I can laugh and it doesn’t hurt

“Sara came to us, initially as a mum with her son , having seen how we helped him, she asked if we could help her , the answer was “we will do our best”. And we did the results were great  as Sara explains below .”

Having had Steve work on my son Will’s knee after a rugby injury and fixing it so well that he did not need surgery,

I asked Steve if he could sort out my problems that I had suffered for over 14 years!

Having had Steve work on my son Will’s knee after a rugby injury and fixing it so well that he did not need surgery, I asked Steve if he could sort out my problems that I had suffered for over 14 years!

The main problem for Sara was deep rooted problems with her  Fascia, This is The band of connective tissue primarily made up of collagen that is  beneath the skin that attaches, stabilises, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs , but after injury it will tighten in Sara’s case causing constant pain in upper and lower back ,” when this is happens the fascia needs to be stretched it needs to be pliable again exercise will not achieve this, massage helps , but we have found that massage along with the Bioneuro has been of great beneficial help in a shorter length of time.

Sara aged 46 years, Problem with right lung after having Pneumonia and Pleural empyemaalso problem with lower back after problems in child birth.

The main problem for Sara was deep rooted problems with her “Fascia, This is The band of connective tissue primarily made up of collagen that is beneath the skin that attaches, stabilises, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs , but after injury it will tighten ,” when this is happens the fascia needs to be stretched it needs to be pliable again exercise will not achieve this, massage helps , but we have found that massage along with the Bioneuro has been of great beneficial help in a shorter length of time.


My first problem was with my lung, which gave me constant pain when I sneezed, coughed and even laughed! It had been left damaged from having pneumonia and Pleural empyema, I had had an operation that had left some nerve damage to my right arm, which meant lack of strength and pain and s I said my lung was damaged, the best description was it would feel like sandpaper rubbing against the skin. I presumed that nothing could be done for both these issues. Steve had other ideas.

Using the Bionuero Therapy System, Steve said that he would try to get things working again and he wasn’t wrongAfter just one session my pain had gone! I can now cough and sneeze without having to hold my side because of the pain, I can laugh and it doesn’t hurt.

To say I can now breathe may sound strange but for so long I had not been able to completely fill my lungs, I didn’t know what normal was;

I DO NOW. !!!! 4 weeks on and it is still the same, to think all I had to do was lay down get hooked up to the machine and have an hour or so of treatment. It wasn’t painful either, strange feelings of pressure on your body, or little kicks of electric shocks but never painful.

The following few sessions were a little bit more taxing. I had had lower back pain since I bore my first son which left me with damaged nerves and ligaments and a misaligned pelvis. Although this had gotten better after my second pregnancy I was left with a dull ache in my lower back and often tightness in my legs along with the annoying shooting pain in my left buttock and leg which would leave me unable to walk properly. Anyone who suffers this will know what I mean.

Just 4 sessions of the Bionuero system and I could not believe the results.

I could not do a simple leg raise without painan hour of this treatment and I could raise it with ease and with no pain.

I even loved the treatment, which I have to say I miss. 3 other sessions and all sorted.

It took a week I would say for it all to settle, I would still wake some mornings thinking uh oh pain is back but this slowly dissipated and for the past month I have had no pain at all. I have been able to have a whole day gardening and not feel stiff at all, even the next day. I can lift and carry things again without the pain. I can even sit or stand for long periods without feeling discomfort. No waking up in the morning and struggling to get out of bed!

I truly believe in this system, it is so simple yet so effective.

If you want to know what normal is, I highly recommend having this treatment, it is worth every penny.

Sara J

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