as a part of Great Britain’s Visually Impaired judo team training at The British Judo Association Centre of Excellence

Jonathan has also started working towards a degree in psychology at The Open University.  Studying for any degree is always challenging.  Jonathan was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 15, and so was often excluded from lessons, and wracked with feelings of self-doubt and anxiety.  Prior to this he had not received any additional help at school.  He has now been made patron of the ADHD foundation.

Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk We presented the Award to a fantastic young man Jonathan Drane the evening was excellent we had a chance to meet up with another inspiringly young man, Paralympics Athlete Danny Nobbs

He wants to challenge the stigma associated with ADHD and show other young people living with the condition that anything is possible, whatever life throws at you.

There were quiet a few winners in different categories, that evening from Schools, Coaches to Volunteers, this is a great local event, we as a local Broadlands company felt it right and privileged  to be involved

Sporting Injuries, Do not let them ruin your life.

Sporting Injuries

Ben came to Getfitstayfit Norfolk with 2 Chronic Sporting injuries, that were causing problems for him, possibly even to the point, that he would not have been able to continue, on the career  path he had set himself on and worked very hard to achieve.

This is his Testimonial

I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment.

I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult.

A couple of  months ago I had my first treatment with the Bioneuro Sigma-Q & Hydrotherm Massage system with Steve Kirby. I was going for treatment to my groin and also my shoulders.

The last couple of years I had suffered from multiple dislocations to one shoulders and muscle ruptures in the other shoulder. This meant that I would rest until I thought the injuries had recovered and as soon as I started weight training the injury would re-occur, often worse than before.

The scar tissue and damage to the muscles were so bad it would prevent me from even lifting my arm due to the pain.

The session with my shoulders lasted 1 hour where the  Bioneuro Therapy   worked extremely deep into the muscle. At the end of the session Steve performed hands on massage with me laying on the Hydrotherm massage bed (boy was it warm and so relaxing)  he then advised me of  my training plan for the next week.

During the following week I was able to weight train, pain free for the first time in 2 years.

I then had treatment the Bioneuro System treatment on my groin. I was concerned at what effect this would have as Steve had assessed the injury and identified that the there was major tension to the muscle surrounding the groin.

After 2 session of the  Bioneuro & Hydrotherm Massage system the flexibility in my groin is the best it’s been in 8 years

and I now have pain free mobility which I never thought I would regain.

The benefits of the Bioneuro  & Hydrotherm are better than anything I have experienced in injury clinics before, and believe me I’ve had my fair of treatment.

I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment.I started playing rugby at the age of 10, which most of you will know has its fair share of lows when it comes to injury. When I was aged 11 ,I picked up an injury to my groin whilst playing which would further deteriorate for the next 7-8 years without proper treatment. I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult. I was able to continue playing but would often finish games early due to the smallest of impacts causing me unbearable pain. This had a big affect on my personal game as my specific position required skills that demanded that area of my body to be fit and this injury made playing extremely difficult.

To go from severe pain to completely pain free training in just one session pushes the boundaries of what I thought possible, especially considering the severity of my injuries. Thanks to Steve Kirby and the Bioneuro Sigma-Q & Hydrotherm Massage system, I can stay fit for life.

We are pleased to say that Ben is now working with a Top Rugby Club and pushing forward with his career.”

Injury Will Prevent The Fluid Golf Swing.

Injury Will Prevent The Fluid Golf Swing

You can’t do a thing if you’ve not got that swing. Sounds like words from an old song, but believe me having treated quite a few Golfers these are words I hear quite a lot,when that injury occurs,  you won’t have that Swing.

Lets face it folks when it comes to Golf it is all about the swing, and the follow through and if you can’t do that then you are not playing Golf, at least not how you should be. to develop a good fluid swing being physically relaxed, more supple makes a better functional swing, from the back swing to the follow through .Speed comes from the more relaxed posture.

