I have spoken in the past and more so just recently, in regard to one of my patients Ivan his injury , how he has been improving and the work we have been doing to enable this .
I will say it has at times been hard work for both of us, but we have had one Goal to get Ivan walking again.
I have used what resources, I have had at my disposal along with a Neuromuscular Activation system, I have been able to use Neuromuscular Techniques, that I had been taught while on a Neuromuscular Course with The Great John Sharkey, at the National Training Center in Dublin
“A course I would recommend all Therapist to take.”
You can by adapting those Neuromuscular Techniques to use them, to suit how you are working , all us therapist do this, once you have the right standard in place you can adapt, while keeping that integral technical procedure in place.
Things have come to fruition, This is a slightly early Christmas Present for the Both of us , but one we are so glad to receive so folks have a look at the video that we have received.
“This is Ivan’s First Time Walking Without Sticks in nearly 20 years”
Ivan’s email to us
Having had a traumatic injury, I had evolved a technique of getting around, to which I used my Right leg as a crutch. In response to this my muscles became stiffer, and stiffer, I didn’t feel that conventional medicine was resolving my situation, I stated looking for an alternative being under a lot of stress due to my injury, I visited Chiropractors and other soft tissue technicians in the hope of providing some relief , but they couldn’t resolve the problem that my right foot was 2 inches off the ground and very reluctant to follow through in front of my left.
They had however, identified deep lateral hip rotator muscles as the problem, as they had totally atrophied
Finally a friend suggested I contact Steve Kirby of Getfitstayfit Norfolk, when Steve first examined me I felt he had an enormous understanding in this field, after my first visit I felt a release from what had seemed to be pulling me downward.
Subsequent visits enabled me to put my right foot on the ground, using the Bioneuro a powerful implement when used by an operator, that has studied neuromuscular injury conditions and techniques , human movement and physiology.
Due to family situations and distant, having regular treatment was difficult so a great deal of time was wasted,
I was determined to keep working with Steve however and not go backwards.
Recently I have been able to have more regular treatment, and with Steve’s training and understanding of human anatomy, mobility, neuromuscular techniques, combined with the added use of the Bioneuro, it has made a great deal of difference to me in my life, I can see vast improvement, it has given me my life back, more independence, less pain, more mobility and freedom.
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