Knee and Hips we all have them, but the unfortunate thing is we use them and abuse them.

Steve and Jacqui Kirby

Knee and Hips we all have them, but the unfortunate thing is we use them and abuse them , we take them for granted, we work them, sometimes when we should be resting them .

Our joints work hard for us and when they fail us we need to deal with reasons for this, sometimes our joints have got to the point that we need surgery in the form of a Hip or knee replacement, the waiting times for such surgery is long and it is getting longer.

During that waiting time the injury can get worse the pain can escalate the painkilling medication is no longer

effective , while waiting for surgery you still need to stay active , but mobility becomes excessively difficult, you may end up or stronger medication that comes with it’s own side effects .

When we are less mobile and in pain it affects our well being overall, our mental health, we can get depressed, one of the main things is the lack of muscle use, when we are less mobile and use our muscles less they tighten or shorten we feel stiff this makes us fell less like moving , but we need to keep those muscles active, we need the blood and oxygen to  move through our muscles, all in all we make it more difficult for ourselves if we don’t.

Supple Muscles make life a whole lot better, while you are Pre-Op, during Surgery and Post Op.

Before I met my wife Jacqui, she had been involved in a very bad car crash, one of her injuries resulted in her needing a Hip replacement, on her Right hand side, one of the other injuries on her Left hand side was her Patella, it was dislocated and had to be put back into position she also had  shoulder,wrist and foot injuries.

I treated Jacqui after her Hip surgery getting her back walking again, but a couple of years later her knee, that had never been fully right after her accident, started to give her real problems, we found out she had a Patella Fracture  she needed a knee replacement, when you have a knee replacement it is never the same, your knee does a lot of work and a replacement knee can not move in the same natural flexible way a your own knee can, so it was a daunting and worrying time for Jacqui.

For me it was time to find out more and more, what would be the best treatment for her to aid with recovery, I hit the books big time talked to a knee surgeon,  I was determined to make sure she had a great recovery , during that time I found out so much more about knee injury,  I was determined to  use it to my advantage , I have since put all that information and learning into the treatment of my clients, to specialise in Hip and Knee Pre-op and Post-op recovery and rehabilitation, for them to have as quicker recovery with the need for less medication and while they are waiting for surgery to help make their time more bearable keeping them flexible and more prepared for surgery.

We used the Bioneuro along with massage and Neuro manipulation techniques to keep Jacqui’s muscles supple during that time she did not need painkilling medication, and she was mobile, when it got closer to the surgery unfortunately there had been a delay of 2 months for  surgery, things did get a little more difficult with mobility so we did use the Bioneuro a little more , it did the job even the surgeon was pleased at how good a condition her muscles were in as it made his job easier and the recovery time would be less.

Bioneuro Sigma Steve Kirby in Use

Using the Bioneuro after surgery and again gentle massage helped with a speedy recovery , she did well getting a good bend on her knee and walking up and down stairs, one of the best things was that during that recovery time Jacqui did not need lots of medication she had good blood flow and good muscle movement, healing was far quicker and she got back to doing what she loved doing taking our dog for a walk and she still does.




We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path.

We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path. 

7 Marathons in 7 Days, helping the Guys that did it, Going Beyond

7 Marathons in 7 Days

This early May bank holiday was the start of an incredible week for me, I had the pleasure to be part of a team that helped two fantastic guys, that were doing,

7 in 7, Going Beyond, I mean 7 Marathons in 7 Days, these two men, I have come to admire and  truly proud to have been of help to them.

First what they were doing , this was a major challenge, some would say impossible, but they were intent on doing it so they needed to have support, their challenge was to run 7 marathons in 7 days staring on the Bank holiday Monday

The reason to raise funds, for a Community project here in Norwich, you may ask why  ? If you had met these two guys you would understand it just had to be done.

The  original building for Soul church was at Heartsease Lane it had been burnt down 13 years ago,  the intention is to rebuild and build it better, to offer more for the community of Norwich, to help with our homeless and the people that need us most in the community, it is not just about a building.

This early May bank holiday was the start of an incredible week for me, I had the pleasure to be part of a team that helped two fantastic guys,that were doing, 7 in 7, Going Beyond, I mean 7 Marathons in 7 Days, these two men, I have come to admire and truly proud to have been of help to them. First what they were doing , this was a major challenge, some would say impossible, but they were intent on doing it so they needed to have support, their challenge was to run 7 marathons in 7 days staring on the Bank holiday Monday

As a member of Soul Church Norwich, a very proactive church and with our pastor Jon Norman also a  Chaplin for Norwich City  being a very much a hands on get the job done type of guy,  when he decided that he was going to do this, his enthusiasm alone made you want to be on board with it, so Jon then got together with his fellow Chaplin for Norwich City, Lewis Blois to undertake the challenge.

