Ju-Jitsu instructor

Steve has helped me to restore confidence in my knee.

“I had to have reconstructive surgery on my ACL and have had physiotherapy supplied to me by the NHS. I have found this to be good and helpful but have still found myself to be lacking in my ability to return to what I love and do best”

This is where Steve comes in. He has helped to build muscle back up and around my knee in all areas. I have feeling in places on my knee that had been absent for a long time.

As I am a 3rd Dan international Ju-Jitsu instructor I need to have full confidence in my knee’s


Steve has helped to re-build this and has supported me in every aspect. If have had a problem or slight pain where there should not be, he is only a phone call away, and will help.

His kind manner and the way he cares, shows just how important each client is. I trust this man and trust his wisdom.

Without his support and help I would never have made it back to full fitness and doing so much more. 


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