Muscular Pain
We know what it is , we know how it makes us feel, we also know that
it is a warning when something is wrong.
So what do we do?
Take Pain killing Tablets to Mask it and Carry On, Ignore the Pain, Work through the Pain , lets face it No Pain No Gain.
What a load of Rubbish, Please Folks Vote for None of the Above,
Reasons why.!!!

If you mask muscular pain you have a very good chance of doing more damage, by masking the pain and ignoring it you are hiding the symptoms and the root cause, do not get me wrong here, there is a place for Pain Killer Medication, but if you are having to take them all the time , then alarm bells should be ringing, they are not a solution to the problem the solution should be getting it dealt with.
Working through the pain and pushing yourself even when you are in pain if you do not need too, if your not a Super Hero or have some point of self destruction button that you want to press.
Why would you do that to yourself, Big muscles are all very well , but if you can’t lift your own child with out being in agony what is the point.
Muscles need to be kept in shape , but if muscles are full of Trigger Points they can not be worked , Folks it is Counter Productive. It will not help , to have muscles working to their full potential they need to be supple, free from pain , and have Fluid Movement .
Please Think of Your Body as the Whole Thing and you have it for a long time , we all hope .
So why would you damage it and ignore it when it is telling you that something is wrong and that you need to fix it.
You want to improve your body and want it to work for you.
Keeping your body fluid and free from Muscular injury is the Best way,
For that to happen you need to be in tune with your body, Massage and Neuromuscular Techniques .
We Will Help You To Be The Best You Can.