First of all you need to get the basics right it makes a fundamental difference, did you know that a move, that is wrong in the first place will always be wrong. When you learn to play your muscles adjust accordingly so if you have been taught the positions right it will follow that your body will adapt accordingly. the same applies if you learn the wrong move’s  from bad positioning . those same muscles movements will be repeated again and again, breaking a bad habits in position is harder to do than you would think so start right, then improve.

You have to Set up right, to do this you must ,  to be able to develop a solid swing technique to do this you must  be able to move your body freely and for your body to move as freely as possible.

When being injured with Back Pain for an ardent Golfer, was not an option.20140715_142514 How an Injury Led him to Getfitstayfit Norfolk This is a testimonial from a very ardent Golfer, for him to be unable to play due to injury was not a good thing, action was get rid of the injury. “Diary of a Golfer” Saturday- Played Golf – no problems (except my swing). Sunday – awoke with slight niggle in my lower back which got worse as the day went on. Monday. – awoke in such pain that I could hardly get out of bed and had to use a crutch to get around. Terrible pain in lower back.
Try a warm up before you play ! Roll your neck but be careful not to go too far back. Shrug your shoulders rolling them forwards then backwards. Bear hug yourself. Roll your trunk around your hips. Stretch one arm up above your head and bend your elbow, then pull your elbow down with your other hand. Rock up and down on your toes; raise both hands above your head and lean from side to side. Take a step forward, lean back on your rear foot, and lift the toes of your forward foot off the ground. Roll your ankles keeping your toes on the ground.

Poor flexibility is a key risk factor for a golf injury

You have to start with  balance, for balance you need to have good support from your core muscles i.e. your transverse abdominals.  Your weight should be in the middles of your feet this balance is essential, this is when your glutes and hamstrings come in to their own, and you need this balance both left to right and back to front.

You need to be able to  Push your hips back, angle your spine toward the ball and  flex your knees, if you have good posture it helps with balance and stability. I am not going to tell you how to make each move you need to be learning that from a Professional player, most clubs have one or two who for a fee and it is worth it will get you training on the right road. There are also lots of videos out there to help.

Another injury problem for  Golf players are injuries due to over use of muscles , yes you need to practice and it can be additive, but you need to have time out to rest, unless you are a professional player, you are likely to also have a full time job and Golf is your hobby, your interest, your sport of choice , so you will have to be able to do your normal job as well as having time for Golf.  Don’t let your hobby takeover your job,  it needs to be fun and something you look forward too, it needs to be something you enjoy not a chore and certainly not a pain in any shape or form , Golf is great exercise far from being a passive sport, that does not require any real degree of fitnessGolf incorporates cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and even balance and coordination. You may no realise this, but Golf even helps in the  prevention of brain degradation, which can result in loss of memory . Golfing forces you to remember, to use your brain more to remember plays,  numbers, images, even specific  techniques and tip  . Therefore you are in a win, win situation , it is  a great all-around way to exercise both body and mind.

Golf uses a number of different  muscles  throughout the body, from your neck, shoulders hips knees down to your feet and to be at your best and vital to help you execute that winning golf driver swing you have to keep them supple.

This is where Regular Massage, can be of great benefit . And adding to your training regime By using

These treatments will help improve your mobility, balance not to mention increase strength and power.

Hydrotherm Massage that works deeper than orthodox massage aiding “Vasodilatation “or a good blood supply to all your muscles. Lying on beds of heated water relaxation will rejuvenate your muscles help to give muscle strength and a greater range of motion to aid your game.

With the Aid of The Bioneuro Therapy system the sigma Q technology that will work deeply into those deep muscle area’s, more than other therapies available, e.g. lower back to enhance your core stability and body movement .

Our aim is to keep you fit, flexible and free to play a great round of Golf.

Hamstring Injury Treatment In Norwich, When You Need Help Fast.

Hamstring Injury Treatment

Jonathan came to us with very tight Hamstrings, as someone who plays a lot of Rugby, he needed this to be dealt with quickly, leaving it and waiting for it to recover on its own was not an option.