We had some great people involved all brought together and under the watchful eye of Nathan French, he took on the role of coordinator arranging the route to the venues the guys were going to visit like Carrow Road on the 6th day of the challenge also the day that Norwich City, went up to Premier League , also on board, Neil Featherby  of Sports Link, Neil is know for the challenges he takes on and running is his passion, so who better to set out the target’s and regime for the guys, also the team of support staff for the guys.

The guys had to stay focused and keep ahead the goal in their mind, they had to stay positive and that alone is a challenge as any runner could tell you. My job was to keep their muscles working to the best of their ability allowing them to push through each day knowing it would be a little bit harder every day for them keeping the muscles supple, we could not afford any aches pains or niggles.

The guys had to stay focused and keep ahead the goal in their mind, they had to stay positive and that alone is a challenge as any runner could tell you.


My job was to keep their muscles working to the best of their ability allowing them to push through each day knowing it would be a little bit harder every day for them  keeping the muscles supple, we could not afford any aches pains or niggles.

Using Neuromuscular Techniques , Massage and when needed the input of The Bioneuro System,  the guys had been making sure they were working to a build up regime warming up before they did any runs, keeping hydrated.

Muscles will get damaged if allowed to shorten, also they risked the high possibility of Lactic acidosis build up, this is when  your body doesn’t have enough available oxygen to break down glucose in the blood,  although Lactic acid does not cause soreness in muscles and massage does not remove lactic acid, what massage does do is to allow better blood flow that will help the muscles to be  oxygenated by blood flow.

Lactic acidosi  is the condition that was so important for us to avoid , this is a condition that is caused by a build up of Lactate in the body due to the amount of exercise the guys were going to be doing the risk of build up of L-Lactate in the bloodstream was extremely high  along with the formation of an  excessively low pH in the bloodstream.

Creating  a form of metabolic acidosis,  this is when the excessive acid accumulates go on to create a problem with the body’s oxidative metabolism ,causing a burning feeling in the muscle groups they were using the most, also nausea and weakness.

Massage and hydration  allowed  their bodies to replenish their  fluids rid them of lactic acid

allow nutrients to create the  energy  they  needed, therefore , relieving  sore muscles. preventing muscle cramps and keeping  their  bodies performing at optimal levels, massage  also helped  prevent the onset of DOM’s keeping the muscles flexible .


The guys handled the whole 7 in 7 really well, no major issues just very tired by the end of it all, If you would like to know more about how they did and what they raised please have a look at some of the highlights 

Runners need to make sure their feet are in good condition some basic advice may help.

Runners need to make sure their feet are in good condition

First tip. Your feet these are the things that are going to be carrying you through this, so they need to be looked after, keep them clean make sure that your toenails are trimmed.
Make sure your trainers fit well and are comfortable a few runners say it is best to try new trainers on later in the day when your feet are hot, this is your call but always make sure you only wear them on short runs to begin with, you do not want to be wearing new trainers on the day of a big run, they need to be already be worn in, or you may get blisters on the day ,but we don’t need to encourage them.
What about the socks ? make sure you turn them inside out and check for loose threads before the day of a big run, make sure they fit comfortably don’t have them to tight, socks can do a lot of damage if they cut into you.

First tip. Your feet these are the things that are going to be carrying you through this, so they need to be looked after, keep them clean make sure that your toenails are trimmed. Make sure your trainers fit well and are comfortable a few runners say it is best to try new trainers on later in the day when your feet are hot, this is your call but always make sure you only wear them on short runs to begin with, you do not want to be wearing new trainers on the day of a big run, they need to be already be worn in, or you may get blisters on the day ,but we don’t need to encourage them. What about the socks ? make sure you turn them inside out and check for loose threads before the day of a big run, make sure they fit comfortably don’t have them to tight, socks can do a lot of damage if they cut into you.

Now the exercises for the feet while sitting in a chair. You need a tennis ball put it under the arch of the foot and roll it down to the ball of the foot then up to the heel this will help to stretch those muscle in that area you also need to grip the toes in and out a few times a day again to stretch muscles in the foot, also again while sitting a form calf raises this will help the Achilles tendon.

Plantar Fasciitis , Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis

You also need to pamper your feet, massage between the toes around the toenails under the toes, you can get cracks in the skin there and don’t forget the ankle ( always massage towards the ankle then up towards the lower leg with firm but gentle pressure you can always use a bit of olive oil ) look after them tootsies now and they will do you proud on the day.

