“Joint and Muscular Injury is not all about the, Recovery Rehabilitation”

Joint and Muscular Injury is not all about the Recovery Rehabilitation

“Joint and Muscular Injury is not all about the, Recovery and Rehabilitation,” this may seem a strange statement from me , as a lot of my patients will state, to them I am all about the wellbeing, the recovery, rehabilitation and helping them get back to being the best that they can be.

“Times have changed,  as we have all found out, for a lot of people the concerns of longer waiting lists for surgery for Hip and knee replacements has not been the greatest of news some waiting as long as 35weeks and in some cases longer.”

This creates additional concerns and problems for the patient , the main being how to keep  MOBILE,  how to cope with further PAIN , how to deal with further DETERIATION . A combination of these factors can have a serious impact on the Physical Physiological and Psychological wellbeing of the individual.

So lets break down these :


How will this present itself to you  ?

This means the functions, that go on in your body  aided by nerve and blood function to your muscles the brain, that affect your Proprioception, you may find an inability to move smoothly or as I explain to my patients ” They are unable  to have Pain Free Fluid Movement” muscles shorten (tighten) so less flexibility , this can cause problems while sleeping or in a lot of cases lack of sleeping , pain and stiffness on waking making it difficult to get moving in the mornings, getting in and out of chairs putting on shoes, all these things are because the muscles are not supple , the need to keep muscles supple is clear. If muscles are supple then you have a better range of motion, less pain and better function, by keeping muscles supple it makes for a better outcome for surgery, a better outcome for surgery means a better outcome for recovery so it is a Win Win situation. You have to look after you while waiting for surgery.



How will this present itself to you ?

What is physiologic stress? Physiological stress can be defined as any external or internal condition that challenges the homeostasis of a cell or an organism. in this case you,  It can be divided into three different aspects: environmental stress, intrinsic developmental stress, and aging.

You may find  your heart rate will increase, for a short and initial reaction, you may find swelling around the injured  area,  you may have a sharp stabbing, burning  or tingling pain, this being nerve related . Movement may become restricted , also discoloration of skin in the area e.g. . Bruising, this is the first part, then it is about the after affects, the injury may need surgery, while waiting for surgery you may need to have medication, this has to be considered, though you have to work with your body to keep healthy, you may have an injury that causes difficulty in getting around, so you have to make changes in how you do things, we also have to consider aging, some injuries can have a worse affect the older you are , the need to keep bones in good order and ladies be aware after menopause bone density , is just as important as muscles being kept supple, we all need to try to age well, injuries in your youth can come back to haunt you as you get older.



How will this present itself to you ?

When I first, started to write this section, I thought about how people react to an injury, at first and it is basically, The Fight Flight or Freeze reaction, the adrenalin kicks in and we go onto Auto mode,  then the realisation kicks in once we know the outcome of the injury, from the acute stage to the chronic stage it will all take a toll on you in so many ways because of the inability to do what you were able to do before , there is doubt,  there is fear, also guilt, this can all lead to depression.

By now you may be wondering where do  I go from here and the impact of extended  time  , waiting for treatment , in the form of NHS surgery, your muscle still need to work, but if you are not giving them chance, then the longer term issues can come into play.

Forced movement may rupture  muscles, thus creating further issues, during that waiting time the injury can get worse the pain can escalate the painkilling medication is no longer effective so may be increased, while waiting for surgery you still need to stay active, but mobility becomes excessively difficult, you may end up or stronger medication that comes with it’s own side effects , this is when you may feel like it is all spiralling downward and out of your control, you have to be able to function for your own mental and physical health  therefore,


Bio Nuropulse in action


Pain Free Movement is the Goal!

“I know it all sounds a bit doom and gloom, but that need not be the case, the need to keep supple to keep the  endorphins working especially the,  Beta endorphin (this is a great hormone we all love this hormone even if we don’t know it’s name if you are a runner this is the hormone that gives you that great rush, I know a lot of runners that say running becomes addictive because of that feeling they get, well this is the hormone that gives you that feeling, it is a endogenous opioid and a peptide hormone , it is produced in certain  neurons within both the Central and Peripheral Nervous System it helps in the modulation of pain perception, both in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. When pain is perceived, within the pain receptors, ( Nociceptors.)”

The Beta Endorphin main job is to  decrease bodily stress and maintaining homeostasis resulting in pain management, it also plays a main part in the  reward effects, and behavioural stability.

Bioneuro Sigma Steve Kirby in Use

This is why I use the Bioneuro Sigma Q  in my treatment of patients  it is able to work through the Central and Peripheral Nervous System working on all three types of receptors that regulate the neurotransmission of pain signals.

These receptors are called Mu, Delta, and Kappa Opioid Receptors., these are the guys that control  the release of the Beta Endorphin allowing activation of the muscle tissue and nerves, in response to stimulation, relaxation and  reinvigoration of the muscle tissue.  all to improve healing.

With a combination of treatment  designed to delver a good clinical outcome, both pre and post surgery, the main point being with any treatment for my patients, is that  gentle persuasion of a muscle tissue after injury works a lot better than forcing it  working with the patient in their time, baby steps if need be gives more confidence than making them push themselves before they feel able, a patient is a person not a statistic, for me it is the same be it pre or post op a  patient needs to reach their goals and for that it takes time care and understanding.

Young Athlete’s Rugby Injury Healed With help from The BioNeuro and Getfitstayfit Norfolk.

Rugby Injury

Will an up and coming young athlete , aged 16 years, with an Injury problem to his knee after rugby incident.

