Own Goals can be Painful

We have all done it at some point in our lives, we have  scored an own goal.

Quite often at a time when we are wanting to be at our best,  be it in our fitness and health ,doing the garden or in our exercise regime ,  even in our business working environment, we were trying our best then an injury occurs,

We hear these statements, from our patients quite frequently .

This it was not meant to happen, it was not in the plan, certainly don’t want it, can’t afford this to happen, I should never have  risked it .

We know  it’s always inconvenient,  often painful even if it is not a broken bone,  we know it will cause us a problem.

The Questions we get asked are.

How bad is it ?

Will I be off work ?

How long will it take to recover ?

Will there be long term damage ?

Can you sort it out?

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Our answer is, “We will do our best to help you get back to being the best you can as soon as you can”

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk it is all about “The Goals” we want you to score the right goals and to get them in the Back of the net

Our Goal is to to deliver

This is for all our patients,  we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our  patients in their time ,

Getting  to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free  movement, to restore  the bodies  natural fluidity and balance , this can only  come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Shoulder Trauma in Norwich
You have had an injury, be it shoulder , back , hip ,or knee, it is your injury.Back Pain In Human Body You did not want it,no one wants’ it to happen, you did not expect it, so the question is. What are you going to do now ?
For those injured  muscles to be functional and well orchestrated again, by the nerves that are just sending, out of tune  pain messages, to calm them down and allow the body to be  working in harmony again, To reduce the need for painkilling medication and for the brain, to work at a better level again and not be fogged by the medication used to mask the pain.

How do we achieve this ?

With the use of  Neuro muscular injury techniques and manipulation, getting to the root of the problem , using the Bioneuro and its ability of  identifying the nerves that are not firing, therefore not getting the messages through to the muscle groups, that facilitate movement, we are then in a position to restore the damage area and get people back on track to healing.
This is for all our patients, we need to get you back to fitness, we score by giving good treatment , working with our patients in their time , Getting to an injury early is essential, the need to reduce pain, to achieve pain free movement, to restore the bodies natural fluidity and balance , this can only come with good core stability, our goal is to achieve this.

Our aim to activate those nerves , invigorate the muscles, to improve healing , a combination of treatment  designed to delver a good result, so that our patients , can go on to deliver the goals they want to achieve.

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