What Foot & Heel Pain Treatment in Norwich, Norfolk ???

Heel Pain

Mark came to our clinic here in Norwich in a great deal of PAIN in his FOOT and more now he is .“Pain Free, yes after 18 month’s of constant pain he is now pain free in his heel and  back he is now back participating in sport once again and enjoying life. “

Mark told us “ About 24 months ago I started suffering with a pain in my left heel and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. During the next 12 months I tried various methods to resolve the issue from Adjustable boots to massage balls for your feet all which gave me limited relief for short periods of time.

"About 24 months ago I started suffering with a pain in my left heel and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. During the next 12 months I tried various methods to resolve the issue from Adjustable boots to massage balls for your feet all which gave me limited relief for short periods of time.

I was recommended to contact, “Get fit stay fit Norfolk and talk to Steve, make an appointment for an assessment.”

I met Steve at his treatment room and he set about assessing my problem with my heel, however what I got was a complete MOT….Steve asked a series of questions about my current well being, completed a physical and set about assessing me.

“So, just my heel your thinking, oh No, I also mentioned to Steve that I suffered from Backache from time to time and the occasional headache as well but the main issue was with my heel.”

It soon became clear that my backache was as a result of me walking differently because of the pain in my heel. Steve suggested a course of Bioneuro Therapy coupled with a deep massage.

To be honest, I was sceptical with the approach as I hadn’t seen this type of therapy before, however in for a penny in for a pound as they say, as I thought I’ve got nothing to loose.

Early results were frustrating for me as I was getting some relief for short periods of time but the pain continued for some time. I attended Steve’s clinic weekly and continued with the course of treatment. Steve was also dealing with my back issue and also used Bioneuro Therapy coupled with a deep massage in this area as well and what he called Neuromuscular Manipulation 

I cant say that I enjoyed all of the deep massages (No pain no Gain comes to mind) at the time, but the rest was ok and the  benefit of this coupled with the Bioneuro Therapy had  started to pay dividends.

I hadn’t expected an instant cure and maybe I was hoping for a quicker result.

Steve explained to me that the damage had been done over a long period of time and would take time to heal , but you get to a tipping point when the healing starts to progress and things really do feel better, it is easy to forget how much pain you were in. 

This is how it happened to me, the periods where I was pain free started to extend between treatments and the treatments became less frequent that has now brought me to my current status…….Pain Free, yes after 18 month’s of constant pain I’m now pain free in my heel and my back.

I’m now back participating in sport once again and I’m enjoying life.  



She had suffered from severe pain in one of her feet, as the bones had not fused correctly.

pain in one of her feet

Since Mel’s early teenage years she had suffered from severe pain in one of her feet as the bones had not fused correctly.

Bio-mechanics and numerous interventions had been attempted by health professionals when finally, six years ago, a plate was implanted into  Mel’s foot with a view to alleviating the pain.

Unfortunately, the pain remained and her life continued to accommodate it.

Mel is a fan of Rock and she used to love going to concerts to listen to live music, unfortunately, the pain in her foot made standing at gigs extremely uncomfortable.

 Even the day-to-day running around after her children gave her, pain and distress.

Since Mel’s early teenage years she had suffered from severe pain in one of her feet as the bones had not fused correctly. Bio-mechanics and numerous interventions had been attempted by health professionals when finally, six years ago, a plate was implanted into Mel’s foot with a view to alleviating the pain. Unfortunately, the pain remained and her life continued to accommodate it.

Recently Mel visited Steve here  at  our clinic in Blofield. We treated Mel using  the ‘Bioneuro Therapy System’ with its ‘Sigma Q’ technology. She said of the treatment.

 “At first I didn’t want to move my foot, but  when I did.. .great or what…NO pain! That was my first experience,”

Thankfully the foot pain had  become so infrequent Mel’s GP decided it was time to have the plate removed.

Thankfully the foot pain had become so infrequent Mel’s GP decided it was time to have the plate removed.

Steve gave Mel some pre-operative treatment and the operation was a success.

Since then she has attended three post-operative treatments and is  now walking normally and returning to work.

About her treatment she says

“If you experience pain that affects your lifestyle and would like advice or Treatment to make life easier, then please get in touch with Steve Kirby at Get Fit Stay  Fit Norfolk.

Norwich Electrician Sparking again, thanks to Getfitstayfit Norfolk of Norwich.

