Diary of a Poorly Knee
13 Feb


Tonight I had my first session on Steve’s box of tricks. Getting wired up with the pads around my knee and a couple on my back treatment started… Slowly winding up the intensity to the pads my muscles started twinging and the pain relief started. Steve explained what my knee had gone thru and we started to plan a course of treatment. At the of the first session I could take my weight on my knee with only a small amount of pain.

Again doing the manly thing I got back to running my business and my social life… Doing a few long drives the knee soon started playing up again. Steve was on hand again to administer pain relief and advise on how we should move forward.

Steve Says

I attended a pre arranged location this afternoon .Saturday 24/2/2018 to treat Martyn who presented with a chronic knee pathology . Following a full knee examination my hyperthesis (Clinical Opinion ) is Martyn has sustained a Popliteus trauma which has affected the stability of his knee.

15 Feb


Steve was on hand again tonight for my next session on is box of tricks. Having my own pads now meant treatment was underway quickly tonight. Once again Steve cranked up the intensity and my muscles were soon dancing away on their own accord. As there was no pressure being applied pain relief was almost instant.

Steve Says

My patient was unable to weight bear fully I applied the Biosysco Bioneuro Therapy system sending sigma Q electrical frequency deeply into the knee . Aiding Motor Neuron and Neuropeptide transmission to the area plus chemical changes in the patella plexus . Following treatment ,Martyn was able to weight bear . A MRI scan needs to be arranged to fully ascertain the exact cause of the pathology . Bioneuro treatment will be continuing to aid full recovery.

27 Feb


Today was a bad day not having Steve a few now… so off to the doctors I go… and from there straight to A&E.

Knees a Jolly Good Fellow

Norwich A&E

Steve Says

The Bioneuro system sends frequency deeply into the body . Helping , motivation ,stimulation and acceleration of chemical changes in the human body accelerating injury recovery. Effusion/swelling and pain was very apparent when your injury occurred now you can walk unaided and pain free !.

28 Mar


Today’s session has given me the most movement and the least amount of pain in weeks. Pretty much walking with out a limp tonight. Concentrating on the back of my knee this time the feeling of a rolled up sock has completely gone now. Still cant believe the difference an hour can make on the system Steve uses.

It never rains .. .but it snows


Steve Says

We worked on Martyn’s Popliteus muscle . Known as the key to the knee ,very important in walking . Activated from nerve supply in the lower back ,helps look after the inner workings of the knee such as the meniscus .

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