Hamstring Injury can cause further Muscular Issues in the Body.

Jonathan’s Testimonial

Thank you for the treatment I received last week on my hamstrings. Since starting back, pre season rugby training my hamstrings have really suffered. So I thought it best to get some help, I have had treatment from Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk for other injuries I have suffered, but decided I needed to be on top off this from the beginning.

Jonathan came to us with very tight Hamstrings, as someone who plays a lot of Rugby, he needed this to be dealt with quickly, leaving it and waiting for it to recover on its own was not an option. Hamstring Injury can cause further Muscular Issues in the Body. Jonathan’s Testimonial Thank you for the treatment I received last week on my hamstrings. Since starting back, pre season rugby training my hamstrings have really suffered. So I thought it best to get some help, I have had treatment from Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk for other injuries I have suffered, but decided I needed to be on top off this from the beginning.

Steve used  Bioneuro therapy system Sigma Q(ΣQ)® which  really got deep into the affected area marking a huge and lasting difference.

Then using Sports and Neuromuscular Injury Techniques  treatment on the Hydrotherm Massage bed, was a great way to finish the treatment. The warm bed is fantastic, making me feel very relaxed and comfortable.

All together the whole treatment was great.

Many thanks

and I look forward to future treatments that I may need



Large Items to Move Getfitstayfit Norfolk Say’s GET HELP DO NOT MOVE IT BY YOUR SELF

I was born with scoliosis and had a Spinal Fusion at three years old. The operation worked very well up until the age of around 20 when I started to notice lower back pain. This increased over the years leaving me struggling with chronic pain. I tried various things like epidural and nerve root injections but nothing seemed to work. In June 2016 I underwent surgery to correct the curve in my spine, taking a piece out and replacing it with a metal cage as well as two metal rods either side for support. Unfortunately during the operation The surgeon caught my spinal cord leaving me in Spinal Shock and temporally paralysed from the waist down, but within days I started being able to move my legs very slightly but I was unable to move my toes or my feet.

A client, came to us in so much PAIN her back was injured when she tried to move a Sofa BY HERSELF

Large items to move GET HELP.  if it is a big item to move,  Do Not do it by yourself !!!!

Lot’s of folks have done this , tried to move a sofa or a bed by themselves and the next thing , they have hurt their Back badly.


Folks there is so much damage you can do by trying to move things that are frankly just to heavy for one person, you have to stop and think of yourself and the consequences.

Thankfully for this client , a lovely lady  we were able to get her Back problems dealt with very quickly, using the Bioneuro Sigma Q and The Hydrothem Massage System, for others, they are not so fortunate.

Large items to move GET HELP. if it is a big item to move, Do Not do it by yourself !!!! Large items to move GET HELP. if it is a big item to move, Do Not do it by yourself !!!! Lot's of folks have done this , tried to move a sofa or a bed by themselves and the next thing , they have hurt their Back badly. Lot’s of folks have done this , tried to move a sofa or a bed by themselves and the next thing , they have hurt their Back badly

Here is her message to us after she had been on a visit to family, after treatment with us.

Just a quick bulletin to let you know that the back is so much better now and also that I am making sure I don’t lose any more battles with heavy sofa’s!

It was so good to go and visit the grandchildren which I am sure I would not have been able to do without your fantastic care and assistance. Travelling 200 miles was a daunting thought but in the end was no problem at all. Thank you for all your kindness and help in enabling me to get back on my feet so quickly.

Ski Injury Recovery And Rehabilitation In Norwich

Ski Injury Recovery And Rehabilitation In Norwich

 I  was reminded by one of my clients that it was, Skiing time.

With all the rain we have had and the mildness of the weather it had not occurred to me,

but now with  I feel it is time to talk to folks about Skiing Injuries

like any other sporting injury they can vary, but lets face it  broken arms legs  seem to be the usual suspects, as for your muscle’s, strains and sprains are very prominent , lets not forget you are in cold conditions, so if muscles don’t have time to warm up they will pull and more than likely  to tear.

