The huge dark cloud of injury, that had threatened Lucy, of The GB Kayak Team, was swept away By Getfitstayfit Norfolk.

What is a Gold Medal Achievement

GB Kayak Team Member Lucy needed help Mum contacted Getfitstayfit Norfolk, we got Lucy back on form again and one happy mum sent us this email.

With the amount of training Lucy has to do for her kayaking I am always concerned that she might come home broken one day.

This turned out to be the case when she came home from a ski training camp this spring. The trip was primarily cross-country skiing to help with the aerobic fitness training for her kayaking. On the last day Lucy went snow boarding and had a couple of pretty heavy falls.

On arriving home she complained of a headache, so we all presumed she had concussion but during the week she did not improve and could not train at all or do any of her studies.

This Was Not good

With the amount of training Lucy has to do for her kayaking I am always concerned that she might come home broken one day. This turned out to be the case when she came home from a ski training camp this spring. The trip was primarily cross-country skiing to help with the aerobic fitness training for her kayaking. On the last day Lucy went snow boarding and had a couple of pretty heavy falls. On arriving home she complained of a headache, so we all presumed she had concussion but during the week she did not improve and could not train at all or do any of her studies. This Was Not good.

After talking through her fall, I realised that she might actually be suffering more from a whiplash type injury, so I phoned Steve Kirby  who had recently been recommended to me by a friend who had suffered a serious fall from her horse.

She had said “Get Lucy to see Steve he’s a miracle worker!”  She was not wrong. After one session Lucy’s headaches were gone she could move freely, not even realising that she had in fact been quite stiff and restricted in her movement even prior to skiing.

It was like a huge dark cloud which had threatened to ruin her whole season and possibly career had been swept away.

After 2 days she was back in her boat and back to gentle training and then back to Nottingham, for full training within a week of her being home.

Result and huge relief all round. It’s was quite hard to keep Lucy Thinking positively before seeing Steve as she thought her season was ruined before it had begun.

All I can say is a huge thank you from me, for not only correcting physical issues, but this has a knock on effect on the mental attitude .

Great to see the young lady I have been helping ( a Member of GB u23 Kayak Sprint Team ) who travelled from Nottingham to Norwich for Sports Massage and Bioneuro treatment to ensure she is on good form for selection for the European Championships

“Now she has a belief that yes she can train hard again and achieve her goals. Some things are meant to be and without her fall we may never have met Steve who has sorted out a lot of longstanding issues which we would otherwise not have known about.”

What Foot & Heel Pain Treatment in Norwich, Norfolk ???

Heel Pain

Mark came to our clinic here in Norwich in a great deal of PAIN in his FOOT and more now he is .“Pain Free, yes after 18 month’s of constant pain he is now pain free in his heel and  back he is now back participating in sport once again and enjoying life. “

Mark told us “ About 24 months ago I started suffering with a pain in my left heel and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. During the next 12 months I tried various methods to resolve the issue from Adjustable boots to massage balls for your feet all which gave me limited relief for short periods of time.

"About 24 months ago I started suffering with a pain in my left heel and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. During the next 12 months I tried various methods to resolve the issue from Adjustable boots to massage balls for your feet all which gave me limited relief for short periods of time.

I was recommended to contact, “Get fit stay fit Norfolk and talk to Steve, make an appointment for an assessment.”

I met Steve at his treatment room and he set about assessing my problem with my heel, however what I got was a complete MOT….Steve asked a series of questions about my current well being, completed a physical and set about assessing me.

“So, just my heel your thinking, oh No, I also mentioned to Steve that I suffered from Backache from time to time and the occasional headache as well but the main issue was with my heel.”

It soon became clear that my backache was as a result of me walking differently because of the pain in my heel. Steve suggested a course of Bioneuro Therapy coupled with a deep massage.

To be honest, I was sceptical with the approach as I hadn’t seen this type of therapy before, however in for a penny in for a pound as they say, as I thought I’ve got nothing to loose.

Early results were frustrating for me as I was getting some relief for short periods of time but the pain continued for some time. I attended Steve’s clinic weekly and continued with the course of treatment. Steve was also dealing with my back issue and also used Bioneuro Therapy coupled with a deep massage in this area as well and what he called Neuromuscular Manipulation 

I cant say that I enjoyed all of the deep massages (No pain no Gain comes to mind) at the time, but the rest was ok and the  benefit of this coupled with the Bioneuro Therapy had  started to pay dividends.

I hadn’t expected an instant cure and maybe I was hoping for a quicker result.

Steve explained to me that the damage had been done over a long period of time and would take time to heal , but you get to a tipping point when the healing starts to progress and things really do feel better, it is easy to forget how much pain you were in. 

This is how it happened to me, the periods where I was pain free started to extend between treatments and the treatments became less frequent that has now brought me to my current status…….Pain Free, yes after 18 month’s of constant pain I’m now pain free in my heel and my back.

I’m now back participating in sport once again and I’m enjoying life.  