Do You Want to Be The Best

It is always good to work with other local  business, so when we had our,  “New Purpose Built Treatment Room” built, we had  the electrics fitted by Cozens (UK) Ltd 

Then we then had a call from Cozens (UK)Ltd, to ask if we could help with one of their employees , we were very happy to do so.

It is always good to work with other local business, so when we had our, “New Purpose Built Treatment Room” built, we had the electrics fitted by CozeIt is always good to work with other local business, so when we had our New Purpose Built Treatment room built, we had the electrics fitted by Cozens (UK) Ltd . Then we then had a call from Cozens (UK)Ltd, to ask if we could help with one of their employees , we were very happy to do so. ns (UK) Ltd .

As you may know, electricians like plumbers and builders some times have to get into the most awkward of positions, to deal with laying cables, pipes  and such like, they have to stay supple, but that sort of work takes its toll on the body.

Jack is a young man who had suffered for a long term back pathology since the age of 15, he has had numerous other treatments to help deal with this issue, as it had started to affect his work and he found some parts of his work were becoming restrictive.

As you may know, electricians like plumbers and builders some times have to get into the most awkward of positions, to deal with laying cables, pipes and such like, they have to stay supple, but that sort of work takes its toll on the body.

The Directors and Management at Cozens (UK)Ltd, know how important it is for their staff to be on top form  as they believe very much in  Good Occupational Health, to the point of the Dictionary meaning . 

“Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations by preventing departures from health, controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people, and people to their jobs.”

We treated Jack with, The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (ΣQ®),working into the deep level of his connecting  fascia, then with massage and manual manipulation on the Hydrotherm Massage System , to achieve a good clinical outcome.

Having resolved Jack’s issues, he was able to compete in a major endurance race of 20 miles with 200 obstacles , he was also in a lot better position to do his work for Cozens electrical UK. following the race.

We are also happy to say we are now their,  Occupational Injury Therapist of Choice for their staff .

Having resolved Jack’s issues, he was able to compete in a major endurance race of 20 miles with 200 obstacles , he was also in a lot better position to do his work for Cozens electrical UK. following the race.

We received an Email From Marcus Cozens, thought you may like to have a read, also have their details for any Electrical work you may need as we can certainly vouch for their work.


My name is Marcus Cozens, I am a director for a local company, Cozens (UK) Ltd. We are electrical contractors and carry out a range of commercial/domestic work.

We have many exciting and demanding projects with some having short deadlines, with this in mind we have to ensure our staff are well cared for and fit for the demands of the job.

We had an employee off work for a couple of days with historic back pain, we decided to book him in with our dedicated therapist Steve at ‘Getfitstayfit Norfolk’, Once again Steve worked his magic and our employee was shortly back to work.

Steve does an excellent job in insuring we at ‘Cozens.(UK) Ltd are at our best physically to enable us to provide a quality service to our valued customers.

Marcus Cozens (Director)


Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Painful Calf Strain, How we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk CAN HELP YOU

Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains.

We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks.

We know this is a typical  Football Player Injury along with Groin Strain and Hamstring.

Calf Strain can quite often after a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , this then can add on further injury time if it is not managed well keeping players from playing for a number of weeks 

Not everyone has that luxury, of down time to get better after such an injury, if they are playing socially for fitness and fun with friends.

They need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form.

So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.Here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we have treated quite a few people with Strains and Sprains. We can assure you a Calf Strain is very painful, it can keep you off work for several weeks, now we know a certain Liverpool Football Player has now got a Calf Strain having only just got over a Thigh Strain, which in its self is extremely painful , he it seems will be unable to play for another few weeks. Not everyone has that luxury, they need to get back to work in a shorter time period, they also need to be back on form. So what causes this sort of problem and how can it be fixed. First of all what is the problem . A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg. There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

First of all what is the problem ?

A calf strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the calf muscles and typically causes pain in the back of the lower leg.

There are 2 major muscles that are affected one of which originates from above the knee joint  this is the Gastrocnemius the other of which originates from below the knee joint is the Soleus, Both muscles insert into the heel bone via the Achilles tendon, we all have probably  had a twisted ankle at one time and Achilles has a lot to answer for.

What causes it ?

During contraction (Pulling of the muscle ) of the calf, tension is placed through the calf muscle. When this tension is excessive due to too much repetition or high force, the calf muscle can be torn.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem some

of these factors can be.

There is always a background, or root cause to this problem someof these factors can be. Not warming up the muscles sufficiently Inappropriate/incorrect training Poor flexibility in the calf Bio-mechanics may be out of line causing poor foot posture Ankle joint stiffness Calf weakness Inadequate rehabilitation following a previous calf strain Decreased fitness level Fatigue due to excessive training Neural tightness (Calf muscle tightness is defined by any activity or situation in which those muscles stay contracted beyond or independent of physical exertion).