Although sometimes disasters happen like  the incident that has affected   Michael Schumacher,  these are rare these days and we are thankful he is in a stable condition, also  the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has injured her pelvis on a cross-country skiing trip during her Christmas vacation although she is still working, but  is now having to cancel some of her engagements.


Although sometimes disasters happen like the incident that has affected Michael Schumacher, these are rare these days and we are thankful he is in a stable condition, also the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has injured her pelvis on a cross-country skiing trip during her Christmas vacation although she is still working, but is now having to cancel some of her engagements.

I deal with recovery and rehabilitation of injuries, Sprains, Strains and recovery after all broken bones are  a regular occurrence and in all my years in business, I have had to deal with quite a few, dealing with them using Neuromuscular Injury Techniques, massage on the and with The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (ΣQ®) 

We all know that prevention is  better that cure and preparation is always better, unless you are to prepared to fail.

It is the same with suppleness and conditioning , if you have regular massage, you muscles are more supple and flexible therefore they will allow you to become more flexible, less prone to injury, no matter what sport or exercise you do.

Ice, snow are unstable surfaces, so it is more important that you counteract that with stability in your body.

Here are some of the Common injuries, and how it may be possible to  avoid them.

 Skier’s thumb. ( A nice name for also known as Gamekeepers Thumb)

This is a  upper extremity injury, affecting  the stabilizing ligaments on the sides of the thumb joints – usually the inside or ulnar collateral ligament (UCL).

How does it happen

It often occurs when a skier falls and they do not release the ski pole, causing over-bending and stressing of the thumb. The first thing is the pain, you will feel it, do not ignore this it is a  signal to see a Doctor or therapist , It could be a  partial tear of the ligament, possibly treated with a splint; a Therapist would be able to advise you because if it is a complete tear it will need surgery, you will need to see a therapist for rehabilitation work after surgery to get you back on track.

Tips on prevention of this injury

Your reaction is to hold on to the Ski pole, Don’t you have to let go of your ski poles the moment you fall. There are certain poles because of the type of handles,  as a beginner you should avoid talk to the Ski shop advisers for information on this to help decrease risk

Knee injuries

As I said the main problem,  40% of all skiing injuries, are  either ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) or MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) sprains or tears of these ligament and muscle groups,  being the most common.

How does it happen

Knee injuries  usually occur  as the result of the something Skiers call the  Snow Plough Position, ( Imagine you are doing a squat with your knees to far forward, past your toes, your body is not stable and the most extreme point is your knees), so when a skier is falling  in this position  they will hit the knee joint with excessive force. Another injury  caused to the knees, can be because of  Skis crossing or stance widening too far . Again, we may be looking at splinting   as it may resolve the injury, but again there is a possibility of more ruptures occurring,  you may  require surgery. Therapy will defiantly be needed after this and the sooner the better, early intervention, will defiantly speed up recovery.

Tip on prevention of this injury

The best prevention  here is pre-conditioning of your quads, Massage and the correct sort of workout building steadily, should help considerably.  Proper maintenances is so important. Avoid an overly-wide stance, and if you do start to fall, don’t resist, go with it. ( one other tip is why not go to a Jujitsu class and ask for a few lessons  in learning how to fall you will be in a safe environment with guys who specialise in that sort of teaching )

Head injury

As with any head injury it is a must that you get it checked out Straight away DO NOT leave it under any circumstances.

Tip on prevention of this injury

I will pull no punches here. These  can be fatal when skiing at high speeds. So it is important that helmets are worn  they are vital protection, you may find your self in a situation  of travelling down the slope 2-3 times faster than the recommended range, for even the best helmet protection, so if your new to the sport please stay in  the designated areas advised and listen to your instructors.

