Runners Knee How Bad IS IT, Advice in Norwich Norfolk.

Runners Knee How Bad IS IT, Advice in Norwich Norfolk

It always amazes me how a type of injury or condition can become synonyms with certain types of  activities or people.  My concern is by simplifying the name of the injury , are we simplifying the injury itself. 

For instance Policeman’s Heel, Athletes’ Foot, Golfers Elbow, Tennis Elbow or Housewives/ Housemaids Knee, (this affects roofers more than any one else),  Builders Back and of course Runners Knee, really are these things a diagnosis  ?

The answer is No they are not, in some case’s it is what we would call an coverall for a few problems, used because the exact problem has not been fully diagnosed for what ever reason.

With muscular injuries this can be the case, because of transferred pain or more than one group of muscles being affected, it should not however take away  the serious of the injury, or the treatment needed just because it has a simple name.

Take Runners Knee for instance.  The real name is  Chondromalacia patellae (CMP)

This is what Wikipedia has to say about it

While the term Chondromalacia sometimes refers to abnormal-appearing cartilage anywhere in the body,it most commonly denotes irritation of the underside of the kneecap (or “patella”). The patella’s posterior surface is covered with a layer of smooth cartilage, which the base of the femur normally glides effortlessly against when the knee is bent. However, in some individuals the kneecap tends to rub against one side of the knee joint, irritating the cartilage and causing knee pain.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about it While the term Chondromalacia sometimes refers to abnormal-appearing cartilage anywhere in the body,it most commonly denotes irritation of the underside of the kneecap (or “patella”). The patella’s posterior surface is covered with a layer of smooth cartilage, which the base of the femur normally glides effortlessly against when the knee is bent. However, in some individuals the kneecap tends to rub against one side of the knee joint, irritating the cartilage and causing knee pain.

The condition may result from acute injury to the patella or chronic friction between the patella and a groove in the femur through which it passes during knee flexion. Possible causes include a tight iliotibial band, Neuromas, bursitis, overuse, malalignment, core instability, and patellar maltracking.

Pain at the front or inner side of the knee is common in both young adults and those of more advanced years, especially when engaging in  football gymnastics cycling rowing tennis ballet basketball, horseback riding, volleyball, running, figure skating, snowboarding, skateboarding, and even swimming. The pain is typically felt after prolonged sitting.” Skateboarders most commonly experience this injury in their non-dominant foot due to the constant kicking and twisting required of it. Swimmers acquire it doing the breaststroke, which demands an unusual motion of the knee

See what I mean it is not so simple and it is not restricted to Runners,

One thing that is apparent, there is pain and you need to rest it and  get treatment, or it will not get better,  just categorising the problem as Runners Knee, will by itself not sort out the problem, you still need to put a treatment package in place with your Doctor so ask the question ” What sort of Runners Knee is it”. Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace or you may be on your way to a meniscus problem and surgery.

One thing that is apparent, there is pain and you need to rest it and get treatment, or it will not get better, just categorising the problem as Runners Knee, will by itself not sort out the problem, you still need to put a treatment package in place with your Doctor so ask the question ” What sort of Runners Knee is it”. Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace,Don’t just assume, and don’t let your Doctor just assume you know what it is, you need to have answers you need the right treatment, mainly because you don’t want to make it worse, you may need to wear a knee brace or you may be on your way to a meniscus problem and surgery.

You need an idea of recovery time, don’t forget, when a professional athlete has an injury they have down time to recover, you may not  have that time period, you have to work, what you do in work may irritate the injury. All these factors have to be taken in to consideration. Something that some one with knee problems needs to be aware of they are nearly always degenerative,  don’t assume it will go away it may settle down for a time, but things can trigger it off again and you can be your own worse enemy.

Meniscus injury, Pre & Post Surgery Treatment With Getfitstayfit Norfolk

Steve’s Bad Knee. We seem to be having a lot to do with knees at the moment and as we have more and more clients that like to run and knee injuries seem to be a problem, we thought you may want to hear Steve’s story.

The knee is one of the most often injured joints in the human body. Being the biggest joint, it is composed of the femur that rotates on the upper end of the tibia, and the kneecap patella, which slides in a groove on the end of the femur.

The knee also contains large ligaments, which in turn help control physical activity by connecting bones and by holding the joint against abnormal types of motion. Another important formation is the meniscus, is a block of soft cartilage between the femur and tibia that serves to cushion the knee and helps it soak up shock during activity.

Steve, an excessively keen runner came to our clinic with a knee issue. Locking as he was running and walking, being in extreme pain as well. Following treatment on the Bioneuro System for pre surgery and also post surgical this man is up and ready for action again. 

Recovery and Rehabilitation after Knee Surgery In Norwich

Recovery and Rehabilitation after Knee Surgery

I have recently undergone knee surgery on my meniscus.

Prior to my operation Steve successfully diagnosed me with a meniscus tear, this is after my doctor told me I had an MCL tear. Steve suggested I went back to see my doctor again and asked for her to look again, Steve was correct my doctor told me that in fact I did have a Meniscus tear.

All thoughts of me carrying on my normal life were in question ( I am a martial arts instructor and also dance for a premier dance event in Norwich, Pams house).

With the aid Steve using Neuromuscular Injury Therapy along with  Bioneuro Sigma Q(ΣQ)® I have continued my life as normal attending the gym, push-bike riding, martial arts, etc. I have to credit Steve and the work he has done to keep me going, to the point that I was at the gym on the day of surgery 2 hours before. 

My surgeon told me before the operation my knee looks in excellent condition, all ligaments and muscle structure were perfectafter the operation again my surgeon visited me and told me ,

“The physio you have be having before this operation has set you up for a very quick recovery, I am very pleased and it looks like all of your hard work along side your physio (Steve) has paid off you will heal much quicker now.”

I am now 2 weeks removed from surgery and again am very much looking forward to returning to my normal active lifestyle, with Steve’s support I know I will.

In closing I would like to mention that the physio offered to me by the NHS told me  that “If you are  seeing Steve then he will be able to offer you much better rehabilitation than we ever could.” What more could I want

I so happy I found Steve and Getfitstayfit Norfolk. Now I can look forward to a successful return to full fitness.

Below a video of what  Brett has to say now he is fully recovered.