What is the outcome of a tear? 

This may be from a small partial tear, whereby there is minimal pain and minimal loss of function, to a complete rupture which may require surgical reconstruction.

Why are Strains and tears are graded  from level 1 to level 3 ?

  • Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed.
  • Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level)
  • Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from this.



Grade 1 Tear: ) A small number of fibres are torn resulting in some pain, but still allowing full function. Rest is needed. Grade 2 Tear: ) A significant number of fibres are torn with a moderate loss of function.(Most calf strains tend to be in the Grade 2 Level) Grade 3 Tear: ) All muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function. Very painful and can take a while to come back from th

So what can be done, to help people who may have done this sort of damage ?

If it is a Grade 3 tear then surgery is the only real answer, but help with pre opp is of real benefit and will aid towards post opp rehabilitation.

Keeping the rest of the muscles supple makes the surgery easier, less chance  of Muscle imbalances, will keep your

Bio-mechanics in line, aiding with flexibility.

Grade 2 tear, this is all about promoting healing and the sooner it can be dealt with the better early intervention, rest and elevation as much as possible, initially ICE is your friend.

This is where we can help greatly with the cutting edge equipment The  Bioneuro Sigma Q, we can help with the promotion of healing long before, other manual methods of intervention, therefore cutting down healing time and the  need for Pharmaceutical  intervention,  this also applies to a Grade 1 tear. Have a look at Johns testimony to see how we helped him after his Strain.

 Getting people back to fitness is what we do,

Sprained,Painful Swollen Ankle, John Came To Getfitstayfit Norfolk For Help

Swollen Ankle

Most of us at some time have twisted, or Sprained our Ankle in our lives.

Then ended up with our leg raised, ice around the ankle , then hobbling around for a couple of weeks, It is not pleasant, when it first happens it is that sick feeling and the worry that it may be broken, the pain can be that intense, then the relief when, A&E say.


“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

“It’s only a Sprain ” then the realisation that you are still in a lot of pain, you have to hobble around and you have to rest it for weeks.

John did this very thing to his ankle and he did not do anything by half.

Twisting his ankle when he missed his footing down a rabbit hole, was not the ending he had expected after a morning of flying his kite, he ended up in A&E to be told that 4 weeks off work or more was likely to be the consequence of his accident, time that John could ill afford, he then decided to come and see Steve Kirby  here at Getfitstayfit Norfolk for help to get back to recovery a lot sooner.  Have a look at his testimonial.

Runners Knee How Bad IS IT, Advice in Norwich Norfolk.

Runners Knee How Bad IS IT, Advice in Norwich Norfolk

It always amazes me how a type of injury or condition can become synonyms with certain types of  activities or people.  My concern is by simplifying the name of the injury , are we simplifying the injury itself. 

For instance Policeman’s Heel, Athletes’ Foot, Golfers Elbow, Tennis Elbow or Housewives/ Housemaids Knee, (this affects roofers more than any one else),  Builders Back and of course Runners Knee, really are these things a diagnosis  ?

The answer is No they are not, in some case’s it is what we would call an coverall for a few problems, used because the exact problem has not been fully diagnosed for what ever reason.

With muscular injuries this can be the case, because of transferred pain or more than one group of muscles being affected, it should not however take away  the serious of the injury, or the treatment needed just because it has a simple name.

Take Runners Knee for instance.  The real name is  Chondromalacia patellae (CMP)

This is what Wikipedia has to say about it

While the term Chondromalacia sometimes refers to abnormal-appearing cartilage anywhere in the body,it most commonly denotes irritation of the underside of the kneecap (or “patella”). The patella’s posterior surface is covered with a layer of smooth cartilage, which the base of the femur normally glides effortlessly against when the knee is bent. However, in some individuals the kneecap tends to rub against one side of the knee joint, irritating the cartilage and causing knee pain.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about it While the term Chondromalacia sometimes refers to abnormal-appearing cartilage anywhere in the body,it most commonly denotes irritation of the underside of the kneecap (or “patella”). The patella’s posterior surface is covered with a layer of smooth cartilage, which the base of the femur normally glides effortlessly against when the knee is bent. However, in some individuals the kneecap tends to rub against one side of the knee joint, irritating the cartilage and causing knee pain.