There is no if’s or maybes about this one, You should always wear a helmet,  you should also monitor your speed to stay within a safe zones. Also, be aware of others around you and your surroundings, use your common sense to avoid collisions, remember you are on a slope of a mountain,  there will be people above you so  look uphill as well as down, and give way when you need to as they may not be able too , Always  follow directions on the signs it could well save your life.

Neck and Shoulder Injury

These can occur from a sudden fall, damage may be to the Clavicle or Scapular  also injury to the Humerus because of impact due to the fall, these injuries seem to be more prevalent with Snowboarders, than Skiers.  In this case it may be a hospital trip to put things back in order, you may also have damage to muscle groups from the Trapezius, Rotator Cuff muscles, to Rhomboids if these muscles are tight, this can be the case especially if you are in a sedentary  working environment  and not use to a rigorous activity, then these muscles are suddenly having to do a lot of stretching  and work.

Tip on prevention of this injury

Try to stay flexible with shoulder and neck muscles, lots of exercises you can do keep supple, massage can be essential for these muscles, as we do seem to not use them as much as we should. When you feel tired, relax these muscles and a hot soak in the bath or a session in a steam room can always be good for them.

If you are New to skiing some quick tips to help:

1. Don’t overdo it, trying to impress your friends, we all need to start out somewhere and if you want to continue with the sport do it sensibly . Start out on easier terrain,  improve your skills gradually take your time enjoy it, you are not in a race you are on a steep learning curve . Before you even start on the real thing , get in shape prepare those muscles, have  proper training, try a dry slope.

2. There is a  skier’s “code of conduct” – these are common-sense rules, you will see them posted on the slopes, don’t ignore them, They are for your benefit, your  protection, and for  the safety and of others, don’t become and injury statistic.

3. We have not mentioned the Ski lifts .You must  Pay attention to them and others when getting on and off the lift, this can be a prime time for injury, and you don’t want that, on your first time out.

4.You have to take breaks. I know in the  excitement you will want spend your Ski time challenging yourself . Injury rates do increase with fatigue, when you are tired you are not focused, pace your self , rest when you feel you need to take it sensibly and steady  , as with any  exercise you will need to stay hydrated so you still need to drink plenty of water.

5. Learn to take the fall; Don’t fight it , as I have already stated  fighting it is how ligaments get torn and damaged. Your bottom can is your best friend  If you can, sit down to break the momentum Also this will naturally bring you down into a foetal shape. Tucking every thing in. Less area to damage.

6.  Take lesson from a professional, that is what they are there for, to improve your technique you skill and to help you avoid any bad habits , don’t take short-cuts , they will not do you any favours .

If you do sustain an injury

You should see the doctor, don’t be a hero, whenever you sustain any type of injury. Skiing injuries  should always be evaluated to avoid the possibility of long term damage, most can usually be treated without operative intervention and can be stabilized  and treated  by a therapist  with excellent results.

Before you venture out on the slopes, get in shape!

Skiing  will put heavy demand on some major muscle groups, so lets get them prepared. I will say this again regular massage is a preventative  measurement as well as a recovery and rehabilitation measure.

Quadriceps are the main muscle group used for skiing; they maintain your stance and protect your  knees. You need to get them in shape, try squats and remember  your knees should not go over your toes.

Glutes & Hamstrings: These allow you to  flex, forward into the leaning position needed for  downhill skiing, it  requires great strength and a lot of work  from your hamstrings and glutes.

Thighs: Your  inner thighs keep the skis together, while outer thighs are the main  provider of stability and steering.

Calf muscles the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.  keep you upright over your bent knees. These are your power house you need to strengthen them.

Abs and Back:  When Skiing you need to be in the proper flexed, bent position but this will put stress on your back. You need to  strengthen your core stability to prevent spinal injury.

Arms: You need to be able to  push-off with power and stability, so work on the  shoulder joints,  biceps and triceps need to be  part of your  preparation routine.

Look at the whole package and work it out with your trainer, don’t miss out the massage it is a must to keep all those muscles in top working order.