Will was not in a good way when he first came to us , not only was he not able to take part in any sports due to his injury even walking was difficult , for a young man whose life revolved around his sport he was pretty down.

We got to work with The Bioneuro and Sports Massage and the results were very evident , read what his very happy  mum had to say.

Will had injured his knee 2 months previous after having it bent awkwardly in a rugby match. He had been told he had damaged his MCL and was waiting for an MRI scan. His knee however although he could walk on it, it was still very painful, he was unable to fully extend it and the pain from movement was waking him at night.

He started seeing Steve once a week, 4 weeks ago and the improvement has been brilliant. After assessing Will, Steve began treatment using the Bioneuro Therapy System. After will had endured  2 months of pain,  then with  just one session with Steve, Will said that “The pain had eased,” he could extend his knee slightly further and movement was easier.

Being an observer whilst Will was getting treatment everything was done professionally, caring and without any stress to the injury at all.

Seeing how relaxed Will was whilst the machine and Steve did the work, made it hard to believe anything was happening, but you could actually see the knee moving slightly and straightening out, it was amazing. Then to see Will stand up and walk around the room with hardly any limp after just 30 mins was fantastic.

Steve’s care has been second to none, making sure that Will gets the correct treatment, contacting Consultants and our own GP, also working on all Wills other ailments which, I know, will be fixed.

In Wills own words Steve has done more in these 4 visits than any Doctor has ever done over the years, Will has had to see them regarding injuries/medical problems.


Sara (Will’s Mum)


6 weeks on

Will has now come to the end of his treatment.

” Yes in just 10 weeks and his knee is fixed. Not just fixed okay to the point that he could cope, till he had to have surgery,  but he is  fixed  brilliantly and the best thing is he will No Longer Require Surgery.” A Major relief after, having seen a consultant and being told that Will’s meniscus was torn and an MRI scan was needed to confirm the severity.

Will continued to have the treatment with Steve on his knee along with having various other conditions sorted, as in tennis elbow, neck & shoulder issues.

On his last visit Steve had received the scans results back to be told that the tear had healed.

No surgery required! Fantastic news for Will!

This means he will not have to miss anymore of the sports he loves and he has already been back on the rugby field after 18 weeks out, immediately scoring 2 tries and setting up another!

Also means saving NHS money on theatre/operation costs .

We have no idea what would have happened if we had not have found Steve, his work and care has been fantastic and I cannot recommend him enough, in fact anyone says they have the merest of twinges I tell them to go see him !

Knee Injury Recovery With Sports Therapy At Getfitstayfit Norfolk

We can help with pre-op while you are waiting for that hip or knee surgery to keep those muscles supple and help with mobility meaning less medication and more movement, or Post op as sometimes after surgery people find it difficult to get going again and need that bit of hands on treatment to get them on a good recovery path.

I wanted to get my knee working again. Painkillers didn’t suit me, but I was in constant pain, and it was affecting everything.

Karen had a very complex  knee injury, that required a lot of care. It was not going to be resolved over night, or on its own with just painkillers masking it and rest. Which because of the amount of pain Karen was in, the rest was almost impossible and the painkillers affected her badly, but the Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (∑®  not only solved the problem it also released  the bodies own natural Feel Good Factor, that helped Karen get out of the dumps.


She says

“Throw away the painkiller tablets! – Therapy solves the problem not masks it”.

When I approached Steve and Jacqui, I was limping badly from a month old knee injury, my back hurt, and I was reliant on painkillers to get me through as much of normal life as I could possibly do, – and all sport had stopped. I was unhappy, grumpy, down in the dumps and desperate to DO something, – I wanted to get my knee working again. Painkillers didn’t suit me, but I was in constant pain, and it was affecting everything. After a few sessions from Steve’s Bioneuro Therapy System Sigma Q (∑®) I could feel improvement.

Two months later, fewer than ten sessions have brought my knee back to almost normal range and strength levels, and the smile is back on my face as I am now getting back to everyday life and to my sports.

Thank you Steve! Kirby –

From Karen Reedham

Recovery and Rehabilitation after Knee Surgery In Norwich

Recovery and Rehabilitation after Knee Surgery

I have recently undergone knee surgery on my meniscus.

Prior to my operation Steve successfully diagnosed me with a meniscus tear, this is after my doctor told me I had an MCL tear. Steve suggested I went back to see my doctor again and asked for her to look again, Steve was correct my doctor told me that in fact I did have a Meniscus tear.

All thoughts of me carrying on my normal life were in question ( I am a martial arts instructor and also dance for a premier dance event in Norwich, Pams house).

With the aid Steve using Neuromuscular Injury Therapy along with  Bioneuro Sigma Q(ΣQ)® I have continued my life as normal attending the gym, push-bike riding, martial arts, etc. I have to credit Steve and the work he has done to keep me going, to the point that I was at the gym on the day of surgery 2 hours before. 

My surgeon told me before the operation my knee looks in excellent condition, all ligaments and muscle structure were perfectafter the operation again my surgeon visited me and told me ,

“The physio you have be having before this operation has set you up for a very quick recovery, I am very pleased and it looks like all of your hard work along side your physio (Steve) has paid off you will heal much quicker now.”

I am now 2 weeks removed from surgery and again am very much looking forward to returning to my normal active lifestyle, with Steve’s support I know I will.

In closing I would like to mention that the physio offered to me by the NHS told me  that “If you are  seeing Steve then he will be able to offer you much better rehabilitation than we ever could.” What more could I want

I so happy I found Steve and Getfitstayfit Norfolk. Now I can look forward to a successful return to full fitness.

Below a video of what  Brett has to say now he is fully recovered.