The condition may result from acute injury to the patella or chronic friction between the patella and a groove in the femur through which it passes during knee flexion. Possible causes include a tight iliotibial band, Neuromas, bursitis, overuse, malalignment, core instability, and patellar maltracking.

Pain at the front or inner side of the knee is common in both young adults and those of more advanced years, especially when engaging in  football gymnastics cycling rowing tennis ballet basketball, horseback riding, volleyball, running, figure skating, snowboarding, skateboarding, and even swimming. The pain is typically felt after prolonged sitting.” Skateboarders most commonly experience this injury in their non-dominant foot due to the constant kicking and twisting required of it. Swimmers acquire it doing the breaststroke, which demands an unusual motion of the knee

See what I mean it is not so simple and it is not restricted to Runners,

One thing that is apparent, there is pain and you need to rest it and  get treatment, or it will not get better,  just categorising the problem as Runners Knee, will by itself not sort out the problem, you still need to put a treatment package in place with your Doctor so ask the question ” What sort of Runners Knee is it”. Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace or you may be on your way to a meniscus problem and surgery.

One thing that is apparent, there is pain and you need to rest it and get treatment, or it will not get better, just categorising the problem as Runners Knee, will by itself not sort out the problem, you still need to put a treatment package in place with your Doctor so ask the question ” What sort of Runners Knee is it”. Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace,Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace or you may be on your way to a meniscus problem and surgery.

You need an idea of recovery time, don’t forget, when a professional athlete has an injury they have down time to recover, you may not  have that time period, you have to work, what you do in work may irritate the injury. All these factors have to be taken in to consideration. Something that some one with knee problems needs to be aware of they are nearly always degenerative,  don’t assume it will go away it may settle down for a time, but things can trigger it off again and you can be your own worse enemy.

Plantar Fasciitis , Plantar Fasciosis.or Capsulitis.Getfitstayfit Norfolk Asks Which Is It ?

Plantar Fasciitis , Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis

You may have heard of Plantar Fasciitis,  it is Painful, but you may not have realised that there is also Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis they are all different,

The main differences being  that with Plantar Fasciitis there is inflammatory swelling in the area  around  the connective tissue or ligament on the sole (bottom surface) of the foot.

This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate.  The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.

The best treatment is R.I.C.E. As the swelling goes down , then and only then can you start on stretching the area again some of the exercise’s  include a Tennis or golf ball and rolling it under the foot from the toes to the heel, massage of the area is very useful, but remember with out treatment and care it will degenerate, to become a long term injury. So take care rest when it is needed, keep on top of it, or it will beat you. What causes it, now here is the problem if you are a runner, or dancer the bad news is, it is often caused by overuse of the plantar fascia, increases in activities, weight or age.

This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.You may have heard of Plantar Fasciitis, it is Painful, but you may not have realised that there is also Plantar Fasciosis or Capsulitis they are all different, The main differences being that with Plantar Fascitis there is inflammatory swelling in the area around the connective tissue or ligament on the sole (bottom surface) of the foot. This is a common condition and if treated immediately it may not degenerate. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes. The best treatment is R.I.C.E. As the swelling goes down , then and only then can you start on stretching the area again some of the exercise’s include a Tennis or golf ball and rolling it under the foot from the toes to the heel, massage of the area is very useful, but remember with out treatment and care it will degenerate, to become a long term injury. So take care rest when it is needed, keep on top of it, or it will beat you. What causes it, now here is the problem if you are a runner, or dancer the bad news is, it is often caused by overuse of the plantar fascia, increases in activities, weight or age.

The long term condition Plantar Fasciosis . The suffix “osis” implies a pathology of chronic degeneration this is  without inflammation. Since tendons and ligaments  do not contain blood vessels they do not actually become inflamed. Instead, injury to the tendon is usually the result of an accumulation over time of microscopic tears at the cellular level. Well folk this is still not looking good if you are a runner or dancer as these microscopic tears  need time to heal, we all know how dedicated runners are to there sport, but if not treated and time taken to rest , then running may no longer be an option. Better to rest when you need should, than to have to give up all together.

We don’t want this to happen, Prevention is the best way to go with this problem, first your feet are your best friends you need them never mind Stand by me this is a case of Stand on them and you need to be able to with out pain.

