Knee and Hips we all have them, but the unfortunate thing is we use them and abuse them , we take them for granted, we work them, sometimes when we should be resting them .
Our joints work hard for us and when they fail us we need to deal with reasons for this, sometimes our joints have got to the point that we need surgery in the form of a Hip or knee replacement, the waiting times for such surgery is long and it is getting longer.
During that waiting time the injury can get worse the pain can escalate the painkilling medication is no longer
effective , while waiting for surgery you still need to stay active , but mobility becomes excessively difficult, you may end up or stronger medication that comes with it’s own side effects .
When we are less mobile and in pain it affects our well being overall, our mental health, we can get depressed, one of the main things is the lack of muscle use, when we are less mobile and use our muscles less they tighten or shorten we feel stiff this makes us fell less like moving , but we need to keep those muscles active, we need the blood and oxygen to move through our muscles, all in all we make it more difficult for ourselves if we don’t.
Supple Muscles make life a whole lot better, while you are Pre-Op, during Surgery and Post Op.
Before I met my wife Jacqui, she had been involved in a very bad car crash, one of her injuries resulted in her needing a Hip replacement, on her Right hand side, one of the other injuries on her Left hand side was her Patella, it was dislocated and had to be put back into position she also had shoulder,wrist and foot injuries.
I treated Jacqui after her Hip surgery getting her back walking again, but a couple of years later her knee, that had never been fully right after her accident, started to give her real problems, we found out she had a Patella Fracture she needed a knee replacement, when you have a knee replacement it is never the same, your knee does a lot of work and a replacement knee can not move in the same natural flexible way a your own knee can, so it was a daunting and worrying time for Jacqui.
For me it was time to find out more and more, what would be the best treatment for her to aid with recovery, I hit the books big time talked to a knee surgeon, I was determined to make sure she had a great recovery , during that time I found out so much more about knee injury, I was determined to use it to my advantage , I have since put all that information and learning into the treatment of my clients, to specialise in Hip and Knee Pre-op and Post-op recovery and rehabilitation, for them to have as quicker recovery with the need for less medication and while they are waiting for surgery to help make their time more bearable keeping them flexible and more prepared for surgery.
We used the Bioneuro along with massage and Neuro manipulation techniques to keep Jacqui’s muscles supple during that time she did not need painkilling medication, and she was mobile, when it got closer to the surgery unfortunately there had been a delay of 2 months for surgery, things did get a little more difficult with mobility so we did use the Bioneuro a little more , it did the job even the surgeon was pleased at how good a condition her muscles were in as it made his job easier and the recovery time would be less.

Using the Bioneuro after surgery and again gentle massage helped with a speedy recovery , she did well getting a good bend on her knee and walking up and down stairs, one of the best things was that during that recovery time Jacqui did not need lots of medication she had good blood flow and good muscle movement, healing was far quicker and she got back to doing what she loved doing taking our dog for a walk and she still does.

We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path.