How do we know we have it

First of all there is , the pain, usually felt on the underside of the heel and is often most intense with the first steps of the day not a  great way to start the morning . Another symptom is that the sufferer has difficulty bending the foot so that the toes are brought toward putting on shoes the shin (decreased dorsiflextionof the ankle ). Also a symptom commonly recognized among sufferers of plantar fasciitis is an increased probability of knee pain, this is very presented among  runners



This is pain that is  Sometimes felt in the  ball-of-foot it is  mistakenly assumed to be derived from plantar fasciitis, But this is a dull pain or numbness in the metatarsal region of the foot  and unlikely to be the plantar fascia inflamed and  more likely to be the  metatarsalgia, also called Capsulitis.  This is an inflamed flexor digitorum brevis muscle

Some of the Problems/ Injuries that occur Insertion Tendonitis This is an inflammation at the point where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone. When you have this problem you will have tenderness directly over the insertion of the Achilles tendon, which is commonly associated with calcium formation, or a bone spur forming just above the insertion point. You may also suffer a Retrocalcaneal bursitis; this is caused by movement-related irritation of the Retrocalcaneal bursa, the fluid-filled cushioning sac between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon. The bursa can become inflamed or thickened and stick to the tendon, because of overuse or repetitive loading. You will feel pain when squeezing the tendon itself or the space just in front of the tendon.

Looking after your feet. It is Essential.

If your a runner at some point your will get the urge to try for one of the Big Ones you will want the medal , so preparation is of the utmost importance. Having looked after a quite a number of runners at events including the London Marathon, I have seen some injuries cause by the wrong shoes from  gait to knee injuries, lower back problems and  messed up feet, a lot of these injuries could have been prevented by the right footwear, we recommend and advise our clients  to go to a good Sports shop, that know what they are talking about . The reasons why you need a certain shoe, from the shape to  the type of material  structure of the shoe. As Sports Injury  Therapist I don’t sell shoes, but I do have a very good relationship with  some Sports shops so I asked for advice  on your behalf from a very reputable company this is what Neil of Sportlink Running-Fitness Specialists  had to say.

” My main warning would be to just be very careful who you buy from online i.e. always buy from a running specialist!!

I have been in this trade for 25 years and have seen so many changes during that time. I know the industry inside out having also worked with a number of manufactures as well.

There are lots of processes that shoes have to go through during the manufacturing of a quality shoe i.e. moulding, temperatures, time, etc, etc and this is just for the midsole. However and as with all industries some times there are one or two problems whereby product is not finished correctly and end up being sold via the grey market to wholesalers in bulk i.e. grade two and even grade three product.

Looking after your feet. It is Essential. If your a runner at some point your will get the urge to try for one of the Big Ones you will want the medal , so preparation is of the utmost importance. Having looked after a quite a number of runners at events including the London Marathon, I have seen some injuries cause by the wrong shoes from gait to knee injuries, lower back problems and messed up feet, a lot of these injuries could have been prevented by the right footwear, we recommend and advise our clients to go to a good Sports shop, that know what they are talking about . The reasons why you need a certain shoe, from the shape to the type of material structure of the shoe. As Sports Injury Therapist I don’t sell shoes, but I do have a very good relationship with some Sports shops so I asked for advice on your behalf from a very reputable company this is what Neil of Sportlink Running-Fitness Specialists had to say .

Any good running specialist would not touch this product with a barge pole!!

We certainly will not, but do see it several times when customers come back to us with a pair of supposed top quality shoes that have broken down very quickly due to soft midsoles or the customer is injured due to the midsoles being too hard.

We can tell straight away just by feel and sometimes from the codes inside the tongue. Anything more than 25% off trade is basically old stock which has to be cleared, but after a maximum of two years oxidation of the EVA foam is likely to have taken place or as already stated the product could be faulty. At Sportlink as I am sure at The Runners Centre and Pilch as well, you can be sure that you will always be sold product of the highest quality. Running shoes are the most important piece of kit you will buy, so always be 100% sure before buying

Getfitstayfit Norfolk & The Runners at The Braydeston 5K Fun Run 2013

Getfitstayfit Norfolk & The Runners at The Braydeston 5K Fun Run 2013

The morning of the 8th September 2013 was a beautiful morning, we at Getfitstayfit Norfolk had been looking forward to the day.

It was the day of  The Braydeston 5K Fun Run , this is an even organised by Kirk Wilson in aid of Cancer Research, we are happy to be one of the sponsors , working at the run with Pre & Post Massage, we had quite a few people take up the offer of both.

Some great people, also good meeting up with members of The Norwich Road Runners folks if you are looking for a running club to join have a word with these guys you won’t go far wrong. The whole thing was  well organised and a pleasure to be part of and yes a great cause, but still fun.

Some great people, also good meeting up with members of The Norwich Road Runners folks if you are looking for a running club to join have a word with these guys you won’t go far wrong. The whole thing was well organised and a pleasure to be part of and yes a great cause, but still fun.

Recovery & Rehabilitation or the Limbo Room

You have had an injury, be it shoulder , back , hip ,or knee, it is your injury.Back Pain In Human Body You did not want it,no one wants’ it to happen, you did not expect it, so the question is. What are you going to do now ?

You have had an injury, be it shoulder , back , hip ,or knee, it is your injury.

You did not want it,no one wants’ it to happen, you did not expect it, so the question is. What are you going to do now ?

You can.

Take painkillers to mask it and stay in the Limbo room to wait for it to heal on it’s own maybe.



Recovery & Rehabilitation or Over Medication

Or you can.

Move forward to the Rehabilitation and Recovery room , make progress, towards getting your life back on track again.


We know Massage releases the “feel good factor” and there is a reason for that it is not all about just relaxing, massage helps release Endorphins and Dopamine, it is the physical input that the therapist applies to the patient and how it is applied that makes the difference.

 Which is it going to be ?

These are the decisions only you can make for yourself, but you do have options, besides waiting in the Limbo room and taking painkillers.


The sooner an injury is treated the easier it is to treat, the sooner it will heal, early intervention always helps.  Keeping Muscles Supple is a must. as muscle tightness (Hypertonicity)  in the injured and surrounding area of the injury, can cause you real pain to the point that it could prevent you from getting the exercise you need, to help you progress to getting you back to fitness.

Muscle Activation Techniques  need to be applied and  the sooner the better, to aid in the  progression to the recovery and rehabilitation stage after an injury, unused muscles don’t help you in any way.

We have  an in-depth understanding of the mechanical principles of the Musculoskeletal body, we are able to address and intervene in aiding these  Musculoskeletal  imbalances that occur due to injury, quicker than conventional methods.

By using the tools such as The Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (ΣQ®) this is a tool used, to aid in rehabilitation of some of our Elite sportsmen and women and can get to the deep muscle issues, that unfortunately can’t be reached with normal muscular release techniques, due to the fact, that  in the early stages or a muscular injury, the pain factor felt  by the injured person, can be so overwhelming for them.

Using the Hydrotherm Massage Therapy System, this is a system that is used in spinal injury treatment  to alleviate pressure on the injured area as it allows for  better accessibility. It gives us the advantage of being able to treat the area without adding further discomfort for the injured person.

If an injury is  left,  It will be  these muscular Skeletal  imbalances that  may lead  to chronic and repetitive stress injuries. In later life. as  once something is damaged it will never be the same it becomes week and prone to injury.

This need not be the case if Early intervention and the correct treatment is applied.

Muscle Tightness happens to us all at some point, but do you know why and what can you do to help prevent it ,  first of all you need to remember that all Muscles Pull and to pull it is only one way Up, we all know we have muscle groups, but what happens when one member of the group does not want to work?

It does not stop the rest, in fact they take on the extra work they become Martyrs to the muscle that is not doing it’s share, they are protecting your body and being overworked.

What we have to do is find  the culprit, that is not doing it’s job, by doing certain tests.

As  a muscle’s job is to produce motion, control and stabilize joints  Then you will find that If, one or more muscles are tight, depending on the stress exists, it will  follow logically that certain ranges of motion from one side of the body to the other will not be symmetrical when tested.

Recruitment of muscles will be off balance , it will show to  the trained eye and hands what is going wrong.

Then we move onto Rehabilitation, do you know we have, Muscle memory we do and it has been used synonymously with motor learning, which is a form of procedural memory that involves consolidating a specific motor task into memory through repetition. When a movement is repeated over time, a long-term muscle memory is created for that task, eventually allowing it to be performed without conscious effort. This process decreases the need for attention and creates maximum efficiency within the motor and memory systems, this can be a great thing if you are fit and well as your muscles will work in a fluid motion within your body, but when you are injured, your muscles react differently, they want to tighten up to protect themselves so that they won’t get injured again, some muscles have to take over other muscles work , as the injured muscle wont stretch out , it becomes a habit and a default position.

So next time you have

Shoulder, back, hip, neck, leg, or even foot tightness, etc. from your Sports  workouts or your  day-to-day occupational  responsibilities, consider it as an important warning don’t just ignore it,  start finding out where the cause of the problem exists. The symptom of pain and tightness are a sign and often exists simply because some muscles have and not  done their job, get it checked keep on top of it.

Because if we only look at the symptoms when an injury occurs and  not  the root cause,

we will not be in a position to prevent chronic problems, becoming exacerbated in later life.

Our Treatment today will be a good investment

for your physical abilities tomorrow.